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Ashlyn Voir

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Everything posted by Ashlyn Voir

  1. Also, I tend to be on for quite a bit although sometimes I go AFK. I have my auto response on, but if I see your message, I’ll most likely respond right away. I hope to hear from you in-world, love ❤️
  2. Anyway, like I said I’m open to RP and I’m a para RPer. Anything less than that tends to get boring so I am looking for someone who does the same.
  3. Hi there. You can always IM me in-world. I’m an open person and honestly enjoy a lot of things unless you ask and I tell you otherwise. I won’t insult you or ignore you and while people on this forum and SL in general are highly toxic, I tend to be easy going because I’m always open to the idea of making friends. I also like to RP as well. ❤️
  4. It’s crazy how mad boring SL can get even when sims are full of people but its like a ghost town. so sad. no one talks lol. but im in the game sim hopping as usual. still silent though
  5. Don’t worry, blocking tends to be a cowardice move anyway. Just enjoy your SL, love. ❤️
  6. I think that’s pretty cool too. I’m sure many people will be open to the idea of it with you.
  7. Unless you plan on doing something unethical to get the full SL to run on a tablet, none are really capable of supporting a program as heavy as this game. There aren’t any for iPads, but I do believe there is a text app viewer for android devices.
  8. Name is the same as it is in-world. I enjoy making new friends because I seldom ever get IMs. ? I love talking about anything from politics to makeup and love it when people share music with me so we can listen together—I enjoy many types of music so my tastes aren’t stereotypical. My opinions tend to be rather out there and controversial, but I enjoy it when I can have a cordial debate without it getting too far. I often seem flirty even when not trying to be and prefer to hang out on sims with not much lag. And I love, love to take photos. I love it when someone offers to take a photo with me, it always makes my day. ❤️
  9. You better pay child support or I’m finna go down to the courthouse ?
  10. Might be a broken client? You’ll probably have to buy everything new.
  11. I could do a combination of the two! I’ll just have to find the right outfits to do so, but I think I’ll give it a try
  12. Ooo that’s a really good idea actually ? although I never watched the x-men series. Is that where she’s from? Still though, I’d definitely do something like that for a future idea for a photo ❤️
  13. Aww, this is so sweet! Thank you kindly ❤️ And I never listened to Sade myself, but I know my mom does, hehe. She is indeed very pretty
  14. I think my avatar looks more gorgeous than ever <3
  15. Second life is a massive online world that is either completely empty or filled with avatars, yet still empty. Finding friends on the game is highly unlikely because even when one initiates conversation it seldom gets far as the other party either becomes silent or stops logging on (probably on an alt) or is always ‘AFK’. Often you’re left wandering around an empty virtual space in the hopes you’ll get the full Second Life experience. You can join a group you feel fits you and still come up empty handed. I suggest don’t even bother looking for friendships. Believe me, I’ve tried the same thing and you seldom get anywhere.
  16. I don’t even think it’s just about wanting realism more than actual functionality without having to break your wallet for a 3,000 dollar PC. :\ Sometimes going to sims with other avatars is an absolute pain because of all the lag. It can often make the game unplayable. Even lowering settings or taking off certain items isn’t all that helpful. Considering other games don’t seem to have nearly as much of an issue unlike SL, that’s saying something.
  17. I’d say it’s because SL has a serious lag problem and not everyone can afford high-end PCs to play a chatroom type game. Not to mention, there’s hardly anything to do in the game itself, sadly.
  18. Good luck with that. I find it’s difficult finding friends and decent people on this little game, so hopefully with your avie you’ll have a good chance!
  19. The original concept of SL was more or less meant as a gateway between real life and virtual. Not a virtual chat room per se, but to make connections with others via a virtual platform and our avatars were meant as a virtual representation of our real life selves. It was a way to explore things we couldn’t imagine doing in the reality. At least that’s how it was in the beginning from what I read. In essence, SL was not really a ‘game’. But, now it sort of is in a way. I think new users have a hard time trying to find a motive in SL that keeps them entertained.
  20. OT: But, I wonder if other games are as extremely laggy as SL is. :\ And I used to see SL as a ‘virtual world’, but to me its more or less a game now since there's nothing to do on it except control a character.
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