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Tini Jewell

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Everything posted by Tini Jewell

  1. Good point Dearly. The other thing is that although landowners may have some control over this, anyone using the Linden Roads or visiting other areas that are affected, have no control but to tp out. Tough to go shopping when all you can do is ground sit.
  2. @Peggy - Not quite sure you were getting the same barrage as I and the group of people with whom I was ground-sitting in Pini experienced just minutes ago. These objects are physical, knocking around avs in their paths. I consider that an issue that should be cleared by LL - not quite as benign as what you seem to have experienced. Abuse Report filed. Let's see how much LL thinks of Mainland to get this growing issue cleared expeditiiously. ETA - spelling correction
  3. Well, after turning on beacons for particles...it does appear there is some sort of particle spamming going on in the sim. I don't see any actual particles but a number of objects from the same person in various sims in that area, spinning and basically taking up script space. So, the only prayer is...if these are in fact 'particle spammers', an AR for unfair use of system resources might be the only prayer.
  4. Whatever you do, do not follow a link from any email to update your information. Please see my reply in the thread that Cinnamon has mentioned in her reply. Good luck!
  5. Sorry to say, I hope you have NOT followed the link from ANY email to do any updating of your account!!! If you are going to update your account, do it directly from the secondlife.com website, typing in the address yourself and logging in to the site there. I personally do not trust any email that contains a link to update information - too many are phishing expeditions, just waiting to get your info. Good luck!
  6. Depending on the viewer you use, go to 'About Land', the name and description of the property comes up and is editable. At least it is on the viewer I use. Hope this helps. ETA...then again, if you are looking to change the style of the house ("change the name of my Linden home") that's a different issue. Sometimes I think too much :matte-motes-nerdy:
  7. As per the Grid Status page, there is a maintenance going on for the inventory database. Anytime you see an error like that, it is a good idea to check the Grid Status page and see if anything is mentioned there. Then you'll know right off whether it's just you or some systemwide problem. Hope you're able to log in soon :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  8. Interesting, I haven't shopped in the past few days but SLurls were broken for me after trying another viewer. I don't recall telling my viewer to change the application that it uses for SLurls, but something went wonky. Maybe similar problem?
  9. If you actually 'own' the land and pay your tier directly to LL, you're a premium member and can contact live chat to request a reset. At least, that's how it used to be - not sure if anything has changed in that regard. Good luck!
  10. nothing was said about holding back anyone or anything...but would it be that difficult for LL to provide a non-mesh version or similar gift for those who don't wish to or can't use a mesh-enabled viewer? if the 'world as we know it' will soon be mesh all over, yeah, i probably will delete my account - no big deal, there are other virtual worlds, as well as real life in which to find entertainment. as for liking the gift 'one way or the other'...it's hard to say since i can't see it properly. the real point is that LL should be concerned about giving out something that others can't or don't already provide - why compete with your own customer base? but that's for another thread :matte-motes-asleep: enjoy your day, Pussycat!
  11. ah, yes, they gave me a boat which i just picked up today...rezzed it and saw a series of oddly textured boxes. i don't use a mesh-enabled viewer and really don't want to. so, not to look a gift-horse in the mouth but, huh???? /me shakes her head, rezzes the boat on the shore and starts a nice bonfire with it
  12. I would also recommend checking the Grid Status page so you know when to expect a Rolling Restart day. Depending on the type of rollout going on, it may affect private regions as well as Mainland. Then you'll know whether it's a 'normal' update or something more out of the ordinary. Enjoy! P.S. edited 'effect' to 'affect' and adding link to Grid Status page.... http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  13. 'ewwww" but....check your particle setting for your viewer. if you don't have particles set high enough, you may not see what you are hoping to see.
  14. Hello Bengta, I have a home with a pool like that. Mine is outside in a deck. I have added two float poses and another one for sitting on the edge of the deck to splash my toes in the water... a little imagination and I'm sure you'll find various ways to use it. Best of luck with it! Tini
  15. Hi Stela, You need to 'un'deed the land in the group's land tab. That's if I understand you - you want the 1000sqm to be land that you have available for yourself...not the group.
  16. "...not worrying about it..." then why post? :smileyindifferent:
  17. hello XbabylonX.... Your question as posted, makes me wonder whether you have actually selected and visited your Linden Home??? The floor, walls, windows would all be there. You design the areas as you choose up to the allotted 117 prims worth of objects. Perhaps you've already surmised this from the links posted by other responders. If not, please look at the links already posted and select your home, name it...and then go there. Enjoy! Tini
  18. Hi Jenna, The home is not automatically given to you when you become premium. You have to select the theme and a name for it. To do this, go to you Dashboard and click on the link to "Get Your Home Now". That is the starting point. Once you select the theme you want, a house style from those being offered and a name for your land, you'll be set up. You can then click the link to go to your home. Be sure to Landmark it and or "Set Home to Here" once you get there inworld. That should do it. Enjoy! Tini Jewell
  19. hahahaha - my world, YOUR way??? it's fantasy...why does anything we look like in SL have to do with reality? when i can teleport or fly in RL without the aid of any mechanical means as i can in SL, perhaps (and that's a big MAYBE) i would consider that my avatar is too tall. however, i truly doubt that will happen any time soon. why does it bother you what other people look like? if you're happy with how you look and i'm happy with how i look, what's the problem? you enjoy it your way and i enjoy it mine, k? thanks :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:
  20. Well, October isn't over yet, is it? :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  21. ok, first of all, which viewer are you using? it sounds as though you might have the SL V3 viewer and that you have not enabled the advance mode. just maybe...but if that's not the case, then knowing which viewer you are using could allow some others to offer assistance. eta: sorry, i should have read more...but still, which viewer are you using?
  22. I'm surprised that those who posted links didn't see the specific line about skyboxes: "Land cannot contain sky boxes, temp-rezzers, or individual prims beyond the allocated size of the Second Life Viewer build tools — 10x10x10m (no megaprims). " (underlining at beginning of sentence added for emphasis) So, no sky boxes, no temp-rezzers and no megas - although I do wonder what the new 64x64x64 prim size limit has done to the megas issue. I believe the no sky box issue was mentioned as a way to keep the land uncluttered.
  23. Have you gone into your "Merchant Home">Manage Inventory and made sure that your items show as "Listed"? There was a maintenance this week and now there is a notice showing an issue with some items listing twice...but your items must show as listed. Good luck!
  24. I'm not sure if it's my lack of coffee yet this morning or my lacking of understanding much about the technical aspect of mesh...but your reply seems based on the opposite of what I believe the OP had stated??? I thought the OP was stating that mesh is taking longer to rez...not sculpty. I'll reread the OP but I've already done that a few times. /me rubs her eyes, swigs her coffee and goes back to read again.
  25. Tini Jewell


    depending on the viewer you're using, you may have a avatar z-axis adjustment allowing you to get your feet back on the ground :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
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