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KarenMichelle Lane

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Everything posted by KarenMichelle Lane

  1. LOL - Hugs ya - I only answered the 2nd part of his question. "You are correct. The free membership does not come with any "perks"" - Yup I didn't correct the inaccurate info about the free Premium Parcel.
  2. Would you please give us some additional details ... 1) About your PC and Operating System 2) About your Graphics Card make & Model. We'll be able to direct you more specifically with this information. Otherwise we'll be guessing about your particular issues. Wild Guess 1) Are you using a Linux Build? If so what Distro are you using? EDITED: I just saw you earlier post http://www.howtogeek.com/206240/how-to-tell-what-distro-and-version-of-linux-you-are-running/ http://askubuntu.com/questions/579806/how-to-install-second-life http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linux_Viewer http://www.thelinuxrain.com/articles/installing-firestorm-second-life-viewer-for-linux
  3. Melqt, You are correct. The free membership does not come with any "perks" However you can certainly lease privately owned land on estates and place a house on it using L$ that you earn or purchase. Take some time to explore and make friends and see what there is to do in Second Life. Then you can make an informed decision about what your own land status should be.
  4. Please provide some additional details like the error message text you are receiving.
  5. An interesting discussion and attempted fixes may be found here: https://my.secondlife.com/torley.linden/posts/5440cf6176286532390000ad & here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Second-Life-Tech/Textures-blurring-and-reloading/td-p/2988412
  6. Download the latest version of the SL Viewer manually and run it stand alone. This will bypass the automatic update dialog if it has become flaky. Link is below... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/
  7. Based on your problem description it sounds like you are using the Firestorm Viewer. You may want to follow the instructions for a Clean Install of the latest version of the Firestorm Viewer found here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_install Another thing to look out for is an overly aggressive firewall software program like Webroot which automatically blocks the execution of the SLPlugIn.exe & SLVoice.exe programs as well as prevents the use of ports that SecondLife needs to function correctly.
  8. The instructions authored by the folks at Firestorm are sage advise: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory
  9. No, there is not a way to spy on other's private IM chats available to Residents in the SL Grid. Private IM chats use channels that are assigned at the time the conversation is started and there is no LLfunction / LLcommand to monitor these channels. The viewer code manages these conversation start & stops. You would need to have access to the messaging traffic between the various SL Servers to do this. Only LL employees have this ability. However, if a Resident is in possession of or in range of an object with an Local IM Chat listener in it, then that [Local] conversation could be transmitted elsewhere.
  10. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I thought geek was the new sexy. :smileyvery-happy: Anyway, I'm proud of being a geek so I'm not insulted in the least. To be a geek you have to be smart. RIGHT ON !
  11. I was a Granny-Geek before I met Second Life. Now I can add a new badge to my nick-nack shelf - YAY!
  12. Kyle, Each and everything you do is routed through [a transaction via ] the server your avatar account is currently rezzed on. I've been on some horribly performing [aka messed up] regions in my time and I am continuously amazed at the in-flight transactions that complete after i log out and in some case days later after the affected region is itself restarted to address the performance issues. So what you are experiencing is most likely delayed SL status transaction that was generated on her behalf too all her friends finally arriving to your attention. The late friend logout message was probably delayed because of an issue on the server she was rezzed on and it took until the time that region to be restarted and the pending queue of low priority transactions to be cleared out.
  13. There is the link for future reference.... http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  14. Nowhere in the latest Sansar post: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/sansar-video-footage-monetization-system,33300.html or the post you were referencing... http://www.tomshardware.com/news/project-sansar-creator-preview-vr,31685.html Is there any mention of the long offered VW Second Life shutting down. BTW - Your link is not valid.
  15. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  16. Yes, there are many people with avatars portraying individuals with a "Black" ethnic background. Now mind you many of these people are not always ethnically "Black" in real life. Please understand that when you encounter someone new that matches your desired audience. Second Life can be a wonderful world where trying on a new "look" can happen for real. Well at least avatar-wise. I encounter your desired audience at in-world clubs mostly. Good Searching.
  17. As Contas Ebanx não podem ser usadas como método de pagamento para compras no site da Second Life. Leia estas informacões nos métodos de pagamento aceitos no seu país. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Base-de-conhecimento/Pagamento-de-contas/ta-p/700433 https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/List-of-accepted-payment-methods-by-country/ta-p/2953878
  18. Rhonda Huntress wrote: My bento avatar! I really like the articulated finger tips on your Bento Tray. [i love the ?Penguin? too] What I'm waiting for is: 1) A completely new live motion capture of a world class belly dancer including all her arm and finger movements for sale for my Belly Dancing AO. 2) Followed by perfect set of nail's and finger rings on the individual finger joints. That will get me to spend L$ on Bento related items.
  19. Advertising with Linden Lab only guarantees you a certain number of impressions [item Presented on the Home page] based on the total number of people requesting the same options as you [e.g. advertising price range]. So if 60 people, including you, have selected 10 products for advertising at the L$899 price [impression level] on any given day in the advertising period, one of your product(s) will be shown every 600 shows when a L$899 item is allowed to be displayed on the Home Page. This is complicated by the fact that other business owners who select a higher advertising rate per product item will be selected more often than your rate per product item.
  20. pennytrated wrote: You all might want to google law suits against LL, in which they have settled in one court case for 43MM dollars. Just because you are in a virtual world doesn't exempt LL's legal responsibility to assist in enforcing Federal Laws and Civil law. Now many states include social media as being held just as responsible for the behavior of the people using their service. [ Seriously after all the crap we had to read during the Brexit & US Elections this year you'd think you could quote the Linden Lab settlement correctly " The settlement amount paid by Linden is small, reported in a law blog as being paid to the defendants in Linden Dollars: 43 million L$, or USD $172,000. That it's being paid in Linden Dollars suggests it's being given to active SL users." back on June 27, 2013 - details can be read here - http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2013/06/linden-lab-class-action-settlement.html - This was a settlement regarding Suspended Accounts] New laws such as "revenge porn" whether you gave someone photos of yourself , they can not be passed to anyone...if the the threat is involving the release to another SL person, in world..and LL was aware of it. They get slapped too. Cyber stalking and harassment is now also upgraded. EDITED: [ I'm sorry but these laws have nothing to do with Digital Assets like your avatar's appearance. Of course if you are talking about giving some unknown person in SL your real life nude or otherwise compromizing pictures as well as your real life details and expect privacy .....Yeah, I have a Virtual Bridge to sell ya! ] One judge in one suit ". However, the District Court did decide on two issues which may be important in future virtual world litigation: that the ’s mandatory arbitration provision was unenforceable; and that interaction with a person in a virtual world can satisfy a state's "minimum" requirement for personal action" [ the way these decisions work are for the particular defendant's class of business and that particular suit classification. So this decision has nothing to do with Virtual Worlds. Mandatory Arbitration language has NOT been deemed unenforceable in general and when it is it vacated by a court it is almost always specific for that particular plaintive's action against the defendant. ] Linden Labs souldn't use a TOS as a matter of convenience. If its a legal disclosure then they are legally responsible to up hold it. Get every bit of documentation you can, chat logs, screen shots, send reports, fax legal at LL. If you cant afford a lawyer I recommend Legal Shield pre-paid legal service They can't do too much but they can write letters to LL asking them to stop someone. [ which is exactly what you are suppose to gather for Linden Lab Abuse Reports ] If you have the name, address and personal information of the person harassing you regardless if they are in the same state as you are file a police report for Cyber-harassment. Then give that information to your lawyer and they will relay it to LL. You want to really get stinky if you can't find the harasser in a general background check you can file an order to LL to provide you with the personal contact information of the offender. Then next is to get the person or persons served to appear in court for a restraining order which will include any cyber contact. [ You have no standing whatsoever to make a request of Linden Lab to provide the identity of an account holder. A subpoena from a court is required and this information is then delivered to the appropriate agency that has jurisdiction over the request. ] Each law is different but if you are been defamed, harassed, had pictures or any personal information sent out, the offender may face not only jail time/costs of the lawyers, but they pay all costs to the courts. But it gets better. You can then file a Civil Suit and ask for punitive damages. Civil suits are easier to prove as you don't need as much documentation. [ Criminal Prosecutions for Cyber-Extortion or Bullying are rare and far between. The DA for the geographical entity that has standing to present the case has to decide if the "crime" is in fact prosecutable and if it is worth the time and resources needed to bring it to court and/or a Grand Jury. Civil Suits are incredibly expensive to file and prosecute. You will not be finding a law firm that will pro-bono your case based on a 33% cut of any monies awarded unless they are making a case that you represent a class of similar plaintives. Yes, civil suits have a lower threshold of evidentiary proof required to bring about a guilty verdict, actually a % of a guilty verdict. ] Just because they are a large company gives them no exemption from the law. Check your state laws. Oh and you file in your state (and I love this part) jurisdiction is in your state, if your offender is in another state, they have to appear in your state's court. [ Yes Linden Research, Inc. must follow all applicable laws for corporations in the State of California and any Federal regulations of the United States as well. ] Yes I have been there and done this...and won. [ Really? Please cite your case number and the state/county you filed your successful civil suit in. If you accepted a settlement then you did not win. Nor did the defendent. You settled to make yourself whole. ] Just because they treat you as a small fry doesn't mean you have think of yourself as one. They put their pants on one leg at a time...and besides what are they going to do? Take away your birthday? [ I'd imagine canceling your account would be the end result. ]
  21. From and earlier post about this.... Just to be clear on what is happening. Linden Research Inc, when presented with a new Payment Method for your account [that is not immediately rejected from a list of known non-compliant card types] will perform a verification debit of up to $1.00 USD. I remember when this used to be 0.30 cents. Then Linden Research Inc, will reverse the Debit transaction and Credit your account. If you are presenting a gift $$ card, it will usually fail as the immediate credit transaction [reverse of the Debit transaction] is not allowed. This is when you get the "An Error has Occurred" message. Later in the evening during the normal daily clearance batch processing for all electronic transactions, Linden Research Inc, will request a cancellation of the $1.00 USD debit which can take up to 72 hours depending on the Gift Card product. This is the only way Linden Research Inc can determine that an attempt to use a Gift Card product was tried as a payment method. Some Gift Card products have a unique range of card #s which make them easy to reject before this test, most don't. If you do nothing else the $1.00 will be credited back to the Gift Card eventually. Many people try the same Gift Card a few more times causing more test debits to be drawn from it. The results are still the same. This is when most folks finally contact the Linden Research Inc, Billing department. Unfortunately, the card reject message from the CC companies is not 100% clear on why the credit transaction is rejected. LL can't always assume that this is because the product is a pay out only Gift Card thus the need for the generic "An Error has Occurred" message. There are many other reasons for a Bank Card debit and credit transaction to be rejected as well. This is why you'll need to contact the Billing department of both Linden Research Inc and/or your own Bank Card company. EDIT: P.S. - Even if you have a refillable Gift Card please understand that the only company that can refill the Gift Card is the original issuer. This is why, when Linden Research Inc attempts to reverse the Debit transaction by Crediting your account, it fails. If you want the painful details as to why here is a link to a post I did a few weeks ago... https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/i-have-a-big-pb-because-i-m-in-belgium-and-no-possible-to-buy/qaq-p/2950159
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