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Keli Kyrie

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Everything posted by Keli Kyrie

  1. Peewee Musytari wrote: Pink!! If you hook up with this guy you can make Little Torleys.
  2. That is so awesome I don't care what you say I am refriending you right now.
  3. See this is why I am calling it a "SLum War" people locking each other out, unfriending each other tping the governor's mansion, OMG what next?
  4. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Keli Kyrie wrote: Have you lost or gained friends because of SLums? I can't find my way back! I'm lost... Deleted my emails that had the link...and now can't find the SLum.... Help me, Obi-Wan Keli....you're my only hope. Use the force young padawan: https://my.secondlife.com/ or just click on that link and log in.
  5. Storm Clarence wrote: WADE1 Jya wrote: I think this thread is the kind of thing that makes SL great.... sharing egg recipes :smileyhappy: Delicious :matte-motes-delicious: Yes, cracking shells and not heads. Yes it is wonderful because posters like you two. btw I tried the idea of microwaving an egg in a coffee mug this morning and it worked prefect it didn't stick or anything. Also had pancakes so I could accidentally get syrup on my eggs.
  6. @ York I am on Win 7 too and it seem to run very good for me too. :matte-motes-nerdy: @ Six new computer... nice @ Roseysun Void Singer came up with the name. :matte-motes-bashful-cute: @ Deej The new Firestorm interface looks a lot like V1 you might want to give it a try when the time comes. :matte-motes-big-grin: @ Tristizia WOW that is older then the Power PC I use at work. I am happy it is still going strong for you. :smileytongue: @ Sylvia /me is happy you don't defriend over SLums :smileywink: @ Venus Firestorm is adding a lot of V2 features you might see a difference soon. :matte-motes-little-laugh: @ Liisa You can run SL with only 2GB of RAM maybe I have overkilled this with 8GB. :smileysurprised: @ Lillie lost one gained 3 so far. :smileyhappy: @ Marianne New friends, better performance life is good. :matte-motes-smile: @ Gypsy you are so right I feel so much more connected to all my SL friends now. :matte-motes-inlove: @ Void FIFY :matte-motes-whistle:
  7. Yep that was it. You're awesome! Big Hugs.
  8. You are so awesome Rolig it is fixed now! Big hugs.
  9. Void Singer wrote: I think your line was drawn hastily... there are many lines. I meant them to be chalk lines on a sports field that people can kick dirt over. PS when writing news it helps to have a copy editor. /me blushes and wonders what type of mistake I made?
  10. It is happening at all setting levels even low and when you zoom out just a very little. Add pictures to the OP look at the shoes.
  11. Dillon Levenque wrote: First: put down the gun. You couldn't hit a bull in the fanny with a bucket of wheat anyway, unless you shoot way better than you drive. I've neither lost nor gained friends because of SLum (Roseysun: Keli was the one who came up with that name. She'll probably post a link to that). But, somewhat surprisingly, I did get a contact from a friend just because of SLum, someone I hadn't talked to in quite a while. I have since learned that friend has at least one new friend because of contacting me. Pretty cool, I say. I'm still using Phoenix one rev down (.908, I believe), so I don't think that 'New Releases' thing applies. My PC is a bit more than two years old, and it was no great shakes then. I'm due for an upgrade soon; still shopping. Dillon it was not me at all. It was totally Void's idea.
  12. I am on the new Beta Viewer 2.8.3 and everytime I zoom out the textures that I am wearing become unrendered again. Like shoes and sunglasses. Do I need to change some render setting or something? Here are some Pictures.Zoomed in: Zoomed out a little:
  13. As a new day falls over The SLalaxy an outcry is heard from some of its most loyal troops “why is my V1 based viewer breaking and what is all this stuff all over my profile, like OMG... Jeez don't you people ever fix anything?” But while some feel their world is crumbling a new voice is heard crying out from the land of SingleName “these new V2 based viewers are so awesome! With each new release they seem to run better and better on my brand new computer. I have shadows and land privacy and OMG social networking... like so awesome I can connect with all my SL friends anywhere I can use my iphone.” So thus it came to pass that the battle lines were drawn those that embraced the new V2 viewers and social networking and those that did not. So I ask the following questions so we can decide the best locations for our battle droids. Have you lost or gained friends because of SLums? Does SL run better or worse on your computer with these new releases? How old is your computer?
  14. Dear Ms. Wickentower, Sorry to be so formal but I have a serious complaint to file. I would like to complain about a broken heart. I had one of my most awesome creative friends unfriend me and it is all because of SLums. This is a quote from her: I actually dropped about 80% of the people I had on my list a day after the V2 profiles went live because I didn't want all that Facebooky stuff on my "wall". I love SLums, it helps me keep in touch with my SL friends anywhere that has cell phone service 24 hour a day. The catch is I also love my friends that don't use SLums and it makes me very sad to see them leave my list. What can I do? Lose touch with some of my friends or lose some of my friends? I didn't create this darn thing now did I? I can't make people stay that don't want to stay can I? So it seems the only thing I can do about it is compaint. Thanks for Listening Keli
  15. valerie Inshan wrote: Keli you bring a smile to my face everytime you post! will you still like me if am bold? /me hugs you. :smileytongue: /me hugs you back and does that kiss on each cheek like French people do.
  16. What do you mean they don't work? That is the official website! What do they do when you download them? btw I like your new avatar very attractive.  ETA: Not sure if this will work. I think I need a image with more leg room so i can put your face up higher.
  17. /me wants to see. What does your new avi look like?
  18. To answer your question: Yes & Yes follow this link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Old_versions ETA: but you don't need to go back that far 2.4 will do what you want: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Beta_Viewer/2.4.0 BTW why did you stop using the forum badge I made for you?
  19. Have you tried to do a search on the Marketplace for hair extensions yet? I am so sorry I just couldn't resist... really I feel your pain, I really really do and I hope they fix this **** bug soon.
  20. you say new avi... did you buy a complete avi that was no mod by chance?
  21. (/me on the phone) Yea that's right they are saying that but he didn't do anything wrong... um... yea but that was only one time... oh you remember that one too? but, but, but that thread was deleted. No harm no foul right?
  22. Marigold Devin wrote: I was thinking of broccoli! ^^^More Believers!!!^^^^ /me chants bring back broccoli, bring back broccoli...
  23. If you stop I will cry... a lot! :matte-motes-crying:
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