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Melita Magic

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Everything posted by Melita Magic

  1. If you're hearing music you must have media set to stream automatically. Try going into edit/preferences and turning that off. Maybe that will get you past the hump so you can go somewhere else. You should take people's advice and try logging in from another location too, so you're sure it isn't the location.
  2. Staralien wrote: Here's a can of worms I just opened: If your avatar is raped, (if such a thing were possible to do against your will) can you prosecute the person in real life? Should you be able to? Rape is a violent act, and in this case it would be basically raping someone's mind. Mind rape. Obvious trollbait is obvious. Rape is not a humorous topic.
  3. Sounds funny! I'm on you tube now trying to find something remotely entertaining and/or new...
  4. There are some really funny prank videos on you tube, people messing with scam phone callers. Funny some of the scammers get angry when they realize they've been had. Irony!
  5. Yeah, something I never wanted to be in SL (or RL either come to that.) To make ends meet I'm thinking o renting out some of my land. It doesn't sell for anything these days and since I have a half sim I wno't part with, even if I sold a lot of my land, I'd still be paying a full sim tier, because I'd want to keep the half sim plus a few other smaller, choice parcels. In other words, dumping the land I don't like as much, won't affect tier. So, renting it out might be a better solution, in hopes I can get back on my feet at some later point. (sigh) So is there any advice? Also some of you might know where my land is - some in Dallows, a half sim in Binneed, and some in the former teen grid (double prims.) There's nothing that can't go away on any of them, really. I don't want to uproot all my stuff if people will be flaky and not be a long term tenant, and yet, if at some point (probably not several months or so, earliest) I want to take back the land I don't want them to be crestfallen (I'd do it as transparently as possible.) So, any thoughts on all this? What a mess, and bother, but that's life in today's economy. Thanks in advance.
  6. Neither one sorry, but, if I had to choose I'd choose # 1. The hair doesn't really fit on either one and the skin doesn't seem to go well with the face. I'd go for a softer lipstick, more of a pink with some pink in the cheeks too. Didn't like the hair on # 2 at all.
  7. Aw, come on, that was funny. Tex: Or liters of soda...which they can also use when empty.
  8. Phil Deakins wrote: so the "fat, unshaven, sweaty woman in a grubby, dirty vest sitting at the keyboard" is acceptable How you doin'? ...I'm kidding, Phil. But, I couldn't resist.
  9. Tex Monday wrote: sams Byron wrote: This is just my personal observation. I've noticed the various club venues I've visited tend to have a fairly very high ratio of female avatars declaring themselves as bisexual or gay in their profile versus female avatars who do not (and I assume are straight). On public beach sims, it seems to hover around 50-50. Non-gender specific regions, of course. I'm curious, what are your observations? Have you found that straight women are a minority versus women with different (or have multiple) preferences at your regular hangout spot? Please remember that a good number of those female avatars are probably played by men...some who even live in their parent's basements eating cheetos and drinking diet sodas....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3: Oh I totally disagree with you. What a short sighted and oblivious statement. There's no way those sodas are diet. LOL
  10. Probably someone has said this; I will read the topic through later to see. But it's an opinion topic, so I don't usually read those first before giving my opinion, since no one can do that but me. Most of the gay or bi women (avatars) on SL are men. I think a fair amount of the male avs dressed as transgender hookers are female. (So I've heard enough say. Hmm, how do I know that? More like overheard.) Go figure.
  11. Wouldn't that company need your ID and payment info to be able to pay you? And then what would they do with that? Although if they marketed that information or posted it on the web it wouldn't be so different from what those fun games and apps already do on Facebook, which is one reason I'm not on there.
  12. I once tried selling some used clothing and furniture and random things. I had to take a photo of each thing, since almost no creations in SL already come with a photo. Also I didn't used to save the box it came in, besides, some creators make the box non transferable. So just the photo taking took a while. Then I had to edit the photo to make sure it was close up and all the details were showing on the box. Then I had to put text in the photo and a price. By the time I got done doing all of that for 10 or 15 things, it took a few hours. Then I put the photos on a prim and put the things in that prim. Then I priced the prim and put it on my land. Most of a day gone by the time it was all done. I did not sell a single thing. There are lots of things I'd love to get rid of and make a few $L but when I look at it like that? By the time I put out 100 things like that? What amount of time would it take, and photo uploads, and how much money would I make? Probably less than $50 total if I'm lucky. That's, what, 25 cents? I'd rather think I could find that much on the sidewalk, but good luck to you anyway.
  13. /moves to ban all sloths...just in case... and also, sloth object entry as a safety measure.
  14. Naw, Hippie and hippie is something lots better! Hi, Hippie!
  15. Yes, Henri is very handsome - and quite expressive. Reminds me of my mother's cat (RIP) which had beautiful emerald-green eyes as well. That particular film from that series is the best filmed and edited, I think. Mom's husband sent us the Simon's cat clip in the past and said that's how the cat behaved in the mornings. The cat never swatted at me, but, he had a habit of petting the cat absent mindedly and so cudln't see the signs of when it had enough; I always looked at it and also scratched under its chin very gently etc. rather than dab at the cat with my hand while watching Tv. Lol I'm more a dog person, maybe because I am allergic to cats (Mom kept a very clean house and so there was a lot less dander, and I'd wash my hands after touching the cat, careful not to touch my eyes first.) But I do love all animals...well maybe not the predatory ones so much, because, I'm not going to win. Glad I wasn't three inches tall since their cat was an excellent mouser. The hipster video was funny, and made some very good points. A hipster is just a trendoid really. They "cherry pick things" that are trendy - someone who claims to be a geek but does that, is a hipster. A true geek marches to their own drum beat, all their life.
  16. I've been noticing that anything I write about anywhere online affects the ads I get right after that. So not only are browsers allowing email scans, but also, message board posts and anything else seems to be fair game. Big Brother never had it so easy.
  17. SerenityTelford wrote: Okay So I left IMVU and came to Second Life, after I got sick of crap in that world... Now I'm here and more annoyed than when I was on IMVU.... I try to move around inworld...and well I cant....my avi moves by its self, literally... I walk forward and it just keeps going...and going...and going...and going...same thing with flyer...I try to walk in another direction, and it doesn't let me.... Not to mention, I can't do just about anything in world, which also annoys me. I bought Premiere Member...doesn't that come with some sort of money or something (Second Life Money?).... SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME...lol In addition to what others said, try wearing less scripts or go to a less crowded sim. When the avatar does that it's lag. Lag can be made worse if there are a lot of avatars around or a lot of scripts running. Type something in search and look for the place with least traffic (it will be near the bottom of the results list.) Go there or some other empty place and see if it keeps happening. If so then it's on your end.
  18. No one showed up at my ban party.
  19. Some look at SL jobs this way: if you are spending time in SL anyway, you are being paid to play. You are never going to make real world wages in here unless you have a skill comparable to something that deserves it...graphics, scripting, etc. So, SL pay will be scaled to SL economics, where you can buy a new outfit for 25 cents. Start out with freebies. You might join the FabFree group and browse its website frequently. It's a chatty group sometimes too so maybe you can make some friends there. Forum Cartel hangout is a good group to join or place to go too; it's a chatty group sometimes and open to being asked SL questions. Type things you are interested in into search, and also look on random people's Picks in their avatar profile to find new places to go. Use the Destination Guide and Wanted forum on this website. Good luck.
  20. Ihatedumbpeople wrote: Im just looking at ways to improve my life and thought why not become a cool forumer. I noticed some people who post in the general section are extreme cool and wonder if you can provide me some tips on what steps I should take to be more like you and fit in Every day you must hang upside down for ten minutes. Not nine, and not eleven. Every day you must sing the Battle Hymn of the Republic at top volume while holding your nose. You have to have heard of Huey Lewis and the News. And of course you have to know the password to the secret clubhouse. Then and only then can you be a cool forumer. Or did you mean to learn how to fill out government forms in triplicate? If so then that has its own set of criteria. But first, please join the line to the left.
  21. Wait. 16 left?? And Trinity's ban expires tonight? What is she supposed to do then? Hmmm?? I know. I'm throwing a ban party. Everyone is invited. Except you can't get in!
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