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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. except that she didn't commit murder, premeditated or otherwise... fraud, criminal mischief, abuse, slander (or libel depending on POV) and maybe you could convince a jury of wrongful death... but that's about it. as far as juries and judges, a jury must decide not only if the evidence is sufficient to leave no reasonable doubt that a crime was committed, but also that the evidence describes the actual crime they're being charged with. That by itself wouldn't be considered nullification (which is a dirty word in the US judicial system, likened more to prejudice). that would be something for the judge to hash out at that level, and doesn't invoke constitutionality. nullification only happens when both are clear and affirmative but the jury refuses to convict. as a for instance, if someone pulled a gun on a store clerk, but nothing was taken, robbery would be a stupid thing to charge the person with, and could very well be tossed out at the criminal court level, by a judge or jury, as the charge does not fit the crime... but this would be worse than a rookie mistake on the part of the prosecutor, and in practice should never happen.... the bar is pretty low for proving the application of a law and rarely comes into question at that level.
  2. I don't so much RP it as it's just what happens to make sense for those avs... for instance robots don't have a gender. I do have a vague idea of an origin for some of my avs, but I've only RP'd on two. I have more fun putting them together than I do playing as them.... every few months I get an itch to create another.
  3. My skin tone, my gender.... those were the starting choices... since then I have stuck to the same neighborhood of choices, but not so strictly.... for instance, my species variety has definitely expanded (human, vampire, faun, furry, tiny, fae, ghost, robot, zombie, etc), and I've used 3 to 4 genders (maybe more depending on how you count) although to date none of them have been male on my main (the exception is a bot alt in case I needed a male av for reference) female, none (robotic), neuter(critter), and "other"(for my spiritual "shade"). I probably have a dozen or so different regular avs for my main, but only 1 or two max on my alts
  4. Sy Beck wrote: This is law already though isn't it and the argument is for it to be amended/repealed because of its potential for over zealous enforcement and perceived labelling of people as criminals? [...] noooooo, at least not the way they want it to be read... they are seeking a de facto expansion of the meaning of the current law (by the addition of language that allows it), to say that it applies to "all these other things too", rather than the current limited meaning and intent that the judge used to toss out the conviction.
  5. to be clear, my statement wasn't made with cynicism, quite the opposite... because the only alternative is that this friend downloaded a third party viewer enabled RLV controls bought or was given an RLV relay attached said relay then authorized this other user to control it. undoing any of those actions (use the official client, disable RLV, delete the relay*, detach the relay*, remove authorization**) would immediately halt the other persons access to and control of it. (*the last 3 options are not available on all devices, but the first two are always available) there ARE devices that will force animations on an avatar that do not require RLV, but rather a one time grant of permissions. however these devices do NONE of the other things mentioned (and to my knowledge not even RLV will force a person to say anything, the closest one can get is having an object with the same name say something which comes up in a different color and clicking it's name in chat history will tell you that it's an object and who owns it). given all these facts, and your admitted newness, the conclusion I came to is actually the kindest one... the alternatives are far crueler. Furthermore I have sincere doubts that any LL employee would describe something as "A highly illegal hud" (although it's vaguely possible that an "eternally ignorant of inworld" live chat staffer could have uttered such a ridiculous thing)
  6. comparing what I could do previously, to what I can do today.... no way. the only thing that does not work better today than the first day I logged into SL is region crossings... and that is completely reliant on the fact that we no longer have telehubs, and instead have point to point teleports, so regions use a different network setup than they used to. do we get rough patches with particular services some times? you betcha, and they bug the hell out of me when I experience them. but what i can today, vs when I got here? hands down, no questions the improvements far outweigh the setbacks.
  7. yes and no... the hope seems to be to get it passed as a "feel good law", but underneath it are people who know in advance that it can be abused and hope they get to. and yeah... it's insidious what some of these laws end up accomplishing... just last week I went to buy a compass (geometric, not magnetic) as mine seemed to have wandered off.... only to find that all that was offered any more was some blunt tipped inaccurate POS, that is supposed to keep kids from stabbing each other with it (never mind the obvious fact that it requires a sharpened pencil to work). I used a pair of pliers and a lighter to drive a heated needle into it. =P
  8. my understanding is that it's strictly based on the physics number now....
  9. Innula Zenovka wrote: But what I don't see is why the medium by which the fraud or imposture is carried out makes any difference. it doesn't, at least not in general... the whole thing is a political ploy.
  10. OP's "friends" are roleplaying, and have failed to alert OP to this fact... nothing more.
  11. and she could have been prosecuted that way (and probably with more success).... but the prosecutors were trying to forward another agenda by using a high profile case to either set a precedent that would get them access to more tools to use against defendants, or generate enough publicity to raise a public outcry, and legislate those tools into use. they don't care about the specific case, it's a win-win for them either way down the road (assuming public outcry doesn't backfire, which seems likely, and seems more likely that it would later be struck down) @Montana: actually it affects any service that is based under US law, including SL. while they may not be able to successfully do anything directly to someone outside of the US, they can indirectly affect them by targeting any business they do with US based businesses, and deny entry to the country. at least as proposed.
  12. In short, as legally binding as any other electronic contract, Just don't expect LL to enforce it, it's a matter of RL law.
  13. Melita Magic wrote: I'd like to know (anyone?) if it's possible to include someone in a group but not give them permanent rez rights there while wearing the group tag. I don't see a way to exclude that. Groups seem to be about building. yes it is possible, hopefully someone will be able to tell you how, it does affect the entire group, and requires setting from multiple places... unfortunately at this time I am still on protest mode, so I'll recommend contacting support
  14. (64 *100)^3 = 262,144,000,000.0 so that's the old function... a 64m cube, breaks the maxInt cap new function, 262,144,000.0 doesn't break the cap for 10 of those. not that the cap REALLY matters since it'll be in a float, but it mans more likelyhood of easy translation. although tbh, I don't see much use in llGetMass* anyways
  15. for some reason they always forget to add hilighting for new keywords into the most recent viewer build... jira is littered with reminders for the viewer team to add them in...
  16. seemed odd to me too... but then I realized that in grams, the new prim sizes exceed max integer for 32bits. even with MKS you can still exceed it for a large enough object.... so that may have had something to do with it.
  17. I'll just be happy when I'm not forced to use paypal to withdraw fund or wait to accumulate 10k$US =|
  18. IIRC grams... and prims have the density of water =X
  19. we probably are... it all depends on how the person values the act.... it's exceptionally hard to know what another mind actually intends.
  20. Pannie Paperdoll wrote: and THAT Is the single most useful piece of advise I've gotten out of this! Thank you, I never thought of restricting ability to chat before booting. :: pouts ::
  21. just out of curiousity... did you happen to take a lot of acid when you were younger?
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