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Keli Kyrie

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Everything posted by Keli Kyrie

  1. It was soooo funny. I made one last night that engulfed a whole building... ahhh I wish I had took a picture now.
  2. It is a new feature they added with the Mesh Viewers. Pretty cool huh?
  3. Pep wrote: I was banned from a club once for being left-handed. Pep (Really!) Jo Yardley wrote: And what were you doing with your left hand?  Pep wrote: Drinking Pep (Too much)
  4. Marianne Little wrote: I just want to add that the Jeans from Slink is free, so go and try it all who are curious. All sizes is in one box on the floor in the clothes building, right side of the landing point. Thank you Marianne I just got them. I love them.
  5. Go to your advanced menu and pick Debug Settings. In the box type RenderVolumeLOD and it will autocomplete. Change the setting to 3.0 or higher.
  6. Just don't be too rough I am a good shot with this you know. 
  7. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Storm Clarence wrote in reply to Keli: I am going to blush if you keep looking at me like that. That would probably look like this: That is wonderful Ishtara do you mind if I save it to my hard drive? 
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: A little fresh blood can't hurt. We can learn from anyone that has the right approach and manner:) But....but, you posted to me without callin me a name? This is a first. Hugs. PS Thank you Maddy. Don't think you are out of the woods yet. I have my frying pan and I am going to be keeping an eye on you.
  9. Okay go to COCO's and look for this hat.
  10. Storm Clarence wrote: Did you catch the trolling bug? You are very good. Just because I like to play dress-up doesn't make "ME" the troll. 
  11. When was the last time you updated your graphics drivers? Viewer 3 uses Shadows, shaders and realtime Depth of Field. You might be getting an graphics error that is causing the program to dump. Now that I think about it I had problems with the graphics when I first started using it but I updated my drivers and all the problems went away.
  12. Clearly we do not have Viewer 3 users here. 1) Right on item to be shared. 2) Pick name(s) Friends/Nearby/Search. 3) Done. or just drag the item to any open window.
  13. V1 is just really cool, just look at it... wow awesomeness. 
  14. Greene Paine wrote: My thinking is that places ban furries (especially RP sims) to achieve a certain level of atmosphere and environment. For example on an old west sim lots of groups other than furries are banned. So are robots, cars, aliens, wookies, etc... They even do this in fancy real life clubs where there is a certain dress code. Imagine if this law were implemented in the USA and no sub culture could be banned from -anything-. You'd have people in cow suits working at banks, cavemen serving your McDonalds, Darth Vader in your romantic comedy movies. OH THE INSANITY!!! Or in the words of John Lennon, "Imagine allllll the peopleeee -and furries- living life living life in peace." Would you like ketchup with your order?
  15. /me waves to Hippie. Always great to see you, can I offer you something to drink? btw do you like our new logo?
  16. I don't believe your problem is with Windows 7. I have Windows 7 and have been running Viewer 3 for weeks now.
  17. If you are busy just turn on the busy mode then you don't need to send 50 IMs they will get an automatic response. ETA: You can hide Voice, Local Chat and Your Avi from people outside your land: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Hiding-avatars-and-restricting-avatar-sounds/ta-p/999779
  18. Lillie Woodells wrote: ETA: Keli, make a list of sticky notes vs. lists, then compare. I'll help with the first two. Lists: Sticky Notes: 1. You have more room on a list 1. Sticky notes are, well sticky! 2. Bring organization to your life 2. You can stick them on things
  19. Now I can't make up my mind AGGG!!! List are useful but stickies can be sooooo fun!
  20. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: Thank you for posting the "sitting" photo, Charolotte! As you know, I don't use the LL viewer, but this is an interesting development even if it is one I won't be taking advantage of for now. I do like how that skirt drapes as you are seated! :smileyhappy: P.S. to Marianne: And thank you for the jeans info; I'll pick up a set to hold on to till my viewer is able to see mesh properly! ^^^^THIS^^^^ (Well the Charolotte and Marianne parts I do use Beta Viewer 3.0.1) Thank you everyone for your lively discussion on this Mesh Mayhem. I have a question and maybe it is a silly question but why not resize mesh? Is that going to be something that is possible in the future or is the nature of mesh unresizable? If all we need is special tools to edit mesh maybe LL can add it to the viewer later?
  21. Peewee Musytari wrote: Windows 7 Sticky Notes!! You mean these thingies? You actually like them?
  22. Now that Mesh has gone grid wide I decided to do some shopping to show you mesh. If you have experimented please add your pictures to this thread. These are from JANE in Zyrra. Only the shorts are Mesh is this picture. This is an awesome mesh dress I found. This is what it looks like to a person on Firestorm. 
  23. I think thinking about things is totally overrated. Do you think if I had thought about it two or three times I would have gotten this hat? I doubt it, and where would I be then? I would be without a hat! What would I do to cover my hair on a windy day if I did not have this hat? I love this hat, this hat is awesome! 
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