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Keli Kyrie

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Everything posted by Keli Kyrie

  1. Well we just had the Big Car Show here this weekend and I guess everyone is driving home now. I can't help but think of this song.
  2. Canoro Philipp wrote: <snip> people get into those groups sometimes because they are lonely, feel that they are not understood by almost everyone, and when they find people that share those interests and even stand by them, is easy to grow a strong attachment to the group, a strong friendship that grows deeper as time goes on, that lift up their self esteem, and make them more brave to stand for their values altought the majority disagrees, their loneliness ends. <snip> Those are beautiful points Canoro but what if a person just got into a group because they had cool hats?
  3. I like bright blue eyes and these are the brightest I could find.
  4. Storm Clarence wrote: Keli Kyrie wrote: You had to pick a picture with the two towers didn't you? (Maybe it should have been posted in songs that make you cry) Less then a month before the 10 year anniversary. I picked the photo for that reason. /me thinks Twin Towers + Postcards From Heaven = /me :matte-motes-crying:
  5. You had to pick a picture with the two towers didn't you? (Maybe it should have been posted in songs that make you cry) Less then a month before the 10 year anniversary.
  6. i found this interesting. Here is The Link if you need it.
  7. Does it really, really, really have to be a laptop? I ask because you would be better off spending $500 on a pretty good tower then later when you got more money get an awesome graphics card. With a tower you can expand when your budget allows for it in the future with the laptop you are kind of stuck.
  8. zakb wrote: Old account is age verified can i use that info or my credit card to get him back? i do remember his name and one of his oldpasswords if that helps his? Do you always talk about yourself in the third person or are you trying to get into someone else's account?
  9. Venus Petrov wrote: Keli Kyrie wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Ok All you Hippies! I have set a date. Mark it on your calendar. January the 21st for Hippiestock II! I have not decided on a time to start and end, but the celebration will last 6 hours this time! Dig? Far out and Groovy! Peace! Great poster, Keli....2012?? FIFY
  10. Oh cool thanks I was wondering where it was.
  11. Okay I upgraded. I don't like the tasb at the top like this is there a way to change that? ETA: And where is my google search bar!!!?
  12. Gadget Portal wrote: Keli Kyrie wrote: If they would make this SL software compatible with it I would. That is really the only thing that is holding me back at this point. What problems do you have? I've been using IE9 with SL with no issues. I'm using IE9 to make this post. I have not tried it yet, been afraid to, I heard posts show up blank and that you have to use something called compatibility mode. Is that not true? If so I can get rid of that annoying little update warning and update.
  13. If they would make this SL software compatible with it I would. That is really the only thing that is holding me back at this point.
  14. Venus Petrov wrote: I am listening to the insects buzzing in the trees outside my kitchen windows. Summer! There is a youtube for that.
  15. If you set it to Second Life the link won't work anymore. You will have to be logged into SL to see it. Wether that is on the web like we are now or inworld.
  16. I am not sure how the rules apply now the Linden Lab is letting our profiles be seen outside of Second Life but you can fix your problem by going to your settings and changing everything to Second Life. Then only people in SL can see it.
  17. It sounds to me like the items have not been delivered yet. Sometimes it takes a little while for the Marketplace to deliver the item inworld. You can go here to see the status of the delivery: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/orders
  18. I don't no about ya'll but I am a little worried that the "Undertakers" have so much business, i thought it was hard to kill an avatar. 
  19. Thank you Perrie for reminding us to be thankful. I would just like to say I am thankful for finding Second Life in the first place and all the wonderful friends I have meet here in the forums as well as inworld. 
  20. Stuff... yea don't think I wouldn't either. I would walk down the hall and say hi to Torley, then I would go upstairs and ask Rodvik where a nice place for lunch is. Hopefully he will know of a nice sushi restaurant and even offer to pay out of the company's account. Then when he says yes I will ask if we can bring other Lindens along. We will all buy him sake and when he is a little bit tipsy I will ask if we can all go home from work early. Then I will go to Pier 39 and go site seeing.
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