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Keli Kyrie

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Everything posted by Keli Kyrie

  1. Have a safe trip Wilhiam. Make sure you take an extra jacket, oh and don't forget your tooth brush. Here is an emergency phone card incase you run into problems, if you get lost call us right away. OH and don't take the subway after 10pm it is not safe and make sure you get your sister a little something on your trip you know how she loves souvenirs. Now off with you and don't forget to send us a postcard when you get there so we know you made it. Hugs 
  2. Start by going to preferences/graphics and turn off all shaders and shadows. Close the program and restart it. See if it logs correctly then. If so then your graphics drivers are having a problem and you might want to go to there website to see if you can get support. I had problems with my graphics card when Viewer 3 first went to Beta but I got the latest driver and the problems went away.
  3. I think you are right. I went to three clubs and what you say was true in every case. Thank you.
  4. You have to change it from this menu. Then go to Chat or Colors (shows up different depending on which one you pick) and change the color of the text.
  5. I am on the Beta Viewer 3.0.2 and some people's name tags have started showing up in a light brown. What does it mean? I thought maybe it meant they were not on a viewer that supported mesh but there seem to be no rhyme or reason to it. When I asked the people with the brown tags one was on V3, one Phoenix, and one Firestorm. What could this new color mean?
  6. Last night the club I was at had the first ever “Mesh Party” that I know of. About 10 people showed up in Mesh, one person even showed up in a mock mesh outfit. Many people just showed up to check out the new mesh. Here are some photos.
  7. Marigold Devin wrote: They say there is no such thing as bad publicity. The negative comments over on that site are likely to make more people curious enough about Second Life to join in than to be put off. Edited to add: This Petuna character certainly likes the sound of her own voice!  ^^This^^ Just look at Rebecca Black.
  8. Thank you so much but I think I did something wrong because it ended up too high.
  9. Keli Kyrie


    Sure what would you like to know?
  10. Yes in Viewer 2 and 3 you can change the text color tp anything you like. Just go to preferences and click on Colors to change. To change the background you are going to need to use a Starlight Skin for Viewer 2/3 and you can find them at this link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_Skins/Starlight
  11. This is what the updated size looks like in the shorts. There seems to be a small hole in the alpha at the hip though.
  12. I had this same problem when V3 first came out but I updated my graphics drivers and the problem went away.
  13. Great news is the designer of the clothes in the OP sent me an update last night with 4 new sizes in it and it looks like there is a petit size that might fit me better. I'll try to post some pictures later. 
  14. You can see the little locked icon on the thread. It just happened about an hour ago.
  15. If it is this one the thread got locked for abuses. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/Where-are-all-my-friends-Come-on-in-and-lets-get-comfy-by-the/m-p/710385/message-uid/710385#U710385
  16. DQ Darwin wrote: Hey Cinn sorry we didn't get a chance to chat long last night,hopefully next time. Don't be surprised to see some of your descriptive words end up in the group description. We now have a new logo, thanks to Keli, I can see a new line of gang wear coming out.. BTW Keli let it be known Keli was the first group member, I am aware of, to arrive to a function decked out in mesh, From the pictures provided she look quite stunning, it would be nice to see pics here of her view and a none mesh viewer image to compare. If I could ever get to rez with V3 I would have looked myself. The fact is lately rezzing with any viewer is starting to take some time. I wonder if the mesh roll out has some effect on this? Have a great day all As you wish.
  17. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: /me tiptoes in under the radar It was nice to finally meet a few more of you wonderful ladies last night. I am going with lively, slightly naughty, semicivilized, polite, but unsubdued as the correct describing words. Can't wait for the next time... (((hugs))) It was great to see you last night. I loved what you said soooo much I added it to the OP. Check it out: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/The-Ladies-who-Lunch-Club/m-p/728679#M609
  18. Starlight Skins change the look of your Viewer without changing viewers. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_Skins/Starlight
  19. I am not sure what you are talking about they work fine for me. Can you give me more details about your problem?
  20. Liisa Runo wrote: I set sun to midday. How i get it back to default? Go to World/Envormental Settings and pick default. How i set the width of the on screen chat? One sentence in several lines of text is super annoying. Just grab a corner and slide it to as big as you want. How i enable object hovertips? It is called Enable Hints and it is in one of the drop downs Where are the settings for shared media? Media Settings are under Preferences/Media Where i find the info displays? Used to be under Advanced -> Rendering in v1 but cant find them anywhere. Info Displays? What's that? How i make it so that hitting enter send chat and closes the chat so i can walk around with WASD? Now it seems i need to click to ground with mouse cursor after chatting. There is a preference for WASD somewhere but I can't log in to find it right now. If no one else finds it for you I will when I can log in.
  21. Here you go welcome to Second Life. http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ 
  22. Sure thing /me loves bacon. and logos.
  23. Lillie Woodells wrote: Keli Kyrie wrote: Good morning all. Hi Dee, Hi Lillie, Hi Storm. Now play nice don't make me use this. Morning Keli! Oh I see you got your pan out! Are you going to make us breakfast!? Sure as soon as my new pan gets here... hehe I just order it last night.
  24. Good morning all. Hi Dee, Hi Lillie, Hi Storm. Now play nice don't make me use this. 
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