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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: There are plenty of people who would love to answer questions. [...] by all means, they should [...]They make it sound like they are the only ones available to do so. [...] heavens no, if you got that impression, please allow me to formally correct it. While there is a core of a few dozen people whose efforts to provide help for others is very noticeable, I feel confident in saying that each one of the them will tell you the same thing: "it takes a community" ...from the people who may only answer one question ever, to those who scan the forums multiple times a day, and even the people who just stop by to shoot the breeze and give us something to ponder or giggle at, all contributions make it both an effective resource, and a place that people want to come back to and contribute to. if any one of us drops and leaves, that doesn't mean the whole thing comes crumbling down.... but it might show that it is already crumbling. [...] But I'm just doing a drop-in and missed all the drama. Something about a boycott or something? They're not going to answer questions? There are lots of people who will answer questions. the "drama" in this case is not any personality clash among posters (which can be largely ignored), but rather LL's handling of policy. PS "two weeks notice" was used ironically, in the sense of "not working here anymore", I have never been nor am I currently on LL's payroll... When I believe they've done right, I say so, and the same when I believe they've done wrong.
  2. @Randall, Not really, certain people rub others the wrong way often... that doesn't make them bad, or even neccesarily wrong in general... the person mentioned has said as much themselves. me, I don't know the circumstances, so I don't judge one way or the other. For instance *I* am a "known agitant", I realize it, I admit it, and while I don't try to be.... sometimes that's just how it goes. @Wiked: The complaint is removal of posts that are specific to SL, and are not harmful or derogatory to anyone. the fact that similar instances of the same have been getting trampled over, and the fact that these two highlighted support and efforts to help others just took it over the top for me. It's here rather in some complaint box, because the message being sent is one that multiple people have already echoed. @Peggy: I remember the incident well, and yet I have to ask myself... what other options were available to us? @Ann: The cross posting was my doing, Forum feedback is the appropriate place for complaints, however it's so well hidden that most people need instruction to find it, because it defies expectation... in the spirit of it being an open letter I also posted it here. @Innula: that's the message it gave me as well. =/ @Maelstrom: A problem in one place (or one department) does not change the value of other problems. I agree that there is work that needs to be done on multiple things, but I don't see any reason that those have to occur in order... it's not as if having 100 cooks work on the soup makes it cook any faster, and some of them can make bread and other courses. @Thread and thank you all for taking the time to read
  3. @Randall, Not really, certain people rub others the wrong way often... that doesn't make them bad, or even neccesarily wrong in general... the person mentioned has said as much themselves. me, I don't know the circumstances, so I don't judge one way or the other. For instance *I* am a "known agitant", I realize it, I admit it, and while I don't try to be.... sometimes that's just how it goes. @Wiked: The complaint is removal of posts that are specific to SL, and are not harmful or derogatory to anyone. the fact that similar instances of the same have been getting trampled over, and the fact that these two highlighted support and efforts to help others just took it over the top for me. It's here rather in some complaint box, because the message being sent is one that multiple people have already echoed. @Peggy: I remember the incident well, and yet I have to ask myself... what other options were available to us? @Ann: The cross posting was my doing, Forum feedback is the appropriate place for complaints, however it's so well hidden that most people need instruction to find it, because it defies expectation... in the spirit of it being an open letter I also posted it here. @Innula: that's the message it gave me as well. =/ @Maelstrom: A problem in one place (or one department) does not change the value of other problems. I agree that there is work that needs to be done on multiple things, but I don't see any reason that those have to occur in order... it's not as if having 100 cooks work on the soup makes it cook any faster, and some of them can make bread and other courses. @Thread and thank you all for taking the time to read
  4. (with apologies for length, and the fact that I had no one beter to direct this to) To Mr. Humble, CEO Linden Lab I'm writing you today, in the hopes of bringing your attention to what I feel is a detriment to the public image of SL and goodwill of it's residents. There is a trend of what appears to be worsening misapplication of guidelines in the official forums culminating with my own recent experience which I will detail shortly. I do wish to note first that I am not contesting the actions taken by LL staff, as I believe that they are only operating under the guidelines given to the best of their understanding and ability, and I hold no malice over it. My only issue is the clarity of the policies involved. Regardless of this, my understanding of the guidelines tells me that my discussion of the following details will very likely result in a ban from the forums. I am willing to accept this, because I believe the issues need to be openly addressed. Recently a poster upset by recent events posted a suggestion that others who felt similarly about those events, should join them in a sort of "blue flu" protest for a week, by refraining from answering questions. I don't know the details of those events beyond that a person (who is a known agitant) was banned. This is not my issue however. In reply to that I pointed out that historically (within SL) such protests had little effect, and that it would be more effective to direct those questioners to official support channels (original text below). The following day I logged in to find a private message from a moderator informing me that my post was removed for a violation of guidelines, specifically, "Flaming". I also found that the original thread to which I had replied was also removed, although I'm not aware of it's reasoning. Believing this to be a mistake or a simple misunderstanding of my intent, I requested a clarification, which was received the next day as "disruptive with the intent to abuse support" (text below), I can only assume that similar reasoning was applied to the original thread. I feel that this is both a gross misinterpretation of intent, and misapplication of guidelines that does a disservice to both the original poster, and myself, as well as the community at large. As examples of our depth of commitment and dedication to SL, the original poster is a long time and frequent assistant to those in need of help in SL, and my own efforts go back to 2005, with contributions across a wide array of fora and topics, the wiki, jira, and various inworld groups both official and resident run. These things are not a claim to some special privilege, we have neither expected nor asked for special consideration or recognition of our efforts, nor desire them. I believe that history speaks to intent though, which has ever been to help others where we can. I do realize my own statement could be misread, however I feel the suggestion to use (and education to find) the many scattered official sources can never be a bad thing... at the very worst it might slow response times, and at it's best it enables users to more easily help themselves. Similarly, residents are not paid workers, and the suggestion to temporarily halt their own voluntary efforts in a show of support is not deserving of punishment. It my firm belief that silencing these statements sends the message that LL considers resident helpers as an unpaid workforce, which are only tolerated so long as they fulfill the express purpose of easing LL's burden of providing support to residents. This is not a message I can support. I am not seeking an apology, or even a reason, but rather a change. Sincerely, - Void Singer (the only name anyone would recognize me by here anyway) References (and the full text of this letter) can be found off site @ http://voidsinger.blogspot.com/ in a attempt to comply as much as possible with posting guidelines.
  5. (with apologies for length, and the fact that I had no one beter to direct this to) To Mr. Humble, CEO Linden Lab I'm writing you today, in the hopes of bringing your attention to what I feel is a detriment to the public image of SL and goodwill of it's residents. There is a trend of what appears to be worsening misapplication of guidelines in the official forums culminating with my own recent experience which I will detail shortly. I do wish to note first that I am not contesting the actions taken by LL staff, as I believe that they are only operating under the guidelines given to the best of their understanding and ability, and I hold no malice over it. My only issue is the clarity of the policies involved. Regardless of this, my understanding of the guidelines tells me that my discussion of the following details will very likely result in a ban from the forums. I am willing to accept this, because I believe the issues need to be openly addressed. Recently a poster upset by recent events posted a suggestion that others who felt similarly about those events, should join them in a sort of "blue flu" protest for a week, by refraining from answering questions. I don't know the details of those events beyond that a person (who is a known agitant) was banned. This is not my issue however. In reply to that I pointed out that historically (within SL) such protests had little effect, and that it would be more effective to direct those questioners to official support channels (original text below). The following day I logged in to find a private message from a moderator informing me that my post was removed for a violation of guidelines, specifically, "Flaming". I also found that the original thread to which I had replied was also removed, although I'm not aware of it's reasoning. Believing this to be a mistake or a simple misunderstanding of my intent, I requested a clarification, which was received the next day as "disruptive with the intent to abuse support" (text below), I can only assume that similar reasoning was applied to the original thread. I feel that this is both a gross misinterpretation of intent, and misapplication of guidelines that does a disservice to both the original poster, and myself, as well as the community at large. As examples of our depth of commitment and dedication to SL, the original poster is a long time and frequent assistant to those in need of help in SL, and my own efforts go back to 2005, with contributions across a wide array of fora and topics, the wiki, jira, and various inworld groups both official and resident run. These things are not a claim to some special privilege, we have neither expected nor asked for special consideration or recognition of our efforts, nor desire them. I believe that history speaks to intent though, which has ever been to help others where we can. I do realize my own statement could be misread, however I feel the suggestion to use (and education to find) the many scattered official sources can never be a bad thing... at the very worst it might slow response times, and at it's best it enables users to more easily help themselves. Similarly, residents are not paid workers, and the suggestion to temporarily halt their own voluntary efforts in a show of support is not deserving of punishment. It my firm belief that silencing these statements sends the message that LL considers resident helpers as an unpaid workforce, which are only tolerated so long as they fulfill the express purpose of easing LL's burden of providing support to residents. This is not a message I can support. I am not seeking an apology, or even a reason, but rather a change. Sincerely, - Void Singer (the only name anyone would recognize me by here anyway) References (and the full text of this letter) can be found off site @ http://voidsinger.blogspot.com/ in a attempt to comply as much as possible with posting guidelines.
  6. I'm in the process of delivering my two weeks notice (minus time spent banned which I fully expect and accept). during that two weeks it is my intention to only refer people to a generic listing of official LL support channels, which have been conveniently created and located on these forums for ease of everyone's use and education. anyone is more than welcome to copy, link to, and add to those resources. at the end of said two weeks (or upon perma banning) if I feel that the issue is not being addressed, I'll look for greener pastures.
  7. I'm in the process of delivering my two weeks notice (minus time spent banned which I fully expect and accept). during that two weeks it is my intention to only refer people to a generic listing of official LL support channels, which have been conveniently created and located on these forums for ease of everyone's use and education. anyone is more than welcome to copy, link to, and add to those resources. at the end of said two weeks (or upon perma banning) if I feel that the issue is not being addressed, I'll look for greener pastures.
  8. updated: please feel free to link to or copy this list wherever you think it's appropriate, and add to it if I am unable, heck, petition to have it stickied so it's easy to find. I will make attempts to keep it as updated as possible.
  9. updated: please feel free to link to or copy this list wherever you think it's appropriate, and add to it if I am unable, heck, petition to have it stickied so it's easy to find. I will make attempts to keep it as updated as possible.
  10. send out a message to my friends and few groups I run. "So long and thanks for all the fish".... in fact I may be doing something similar here on the forums.
  11. and just a follow up... I received my reply, and I can't say I'm happy with it... I've written the formal complaint , but I'm going to sleep on it and see if it still reads reasonably after some much needed rest. It will be posted to the forums, but as I expect it will be removed it will be cross hosted elsewhere as well.
  12. added that one in Drongle, thanks. I admit to having multiple motives in creating this list... Venus probably knows the non obvious one. It'd be nice if we could get this stickied, but somehow I don't see that happening.
  13. adhesion (the act of relating something to a brand name) is tricky business, particularly in IP law.... for instance, you cannot relate anything you made directly to the Brand in question, but you could bill the region itself as being created as an environment for " fan created roleplay area for fans of ....." which targets the community of fans, rather than the Brand itself
  14. if a thread is removed that you had posts in and you get no notification, then that's expects... the thread was deemed in violation and not your post. if a post that you replied to, or one further up the chain of replies was removed, the same thing applies. the only time a person should get a notification is when their thread or their post was the one specifically removed... if that is the case, and you didn't receive notification, then there's a problem. be sure to check whether the post you replied to is still there and your forum PM box.... if the first is still there, and the second is not, then a problem exists.
  15. thanks, I've added the newly mentioned resources, (I included the content archives under the wiki, since that group is no longer active to my knowledge, if I'm wrong, let me know and I'll add it to the focus groups) keep em coming, I could probably spend days or weeks trying to find most of the active support channels, and still miss some. I'm hoping it'll go much faster and be much more complete with the help of the people we have here.
  16. I think it may be your only reliable option
  17. I had a thought to compile a list of official resources, available from Linden Lab, as a go to source for official information regarding problems one might encounter in SL. The list I'm attempting to compile is of only the LL direct sources, since most of the informal sources (such as these forums) are fairly well known and often suggested, but not everyone is aware of all the official sources... so to jump start this list, I'm going to throw out some categories, and populate a few of them, and would welcome any suggestions for Official LL Resources only (which I'll do my best to update into this post) UPDATED 2012 Sept 15, 10:35 PM (PST) Information on current events and changes within SL: SL Blogs (general new features, trends and news)Grid Status (currently known large scale failures and scheduled maintenance, if it breaks check here first)Second Life Server Forum (particularly the weekly deploy threads for news on new features and fixes)Second Life Viewer Forum (occasionally has news from Lindens on viewer changes and fixes)Rod Humble's Twitter Feed(CEO's take on what's trending in SL now, and into the future)Rod Humble's Profile Feed (more of the same, limited to SL users, login required)Basic Information and Common questions: @SupportLinden (A twitter account that redirects users to the likeliest resource)Knowledge Base (a collection of preformated questions and answers on a variety of topics)Video Tutorials (collection of video detailing how to do many basic tasks and showcasing SL content)SL Wiki (only some information found here is official)Basic support: Quickstart Guide (something to get you started if you are new to SL)Billing issues (can't save your payment info? got overcharged by LL, go here)File a Trouble ticket (AKA Support Portal, for problems that you are personally experiencing, should be logged in if possible)Live Chat Support (must be premium member and logged into the website, limited hours)Jira(find out about known bugs, possible workaraounds, and keep updated on the ones important to you)File a bug report (only bugs that affect multiple users or regions)File a Feature Request (got a great idea? submit it here. please search before filing)Active Focus Groups: Server Betauser group (meets on beta grid [aditi] focuses on upcoming features and fixes)Second Life Beta (inworld announcement group for the same)Server/Sim user group (meets twice weekly on main grid [agni] focuses on current server limitations and workaraounds)Scripting user group (meets weekly on main grid [agni] focuses on scripting bugs and new features)Content Creation user group (meets week on main grid [agni] focuses largely on mesh)Community Tools user group (focuses on webside resources for SL) - ClosedI only gathered some of the obvious links, it could used fleshed out with contact phone numbers, emails and other direct LL supported resources (one in which an employee of linden lab either directly answers, or can point you to the correct resource)
  18. Pamela Galli wrote: Now that would be a shame. Is this an unintended consequence? Or do they actually want people to stop assisting? it's only related by fallout I think, I'm waiting to see if it was accidental (on my or the mods part), or intentional... my personal issue has nothing to do with any other user, but more with how ,what I felt was a helpful suggestion that wouldn't leave others out in the cold, was handled. While I appreciate the thoughts sent my way, I don't have any illusions about being the glue that holds something together, it takes more than just a single person to make a great resource, I just happen to be visible. If I find the world has changed in a way that I can't support then I'll lend my support elsewhere. this isn't a grand gesture from me, I'm a very matter of fact person. If it's all been a comedy of errors, I'll have a laugh and continue on as normal. @Peggy: I understand and even agree with the sentiment, and I also understand Venus' sentiment, I have even tried to offer alternatives to meet both goals. It's my hope that those alternative stuck for the very few who may have seen them.
  19. I had a post recently warned and removed because of a very similar topic... I've got a request for clarification pending, so I'm not going to jump the gun to thinking it means what I think it may have meant. I'm waiting a few days to see what the response is. if it was a simple misunderstanding because my writing wasn't clear enough, then no harm no foul, I'll attempt to be more clear. If not, there will be a very loud and formal complaint from me, to the appropriate parties. and if I can't see any relief from that, then near 6+ years of offering my assistance for free was a good run, and I'll take my goodwill where it's welcome, not for a week, but permanently.
  20. Okay. We in the West had better pay royalties to the Chinese for gunpowder and for the wheelbarrow, then. That would be only fair, right? I agree that there ought to be a sign up fee for SL, and a regular users fee charged after that. Everyone ought to pay the same fee and have the same priviledges. In exchange, private "property" and the $L need to be eliminated, and content creators paid by LL for their labor, rather than have to pay to upload it & store its code on LL servers. Then there would be no "freeloading," nor would there be any class distinctions. Prostitution and slavery would be mere role playing, instead of something imposed by economic necessity. I heartily agree that this would be a great improvement to the SL experience. Jeanne and then they could pay us back royalties for cordite and the the internal combustion engine, and pretty much every modern appliance and practice in use.... and you're model of everyone pays HAS been tried before.... it's how SL started.... This very account was paid for with a one time fee of 10$US..... but that only worked in the small scale. Now I will admit things were a bit nicer back then, griefers weren't as much of a problem, but it kept the user base small, and the earnings potential both for in world users and LL was also smaller. I thoroughly hated when free accounts started flooding in with their "gimme free stuff" attitudes. but it turned the market potential up to 11. suddenly you could make money in here reasonably, and not just a few land barons, but actual creators quitting their RL jobs or at the very least having extra spending cash. would I prefer to go back to those old days? nope, not a chance, at least not as they were.... too much wasted potential. I would love to see a clearer distinction between premium and free, and I would definitely love for payment info to be required, because it slows down a boatload of the negatives of free accounts while only raising the bar a tiny bit for them (they'd need to streamline available payment info methods though)
  21. thanksgiving I like, though there are some mild annoyances.... and despite that vast majority of my family not being worth the effort to stop the car if they were crossing the street (yeah there's that much bad blood) I still find my self in a forgiving and togetherness mood several times during the year (usually no more than a week at a time, the time it takes for them to start in again). but nothing brings me to that mood but recovery time.... once there I can enjoy those little family reminders of what is/was good.
  22. if the NO list is the list of people that can't stand the ridiculous hype (not to mention the complete disregard for thanksgiving) then yes, I'm firmly in there, signed bigger than dear old john on the declaration of independence. @Dillion: I really, Really hope you meant that as a joke..... because if not, well it's the prefect example of what I hate about the holiday... not the movie itself (animated not that live action crap), but everyone insisting that you "get in the spirit", which apparently means getting a smile tattooed onto your face, and pretending that perpetual shakes you develop from the cold are actually fun. don't get me wrong, I'm no perpetual gloom bunny; it's just that there is little I despise more than fake sentiment... especially when it's forced on others. it's one of the few things that actually makes me angry.
  23. it's almost certain to be using that function template (little other reason for it to compile), but it probably checks access to godmode.... it definitely does not check creator (at least not by itself), as I tried it with a few available scripts created by lindens
  24. same idea, different way to approach it.
  25. I don't fight it, I ignore it.... ... as much as I can.... 2 months of crappy rehashes of crappy songs that were crappy when they were released, and more forced "cheerfulness" that a vat of disney movies.... Halloween the holiday of sugar, followed by christmas, the holiday of saccharine.
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