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Melita Magic

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Everything posted by Melita Magic

  1. Solar Legion wrote: ... and the objects will remain there indefinately (well, so long as auto-return is not used at any rate). Oh! I had presumed 'after auto return was put back on.' In that case mainland is the same. I thought we were talking about...okay. Got it now. Thank you.
  2. Dillon Levenque wrote: Woohoo, Melita! I see you got your forum badge questions answered. Nice! That is pretty funny about the 'Melita' coffeemaker advice, but your suggestion matched what I thought was the problem. I usually brew a couple cups of plain water after cleaning just to make sure. Thank you Dillon!
  3. p.s. I just noticed my avatar looks like a giantess in my new badge...LOL So I guess the solution is within my reach even more so?
  4. The solution is within reach.
  5. According to the AP, both friends and fans are invited to attend the funeral, which is today. (Actually it must be underway now.) A certain publicity hungry group of hate mongers who do not deserve to be named are reportedly going to picket it!
  6. Fenimore Hapmouche wrote: Coffee advice from Melita, perfect! LOL you know, I thought of that after I posted. Lol! Well maybe someone drawn to the gripes thread because they feel grouchy will see that and laugh.
  7. Caemlyn, try the places I mention in this post. (Or anyone else who is still looking for non mesh clothing and shoes.)
  8. Solar Legion wrote: No - I mean the land itself being set to "Everyne" for a moment, then when the object is set out, setting the land back to Group Only. No one can set the group on another person's objects, edit rights or not. I've tried. Thanks for the answer. I'm still confused. If the land is set to everyone, and the person isn't wearing a group tag when they rez the stuff, what's to stop it being sent back when the land is set to group again? I'm missing something. Is estate land different in that way? And yes I was talking (mainly) about mainland in my prior posts. But, neighbors are neighbors.
  9. Is someone running vinegar water through the pot to clean it? That's a common way to clean and keep lime deposits out. If so, tell them to follow with plain water, or rinse the coffeepot better afterward.
  10. Do you mean the person with a full groups list would rez things on land set to 'everyone build,' then someone who has edit rights on their prims would set those same things to group? Solar Legion wrote: Anyone with a full group list cannot join a land group to acquire rez rights. This is solved by temporarily setting build to everyone, letting the person set out what they are going to set out and then setting it back to group.
  11. Would someone please remind me how to make a forum badge? It's been too long since I made mine and it's looking outdated. I would like to know how to do anything extra with it, too, if you feel inclined to go to the trouble. I might not want to animate the image but someone reading this might. Or, how to use only one image instead of two. And whatever else you would like to include. Thanks in advance.
  12. I had quite the shopping spree today! I needed to do something different for a change, than check on my land and pets, in Second Life. When I had recently dressed up my little avatar for the Easter holiday, I had rummaged up some really nice looking pumps from inventory. I didn't remember buying them. I decided to begin with trying that landmark, to see if I could find some more. The shoes were old sculpt without alpha and I know those will soon be 'extinct.' Well, the landmark was outdated, so I deleted all of those landmarks and used search. Bingo! (Search working for me in the old but not the new viewer is one reason I have yet to update my viewer.) The store's name is Nardcotix, and after some fretful browsing I discovered the old mode of shoes are in a hidden room behind their staircase. As you go into the store, take a right and then two lefts, circling around underneath teh stairway to find the room. All of their old style shoes are on sale for a tenth their former price or so. I bought up all of the basic pumps that I didn't already have. $50L per pair! Nardcotix Continuing on the old school theme, and I can't even remember now how I found it, but Gizza was my next stop. Oh now I do remember! I had begun by shopping in marketplace. But Gizza had no fatpacks on marketplace. I love fatpacks because it's so much easier to sort one folder than ten! If I like something enough I want it in every color, if it isn't too costly. So I went to the in world store. I was so happy to find out almost everything that isn't mesh is currently fifty percent off. It wasn't on sale on marketplace, only in the in world store. So now I could get twice as much for the same price! I ended up going through all the money I had bought but I don't care. I got so much stuff! Then I had to spend at least as much time trying it all on, fitting the prims, renaming and sorting each folder. But now I feel much more secure that I won't have to wear the same thing every day until I finally feel good about updating my viewer. So if you want non mesh clothing and shoes for any reason, you might want to try those two places. I got the dress in the pictures for $125L I think. I am wearing some old shoes with it, but if I had worn a pair of shoes from Nardcotix, the whole outfit would've cost less than $200 or less than one U.S. dollar. Other things at Gizza where I got the clothes, were jeans shorts for $75L and entire outfits complete with shoes or boots for around $200L. They had everything from all sorts of tops to pants, dresses, gowns, and full outfits. And guys...I do believe the male clothing is half price for a lot of the male non mesh clothing too. Gizza Here I am modeling one of my new purchases. I am wearing the brightly colored maxi gown in honor of real life clothing designer Lily Pulitzer who recently passed away. It's the type of design that made her famous. Have fun shopping!
  13. I think someone could put the song into one of those wearables that play a song whenever you walk. Someone could also make a different but equally cute dance for the song that could play as a gesture. Or something like the "Thriller" thing.
  14. Speaking for myself but I am guessing this was true of others too, we understood that, Amethyst. If she's waiting around the clock for someone who can't tell her when he will show up, perhaps Skype would prove more reliable...or force some reality into the situation. If there is some reason he keeps her in the dark, maybe that would force his hand, quite frankly. ETA: I took it as possible either way when I read it. He could be stationed overseas, quite easily, for example, and be her RL husband who meets her in SL when he can. But, if he is a stranger, and demands she wait by her computer 24/7 literally, without word, then she gives 100 percent courtesy and he gives none. She can find better people to "immerse with" if the latter is the case.
  15. I also agree with those who said you could try Skype for your husband's phone calls. Also there is Google phone which you can now patch into a mobile phone etc. and I think Google phone is free. If you don't want to venture out much from your SL land you can shop on marketplace. Just click 'marketplace' under Shopping here on this very website. (Same website you are on for the forums.) Sorry this happened to you. I know some people out there like to push other people's buttons, and get them upset, for whatever twisted jollies they get out of that. And they seem to hit when you least expect it. Griefer. Loves to cause grief. Antisocial narcissistic personality type most probably. Low on empathy.
  16. Leoninus Zsun wrote: [12:43] R********d: Adult profile. - Please reread the Terms of Service. [12:43] R********d: In Section - it states you are not to insult others or make them feel uncomfortable. Unless you have pornographic pix in your profile or something similar, he's misquoting the TOS. He seems to be using that part of TOS to describe your 'verbal exchange' and that isn't what 'adult profile' means. Adult profile means people who have pornographic language or photographs and things like that, in their profiles. Profiles are available in search and have to be PG rated. A lot of people don't seem to know that (or don't care) and post things that would make Hugh Hefner blush. So I don't think a Linden staff member would misquote Linden Lab terms of service. Whatta maroon.
  17. I'm sure others have said this too but that was not a Linden or LL staff member. I could bet my rent on that. I would also bet the same, that was the same guy back in an alt to harass you. He seems very stupid since he didn't know what was on the tag on his head. Also he would be in a lot worse trouble for impersonating a Linden (which you can AR him for by the way) than you would be for telling him a curse word and calling him by the tag he wore on his head, no matter what the word was. Just my opinion on that. Impersonating a Linden can get him banned. Sounds like he was a nosey rude person who isn't afraid to break the rules himself to make his point. In other words: a griefer.
  18. Lucretia Brandenburg wrote: Also, anything already rezzed, regardless of group, before autoreturn is enabled won't be returned. This part isn't true. Before you turn on auto return, if you have items rezzed which do not bear the tag of the land group, they WILL come back to you - and probably in one big clump. I know from experience. That isn't true if you merely SET the land group, though. Only if you DEED the land to the land group. Setting the land but not deeding it might be the best of both worlds for most people; the land owner can still rez things with or without group tag on; but you can still set auto return for everyone else. I changed my land from set to group to deeded to group only when I needed that land bonus to buy a parcel and stay under tier. It's always better to be safe by simply going around and setting every item on the land, to the new land group. Then, when you change the land to group, nothing comes back (except the stuff you forgot to set to group.) You only need to set items to group though; not deed. (Once you do this stuff it becomes second nature and 'deed to land' requires added steps, so it's not as easy to confuse the two, when doing the actions, as it sounds.) Only land radios and such need to be 'deeded.' You do get used to wearing your group land tag. I mostly leave mine on all the time so I can rez without thinking. However, if you don't have tags visible on your viewer and so you forget you aren't wearing your group tag, then rez some stuff, it can be annoying when it comes back. But not nearly as annoying as being griefed permanently, or your neighbors griefed because you were building like a newb.
  19. Yes please. All landowners should activate auto return. It's easy to do: Set build to group or owner only. In the objects panel of your land settings, type a number - 1 through 10 is usually good. If you want building to be almost impossible, use a 1. If you want someone to have just enough time to open a box, maybe type a 10. That is all there is to it. If you want your friends or alts to be able to rez permanent structures, you do NOT have to leave build on and auto return at 0. Simply make it 'group land.' You will get a ten percent land bonus for your trouble (ten percent more meters required, until you hit the higher tier level. I think that's how it works.) I have had neighbors who refused to set auto return "because I want my friends/alts to build here." It more often caused problems for the entire neighborhood. I had a park with bicycles anyone could use; but if they stopped riding in the neighbor's lawn (which - they shouldn't have gone into to begin with but that's another problem for another day) because auto return was not set, the bicycle stayed - with my name on it. Instead of setting 'auto return' that neighbor began to harass me using his various alts. He would expect me to drop anything I was doing and come get the bicycle he found - he even began to go up and down the 'block' and IM me if he found one anywhere - on a for sale parcel, abandoned land, etc. It became unbearable. If he had set auto return, he wouldn't have even had to bother with it; the land returns things FOR you. And yes I did remove the bicycle rack since it apparently made him so agitated. Didn't matter; the whole incident made me decide I was sick of the area and of people not doing the right thing by their neighbors. It wasn't just him; there was also the land flipper nearby who purposely tried to cause drama, whether rezzing sex beds on G rated land next to a park where child avs and SL families hung out; or bidding up parcels I wanted, only to drop out of the auction, or if I wasn't in the auction, to put the land up for sale at laughable prices, assuming I'd "have to" buy it; on and on. Building over hte property line, putting up ban lines on empty lots to cause problems; etc. And once I moved out, presto, the prices on those same parcels dropped to 1L/meter or were abandoned. In short, I see refusing to use auto return as simply one of the ways people are antisocial as neighbors in Second Life. If you refuse to use auto return you simply are not thinking about your neighbors or the peace of the neighborhood. And mainland IS a neighborhood.
  20. Thank you Solaria and Czari for your posts. Their Tv show was so entertaining. They both had a dry wit (especially Siskel would could occasionally be very snarky!) but their comments about the film clips were always so interesting. In my opinion, no one before or since has compared to their level of insight coupled with watchability. Before them it was basically just Rex Reed. Rex had snarky reviews on a morning news show. There was also Leonard Maltin on Entertainment Tonight. Both of those men were okay but I never found their reviews incisive or relatable. Ebert was so gung ho on reporting. He loved to be a journalist, I think. That is how he got his start. I also liked that they were "Illinois boys" - my home state. Can't help but root for the 'home team.' But they sure made good. I would read about their going to Cannes and interviewing celebrities - Ebert's interviews always gave you the feeling of being right there and made his subjects seem more, well, human, rather than a star fixed in the firmaments - and think, 'wow.' What is it like to have gone from the U of I campus to sitting tableside at Cannes, feeling the ocean breeze and pointing a microphone at some of those screen legends? It was a day's work to him. Ebert inspires through his writing, too. The public began to think of film reviews and of flim critics differently - not some guy in a beret sneering at everything, but a guy who loves movies. Who will buy the biggest popcorn, ask for butter in the middle and on top (as Siskel chided Ebert about once, on Tv) and devour it without apology or shame. A populist with the smarts of an elite wordsmith, a poet at heart; a person who loved film so much, every year he would decipher the same obscure film frame by frame and give lectures on it. Siskel and Ebert were heroes to anyone who loved movies but until then was afraid to admit it. They were no snobs; if a popular movie was good as film, they weren't afraid to say so. If a popular movie was bad as film, they also were not afraid to say so. In a time when more and more 'critics' were literally hired to shill for studios, these guys' opinions could not be purchased. That in itself is laudable. Ebert also in my opinion gives hope to those of us who tend to the introverted side of life; who think through their fingers; whose keyboard is their voice. His words reflect what he valued in life, and they will live on. As will Siskel and Ebert's partnership, friendship, and professional legacy, as long as people are interested in film.
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