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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Nikana Demonge wrote: miukysuka Why are these types of stores or individual content allowed on Marketplace? A friend posted me a link today where somebody actually copybotted my shape and used my profile picture and my SL name and is selling my shape on Marketplace......With such bold, obvious abuse of the rules of copybotting why do they continue to allow this site to remain up? I saw skins on this site by other creators that this person has copybotted and is reselling? Does Linden Labs only take action when this happens to their biggest creators in SL like Linc, Truth, ect? I saw so many people I know in second life their names and pictures listed on this store and this person making money off selling a shape they copybotted, sorry but when they list your profile picture USE your SL name its like saying to Linden Labs screw you I will copybot what I like and profit from it and you proved to everybody you aren't going to do a damn thing about it. Disturbing really. Maybe some of you should see if your name, picture and shape is there, you might be suprised. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Nikana-Demonge-shape/5740600 There's next to no chance that this is actually your shape. From reading comments, it's obvious that this store was built on copying product pictures from other places and then selling completely different things. Much easier than copybotting. The avatar behind it seems to have been eliminated - it might have been a stolen account.
  2. Rex Cronon wrote: i have no idea who iceing is. i am not whining. i am complaining that the decission to not allow installation of the viewer on the win xp sp2 seems illogical especially since the viewer can still run on this system. sadlly it seems that the real reason for this is to reduce the nr of crashes reported without doing any actuall viewer debugging and fixing. and if that is true than it is very sad:( is there other logicall reason for this? ll not wanting unsecure sytems to connect doesn't hold water, because there r TPVs that still run on such a system. Has it occured to you that the "debugging and fixing" necessary might have to be done by the operating system supplier, and that the operating system supplier DID do these fixes six years ago?
  3. Land auctions work like E-bay - you place a MAXIMUM bid but your actual minimum bid will only be high enough to be L$10 than the current highest bid. In a RL auction you bid only slightly higher than the current high bid and then bump it up each time someone outbids you until you hit the number you feel is its maximum value - nobody else knows how much you're willing to pay though. Online auctions automate this. For instance, say the current bid is L$1000. You're prepared to go as high as L$2000, but of course you want to pay as little as possible. So you tell the system to place bids for you up to your limit of L$2000. Your initial bid will be L$1010. If nobody else wants this that will be the price you get it for. If someone else bids L$1500 as their maximum bid the system will automatically place an answering bid for you of L$1510 since it's still below your limit. If another person decides it's worth up to L$3000, though, that person will become the high bidder at L$2010 because the system will put in your maximum bid and then place the higher bid for the person with the higher limit. P.S. - I was going to say the conclusion I drew from reading your post but I thought better of it.
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: Mesh Clothes is simply falling short on too many fronts that I find it hard to understand how people can find it acceptable. Because the alternative is worse - for most types of clothing non-mesh Second Life clothing is laughably bad to anyone who hasn't gotten used to the compromises older SL users have. Take an honest look at some of your SL outfits with fresh eyes sometime - would you think it's acceptable if you weren't used to it?
  5. Phil Deakins wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: You can certainly see a texture without is being on an object. Just open it. You can't do that with a skin but you can certainly see it when it's worn. You can do neither with a shape. They all exist as files in an inventory, of course, and it seems probable that, when an avatar is rezzed, the shape data stays with it. But you've entered this thread a wee bit late. We've had quite a lengthy discussion about the very point your raised. Reading the thread will get you bang up to date A Second Life texture is actually a rectangular array of values for red, green, blue and transparency. The number of values is always a power of two in both directions. If you open it in the viewer you can see a representation of how those values would look on a flat surface under neutral lighting without repeats. If the exact same texture is applied to a sphere at SL sunset it will look radically different. Which is the "real" texture? What I've meant throughout the thread is that a user can actually see a texture, but the same is not true for a shape. That's all. So your question doesn't apply to this discussion Yes, a "shape" is only a modifier that is dependent on something else, but so is a texture. A "shape" is a set of values that modify the configuration of the default avatar mesh - you can see the effect of these modifications in a number of ways. A "texture", on the other hand, is a modifier for a surface. You can only "see" a texture when it's on a surface. You can "see" a texture by opening it in a viewer without it being on an in-world object only because the viewer generates a variable-size surface to show it on. You've already changed what "you actually meant" a number of times, now we're just waiting for your, "Well, this discussion is over because I'm right and there's no need to continue" post.
  6. Phil Deakins wrote: You can certainly see a texture without is being on an object. Just open it. You can't do that with a skin but you can certainly see it when it's worn. You can do neither with a shape. They all exist as files in an inventory, of course, and it seems probable that, when an avatar is rezzed, the shape data stays with it. But you've entered this thread a wee bit late. We've had quite a lengthy discussion about the very point your raised. Reading the thread will get you bang up to date A Second Life texture is actually a rectangular array of values for red, green, blue and transparency. The number of values is always a power of two in both directions. If you open it in the viewer you can see a representation of how those values would look on a flat surface under neutral lighting without repeats. If the exact same texture is applied to a sphere at SL sunset it will look radically different. Which is the "real" texture?
  7. Phil Deakins wrote: One bit of information that hasn't been mentioned is that a shape cannot be seen. It doesn't actually exist. Imagine it like this. Imagine a totally transparent human-shaped blob. That's your shape, but you can't see it unless it is covered in a skin. You cannot remove your shape. All you can do is replace it with another shape. Even then, you aren't literally replacing it. What you are doing is loading a different set of numbers to define the shape you already have. If you buy a shape, you simply buy a set of numbers to define the shape you already have. What you buy is a file, but it contains the numbers to set your shape to, and not a blob or object or texture or anything like that. When you drag another shape onto your avatar, or click to wear it, the system sets your shape to the new numbers. You don't actually see the numbers and you don't have to modify your shape to them. Skins are textures and they do exist. Like the shape, you can't remove it but you can replace it. This time you do literally replace it. You replace the texture on your shape with another one. If a shape without a skin doesn't "exist", how can a skin exist without a shape? It's impossible to see a skin in-world unless it's on an avatar shape, and it's impossible to see a texture in-world unless it's on an object. If you want to be logically consistent either shapes/objects and textures/skins both exist or neither do.
  8. The "Low - Medium - High - Ultra" settings are just presets for the various settings you see in the "Advanced" section of the graphics menu - those settings in the Advanced section are what actually determines what the world will look like. Your card will never, ever be able to run at the settings that the "Ultra" presets will try to set - it should instead set things to the highest level that your card can do but there may be a glitch. It's likely that the "Ultra" setting is trying to make your card do something it doesn't support. Change the slider to a lower setting, enable the "Advanced" button and adjust your settings from there.
  9. Sephryn Meili wrote: I bought a pair of Lolas Tango breasts last week and have loved them and gotten several outfits just for them. Tonight when I tried to switch outfits none of my appliers are working, I'm stuck wearing a skimpy top that I feel isnt suitable for all sims no matter what applier I try it doesn't work and all of them worked up till now Make sure the sim you're changing clothes on allows scripts to run.
  10. LadyKattana wrote: Hello fellow SL peeps. I downloaded my SL and Viewer to my MacBook Pro, and while it seems to work fine for now, I am worried about burnining my laptop out in the future with extended game play time. I was thinking of purchasing a PC laptop to prevent this, and because I have many other games like MYST and Baldur's Gate and Borderlands also downloaded and don't want to put extra pressure on my Mac, which I love to use for my writings and schoolwork etc, but not so much for gaming. Is it possible for me to transfer my account from my MBP to whatever gaming laptop I purchase, free of charge, or am I going to have to purchase the game for the PC format all over again? thanks, LadyKattana You can log into Second Life from any computer that has a viewer installed and use the same account. All the important details of your account are stored on the Linden Lab servers and are completely independent of the computer you use to log in with. You can switch back and forth from Macs to PC's without problems.
  11. DennisCada wrote: I've been trying to bid on land but I get immediately told that someone has overbid me! I find the bid was done a few hours ago. What is going on?? It appears as if the process is rigged. If someone did do a higher bid a few hours ago why am I being allowed to bid lower only to be told that my bid isn't winning because someone has bid L$10 more each time? Land auctions work like E-bay - you place a MAXIMUM bid but your actual minimum bid will only be high enough to be L$10 than the current highest bid. In a RL auction you bid only slightly higher than the current high bid and then bump it up each time someone outbids you until you hit the number you feel is its maximum value - nobody else knows how much you're willing to pay though. Online auctions automate this. For instance, say the current bid is L$1000. You're prepared to go as high as L$2000, but of course you want to pay as little as possible. So you tell the system to place bids for you up to your limit of L$2000. Your initial bid will be L$1010. If nobody else wants this that will be the price you get it for. If someone else bids L$1500 as their maximum bid the system will automatically place an answering bid for you of L$1510 since it's still below your limit. If another person decides it's worth up to L$3000, though, that person will become the high bidder at L$2010 because the system will put in your maximum bid and then place the higher bid for the person with the higher limit.
  12. entity0x wrote: Second Life 3.7.5 Viewer always sending Crash reports on exit. 1) Made sure to do a complete fresh install, including deleting of cache, preferences, installations, viewer links, and folders. 2) Problem can be replicated; simply start the viewer and exit, and always sends a Crash Report. - many times, even minutes after the Viewer has been closed, another crash logger report appears, sometimes up to 4. 3) Must go into Task Manager and ensure the Viewer is closed at times. NOTE: FIrestorm no issues. That was a problem with that particular release of the viewer; using the current release 3.7.6 or any of the betas will take care of it.
  13. Muyamikaanri wrote: Bought Lindens from a reseller today, and never received them. I contacted their customer support and was told to contact Linden, because their records show that the money was successfully transferred. http://quick-markup.com/p/535a0704b7463 ^ The receipt showing that they paid out, but I never received them. That receipt seems like you bought IMVU Credits, which are for a completely separate online company and have nothing to do with Second Life. Something looks very fishy there. They call what you bought "credits" but abbreviate them as "LD", which suggests Linden Dollars but Linden Dollars are always abbreviated "L$."
  14. AimlessDrifter wrote: Fullbright in Windowless Skyboxes, Yes or No? I've serached it and read a few threads, but none form a consensus. Besides, I want my own I know the majority of builders cringe when they see full bright. But to my mind's eye, and my sense of reasoning it only makes sense in a windowless skybox. It allows me to control the shade and color of the build, so that all visitors see the same thing. What I intended them to see, when I created the build. It also helps me to match one prim texture into the next, as intended. It is a box after all. Why would there be sunlight or shadows inside it? Tell me why I am wrong, or right. I think it looks beter, but feel like doing it is SL blaphemy. What's your take? Yes or no, & why? I'm talking skyboxes only here folks. Thanks in advance for all your input! Aimes The objects and avatars in a full bright skybox will still respond to the world lighting and will look really bad and out of place at night. Do. Not. Want.
  15. frostmonty wrote: I have of course tried typing it in many times, but it's pretty clear that the problem lies with LL. I'm in Europe and I don't speak English well, so I was hoping I wouldn't have to call them. Isn't there any other way I could contact them? Okay, silly question - are you sure you're typing in your USERNAME correctly? You might have made a typo in it without noticing and the fact that you've recently changed your password is making you assume it's the password but the same message will happen with a mistyped username.
  16. gbman2004 wrote: so i went to put about 125 breedables into a box for my sister and POOF they are gone..... clear my cache, it doesnt help, do everything it says on the site to do and nothing. after awhile i gave up and continued my life. then next thing i know my buddy hands me a collective stack of about 120 and a few more stacks, and one of the stacks when i rez it, only 40 of the stack rez. the rest POOF gone. i clear cache and do everything it says on the website and nothing happens. im not going to say how much money i lost from this, but lets just say i am screwed IRL because of a 2 second glitch in this virtual world. i tried to submit a ticket but cannot for the life of me even find something in the drop down menus remotely related to lost items. What i want is simple. I want the fact that i lost my ass IRL because of a 2 second glitch to be amended. I want whats RIGHT to be done, and I want my stuff back, or manybe my money back i spent on that stuff i dont know, but i know if i took all of that money, real money, cold hard cash and it was a couple months salary for me, im on SSDI, the fact is i lost it ALL in about 2 seconds. Lindens, if you truely care about us, can you please help me? I dont know what in the world i am going to do now, and i feel like im sliding down a cliff, wich drops into lava. PLEASE TOSS ME A ROPE! And if any secondlife residents have a clue of what i should do please let me know! Thank you sencerley, Sebastian Gaanja Most breedables are tracked on an outside server owned by the breedable system creator and they often can be replaced by taking out a ticket on the maker's web site. You should look into this. I have no idea what "stacks" are in this reference - we need more information there. Edit your initial post. Missing objects that vanish in this way MAY end up in your lost and found eventually - it can take a few days. They'll be bundled into an object that looks like a broken orange Rubik's cube.
  17. OryxIsild wrote: I have a NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 graphics card and I haven't had a problem with SL with it up until recently. Whenever I log out of SL it would give me a black screen with one, thin, coloured line running in a jagged pattern across my screen, then the screen would go black and come back and be fine. I could live with that. As of tonight, however, things have changed. Whenever I log out of SL I see stuff like this: http://imgur.com/J3pgzeb and http://imgur.com/442CQmg I have to reboot EVERY time in order to get this go away (logging out of Windows 7 doesn't do any good as the weirdness follows me to the log out screen. The reason these are cell phone pictures is because when I screen capture the issue, paste it into Paint and save it, then reboot and look at the picture - the screen capture is 100% normal. It doesn't show the weird patterns AT ALL. I have tried both Firestorm and the official SL viewer both with the same results. I have tried DayZ, Elder Scrolls, Banished, The Sims, Civ5, all full-screen, and none of them give me the issue. ONLY SL gives me the issue. Does anyone have any idea on what the hell is happening and how to fix it?? Do you use "f.lux" or a similar screen color-adjustment program? What you're seeing sounds exactly like this Firestorm JIRA, which would also have the same effect on the LL viewer: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-12561
  18. Teachergirl Razor wrote: I mentioned now for a week -- I cannot use my avatar in either Firestorm or Second Life viewers since my entire inventory is attaching to my avatar -- I am teaching in this envronment and need to be navigating in SL an this is more than prohibiting me. I believe this happened with an inventory reset. But how would I know.. I now cannot uuse my avatar in eitther of these viewers -- Please check on this ASAP You probably hit "Wear" when the "focus" of the inventory panel was either on the top level inventory folder or a large folder like your "Objects" folder. There are times when the focus of the inventory panel changes unexpectedly, usually when using notifications. If you try wearing a folder full of clothes and the inventory focus shifts this problem can happen. Here are the instructions for fixing it (works with any viewer.) http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/wearing_entire_inventory This forum thread isn't a Linden Lab customer service portal - it's a two-year old general forum thread, which is why you got no response earlier.
  19. Oresths wrote: Asus Radeon R7 250X 2GB GDDR5 R7250X-2GD5 OR Gigabyte GeForce GTX 650 Ti 2GB rev. 2.0 GDDR5 GV-N65TOC-2GI / WHATS THE BEST FOR SL? Second LIfe uses a graphics language called OpenGL which can run across operating systems. Most computer games use a Windows-only language called DirectX. Graphics card makers typically write drivers for the cards to work with either language but DirectX is more common and the games it uses represent a large and lucrative market so graphics card makers tend to support DrectX first and OpenGL as an afterthought. Nvidia OpenGL drivers are usually comparatively reliable and are kept well updated, but AMD/ATI (who make the chips in Radeon cards) are notorious in SL for having problematic OpenGL drivers. If your primary goal is to run Second Life right now I'd always pick a Nvidia card over an AMD one because of this.
  20. Pamela Galli wrote: Is it just the sheltered life I lead, or are people in SL way sillier and more estranged from reality than average (which is really saying something)? Well it IS sort of the embodiment of Adam Savage's classic reply to being corrected on a fact: - "I reject your reality and substitute my own."
  21. When you're in the viewer hit "Ctrl-Shift-9". This will bring up the "fast timers" display which is a series of bars that will show exactly how much time each graphics operation takes in every frame. Hit the "Pause" button and then click on a bar - it should get colored stripes (if it doesn't have them already. The longest stripe is the thing that takes the most rendering time. Click on the stripes and you'll see what they represent. Sometimes if you click on a stripe it will break down into sub-stripes which work the same way. You'll probably see one very long stripe in each bar - that will be the problem. It may well not mean anything to you but it will be information you can give to more technically-oriented people.
  22. Antumbra wrote: I totally agree with you everyone on sl are so uptight and so antisocial!!! When I walk into a place I want to see everyone speaking to each other as if it was real life not quiet because everyone is in private message. It just looks like a place full of parked avatars and in fact very boring. I think some people need to loosen up and not take everything so seriously. Also by invading their "privacy" its not like i'm bumping into them or anything I just asked them a simple question. I don't see what the big deal is. If you don't wanna go then don't go? No need to make such a big deal out of something. Like seriously just loosen up. Where do you go in RL where people routinely have mass conversations with strangers?
  23. Profaitchikenz Haiku wrote: I want the wavy-hands system from Minority Report. Already available. http://www.engadget.com/2013/07/22/leap-motion-controller-review/
  24. Profaitchikenz Haiku wrote: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-26921743 An interesting article here about the study of violence in players of video games. What caught my eye was Games modified to have counter-intuitive, frustrating controls - leading to feelings of incompetence - produced more aggressive reactions. I'll say no more. Oh, does it ever - I remember when I was starting SL and a friend tried me to get to use this different viewer and I swear the interface must've been designed by a mental patient so I went back to what I was used to. The viewer he tried to get me to use was Phoenix. Typists were probably really frustrated when typewriter makers changed the punctuation layout when typewriters changed from manual to electric. Do you know how you made an exclamation point on a 1940's era manual typewriter? [apostrophe] [backspace] [period] - Think about THAT during your next hot cyberdate... Oh, and the apostrophe was shift-8 and the quotation mark was shift-2. Shift-1 wasn't anything because the 1 key didn't exist - they used to use a lowercase L.
  25. Zoidyn Kytori wrote: I was getting inventory fault errors deleting and taking things into inventory earlier today, just before the unscheduled inventory maintenance alert was posted on the grid status page. Chalked it up to maintenance and went off to do other stuff. Several hours after the status updated to Resolved, I've returned and am still having the same problem - Cannot derez due to inventory fault. After several attempts, objects will finally either delete or go into inventory. Cache clear doesn't fix it. Anyone else experiencing this? There's no new report of inventory maintenance at the moment, though one will probably appear right after I post this. :matte-motes-wink: Symptoms are similar to a problem that was happening in late December/early January. If this is the same type of problem you'll be seeing intermittent problems like that until they get a chance to make a larger repair, which will be listed as "Scheduled Maintenance" and may not happen for a few days.
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