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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. it's a pretty common model among effective creative types, get the idea off the ground, and if it's working let someone else maintain it, and move on to the next new and shiny... of course then there's us ineffective creative type that come up with the idea, but rarely move it to the point of launch, and it sits in a bin somewhere untill someone else rediscovers the wheel we invented and gets the glory =D @Chelsea: so glad you could demonstrate agreement with my previous post.
  2. never mind that this question was answered already elsewhere with a free OS script
  3. yes, whole buildings of mesh probably aren't workable right now, but individual elements can be done to great effect adding a whole new level of detail and making some previous design possibilities much more workable.
  4. I didn't ridicule you, I disagreed with your post... last I checked we're all allowed to have opinions. I disagree with lots of things, and agree with still more. it doesn't matter to me who posts it, ideas matter to me, not who generates them. however even when I do agree I try to offer a different perspective to add something to the conversation... you seem to have missed the implicit agreement with Coffee and Power being an idea that isn't likely to go anywhere. and I'd like to point out that each time I've replied to you, I've managed to do so without the use of name dropping or petty insults, if you're going to report someones posts, you might want to pick a more relevant target.
  5. don't pinch, grab and squeeze =O =X =D >=)
  6. as you said, people are waiting to see what comes out... there aren't many doing mesh for houses, so the market is ripe for it... while viewer tags are helpful, they don't give a full picture... there are several TPVs on market with mesh support now and one I know doesn't come up in those tags (cool). there a few off directory ones that also support advertising as any viewer of choice or even changing them on the fly.
  7. best one I saw did scenes using individual pieces configured by notecard so that users could modify or create their own scenes. for best effect, additional copiable drop in scripts for +mod furniture so they could be automatically removed on scene change.
  8. Be aware that this post skirt very close to advertising a product, and may get removed for that reason.
  9. you got documentation from your ISP? I couldn't even get them to deliver the modem... had to go in and pick it up myself... only found out they have email service for customers by scanning their (very poorly defended) network, and have done more to (successfully) troubleshoot their network problems than they have. and the sad thing is this is actually one of the best services I've had.
  10. Canoro Philipp wrote: lets go back to basics, forget about "the union" and clubs and lets look at the source of the problem and why this solution was thought. we need a form of organization to protect the weak from abuse. many people get abused in second life, specially from ones who have more resources than them, im not talking about physical abuse, thats impossible here, but there are other types of abuse, psychological and emotional, that can add a great level of stress on the victim, and potentially damaging the user severly. i have seen that happen here in the forums. to do something about it, groups like Justice League Unlimited has been created, and many others, because in this world with practically no law, there is practically no defense for the weak, the solution of the Union is one of many, because theres a clear need for that, and we dont have a very effective one currently. if anyone can come out with an idea to solve this, if it can solve a small part of it, its a good thing to add to the world. 1 user laughed and laughed and laughed until she cried..... ok, that user was me =D
  11. lower prim counts and higher details through use of mesh are the hot thing right now, the trend before that was instant redecorating options (built in mini rezzors and texture changes which all require custom scripting).... other than that houses are still just houses
  12. all you have to do get those other pretty colors and letters is answer questions in the answers section.... yes really, that's it. but I find it funny that you surmise SL as his only shot at success... you don't seem to get the method to his madness... and there is a method. it's do what he enjoys doing, and let the occasional successes fund all the "failures", which are never really failure to him, but time spent doing what he loves and getting paid for it. each new project adds a new aspect towards better understanding of various problems, and all that education gets carried forward to the next project giving it that much more chance of success... he's not measuring success in merely dollar signs, but rather in his freedom to do as he pleases (which is really all those dollar signs are good for). whether he makes another gold mine or not, he's still beat most people at the game of success on that point alone.
  13. :: thwaps dillion in the back of the head Gibbs style :: what'd I tell you about about not taking compliments and being self-deprecating? hint: I told you I'd thwap you in the back of the head
  14. I agree that there are a great many things that can be improved within SL, and even more that are fabulous without any changes at all... each person can only focus actively on so many of those in their free time though... the forums are one of mine. am I happy that Celestial's ban was removed? yes. per the guidelines residents are given (as opposed to those being used by moderators) it wasn't deserved. but I agree that it's not a cause for celebration because it's only one point in a worsening trend (of internal guidlelines increasingly not matching the public ones). the idea that residents are treated as unpaid workers isn't a new one... it's been brought up many times in the past, but usually with little or no supporting evidence, and I have even suggested in the past to some of those people that the solution was to quit... and I my yet take my own advice. but I had a thought... if this trend continues, what does that mean for this community, and the people that rely on it.... sure if I quit my efforts here, I doubt any great harm would come. I'm only one person, and the areas I help most in have a pretty great crew of regulars that do the same thing.... but being as stubborn as I am, if it effects me to this degree, how long is it before it affects them? Now I have no illusions that I'm some paragon of the community, my aim here was not to drum up support for my personal cause, but to state what I am seeing.... sure, I could have wallpapered the ceo's feeds and the forums with many rant posts to stir up drama. but then it would be my drama, and my cause, and not really about the community. instead I simply put it out there in the appropriate places and backed it up offsite. If others agree and see the same things I am seeing, then they can add their voice, and it remains about the community. To me that's important, because maybe I just see it wrong, I do make mistakes (and lots of them). I disagree however that even if every single person here (as a opposed to the handful that might do so to support a cause) directed users to the appropriate official support channels (many of which are passive) that it would create an "undue hardship" on the support staff.... it happens pretty much every time the forums go down for maintenance. and those resources are there for that purpose. does the forum community make that easier? absolutely, no argument, hands down. But it takes a community to do it and if that community is damaged by inconsistencies between the public and internal guidelines then either the community dwindles to ineffectiveness, or worse becomes a breeding ground for dissent, and a detriment both to those seeking help and the public image of SL as well. I personally would hate to see that happen, as, to me, the core of SL is it's community, without that, it's just a small time sand box.
  15. wow, yet another conglomerate resource I missed.... I knew torley had his vids on the blog posts, and there are others scattered throughout the wiki, but I completely missed out on these, thanks Perrie! I've added it to the the basic information and common questions section... I may move the v2 tutorial there to, since it's less a support option and more a static tuturial.
  16. as if anyone had anything to fear from that idiocy..... taking a halfway good idea and driving it into the ground through ineffectual and counter productive application.
  17. You can come sit next to me Del.... I missed the origins too.
  18. ok, when would you like to receive the email? when you purchase your region? weekly before the roll? how long before the roll? what information should the email contain? I think that the current assumption is anyone purchasing a region would already be familiar with the current weekly schedule, however, what you are saying is that assumption is incorrect, yes? is an email the most effective means of clearing up the issue? are there any other alternatives and are they any more or less effective? for instance making the information known before purchase, or making those resources easier to find before hand? are there any other measures that would also help?
  19. "ignore", as implemented in thees forums, only applies to private messages =/ I've posted to the lithium forums on a feature request for standard "ignore" features along with many others (the feature request is so popular there are actually two separate requests for it), but have not seen any movement or acknowledgment of the request.
  20. right up until they read the part that says, banned for harassment and abuse within said virtual world.... there is a clear line drawn between public and private property, the former does not exist within SL (or even on Ll controlled web sites)
  21. right up until they read the part that says, banned for harassment and abuse within said virtual world.... there is a clear line drawn between public and private property, the former does not exist within SL (or even on Ll controlled web sites)
  22. My point is that general complaints rarely get action, and when they do it's often not what the person with the complaint had in mind.... to be effective you need to state what changes should be expected. aside from the psyshic network, I don't think any company employees mind readers
  23. My point is that general complaints rarely get action, and when they do it's often not what the person with the complaint had in mind.... to be effective you need to state what changes should be expected. aside from the psyshic network, I don't think any company employees mind readers
  24. protestors are never potential patrons, and the actions suggested (and in fact making the suggestion) are violations of ToS. that's not just a parcel ban, that's an SL ban those folks are looking at. you might be ok with that, but not informing others of the reprecussions is about the same as setting up a swim suit shop next to a piranha filled lake
  25. protestors are never potential patrons, and the actions suggested (and in fact making the suggestion) are violations of ToS. that's not just a parcel ban, that's an SL ban those folks are looking at. you might be ok with that, but not informing others of the reprecussions is about the same as setting up a swim suit shop next to a piranha filled lake
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