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VonGklugelstein Alter

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Everything posted by VonGklugelstein Alter

  1. Dakota Linden wrote: Greetings! Merchants have far greater control now of their Enhanced listings ... Regards, Dakota Linden -- Linden Lab SL Marketplace Customer Support https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ http://www.secondlife.com Perhaps this is why I have 13 Pages in my Manage subscription Page (with hide inactive selected) . Its too bad that some pages are empty some have 5 listings , some have 2 or 3. None are sorted by anything that matters to me such as the expiration date. Currently I have no idea when a listing is set to renew unless I want to scroll through all my ads and look through random dates to find one that is close to expiration.... Did I mention that there needs to be sorting ability in the reports and inventory pages for merchants?
  2. Josh Susanto wrote: I might be hurting some merchants by flooding the market with my freebies. But it's worth that in the short term if it puts any pressure on LL to close the gap between how things work and how they say things work. I doubt you have any competitors as most of your stuff is unique enough. as to the conspiracy theory it does look a lot like somebody is purposely trying to keep the SLM site broken and as soon as it works good for a while they go back and break it more..
  3. I have no issues with free items in world and cheap items as part of a promo, but those should all be in a "on demand" category where you physically have to go to them instead of them being in your face. Currently it is less expensive to have a 0L or 1L item on top of search than buying a feature ad.
  4. haha @ 3,569,593 units for BE .. If everybody on SL buys 50 or 60 of each you will have no problems..
  5. that is how I will go out lol, except add some zeros to the number of items
  6. this is nothing like free accounts.. free accounts are great for business. The more the merrier. I just do not like the fact that merchants and land owners are dropping like flies because their hard work is being trashed by people who want to only take but not give.. nothing in life is really free..except income from a free SLM store with 3000 items priced at 9L or less.. I just looked at apparel which I have zero interest in to see if my industry is the only one affected, and sure as hell.. of the first page of 96 ..more than half items are priced at 1 L or 0L because there is so much pressure on ALL merchants to drop their price to move units right now.. this is the self destruction I am talking about..
  7. I am not going to debate my forecast but I am 100% sure that unless the free items and those of less than 10L (i.e free to list) items get shoved on a sub site and removed from the main marketplace, the economy of SL wil tank. Allowing non paying members to flood the market with freebies and underpriced items that undermine the economic wellbeing of the paying customers and the company (LL) will absolutely cause a melt down before you know it. If you allow non paying customers to snake you and operate below your commission threshold while at the same time allowing those same items to dominate your relevant searches throughout the market, you are committing Suicide.. Since the last change I have seen a solid Drop of sales that is consistant with each instance of somebody fixing the search that moves all the stale old, cheap and free items to the forefront of all that can be found... Once you get rid of or learn how to control the merchants who are taking advantage of you and gaming your system to the point of causing serious damage to the future of your game and company, we can address the lack of demand for Land... \m/
  8. I have the opposite issue.. I have seen customers pay for items, the money show up in my main SL transaction History but the record of the sale is missing inside the marketplace completely. I have seen some strange deductions from my Balances which appear to reverse sales orders, but it would take a team of forensic scientists to figure out what the hell that was for. I guess the way things are now one has to be lucky if the L balance moves up on average instead of declining.... Oh and.. while we are talking about "features" how about installing missing tools and functions before "features" .. We still cannot sort our reports by anything... WE NEED SORTING ! Sorting is a tool and not a feature.. even the most crappy websites in the world let you sort lists.
  9. I am still trying to figure out what the reasoning is for the self destructive policies such as...... Killing the Land Market and effectively their own income. There was a direct effort to devaluate Land prices in Early to Mid 2008. The resulting damage has not been repaired. People (Merchants) who used to pay a lot of monthly tier are dropping like flies ..abandoning their land and moving their stores to SLM exclusively. The intensive effort to direct all (or as much as possible) commerce to the company owned website so they can collect a commission. BUT.. instead of promoting items of value so that they can collect commissions, they promote and therefore encourage content creators to sell their products at such a low price that no commissions are ever collected. Since day 1 of the new Marketplace I have been pushing for a Freebie only section of the SLM or a "Bargain Basement" section that is not part of the regular marketplace. Fact is that merchants who offer free items are doing this simply for free self promotion (or to mess with a competitor). The way the current website is set up cannot last for long. Not far into the future all items on it will be priced at 0-9L because it is getting to the point where unless you price your items this low they will never be found, thanks to the policies in place. How about charging Merchants a small fee for freebies and a commission on all items sold over 1L? How about not allowing Listing on the Marketplace unless you also have a store inworld or are a premium member? This would be reasonable to anybody with a brain. Even a 1L fee per 0L item sold (along with 3 emails telling the merchant thanks for the 1L and a message how they just lost money on the sale, and a message that their Linden balance was just reduced instead of increased) would do wonders for the health of the SLM...
  10. Nefertiti Nefarious wrote: Nope. My sales tripled. You sold 30L worth of product instead of 10L worth?
  11. its not an attitude, but I make it pretty clear on my profile to only send IM's and if people refuse to read the top line of a profile I wonder what their attitude is if they do the exact opposite of what I requested.. lol and I do not clear trash at that point so if I really wanted to I could read it ..
  12. whaaaaaahhhhh... go take a big fat happy pill because you need it badly.
  13. I get a gazzilion emails from SL and I never missed a IM while I was offline. Hell I have lengthy conversations with people via IM while I am offline. Yes people send notecards even though I request them not to.. they have been trained this way by merchants who insist that only notecards will get a response. I usually delete the card and then IM them and ask them " what did your nc say?" I think that any merchant who insists on Notecards does this hoping that most people will not bother to go through the effort to write one and therefore not be bothered by a customer after the sale. Its a how dare you want support attitude from what i have experienced.
  14. Brooke Linden wrote: Hi all, Please let us know if you see any issues related to this release, or any other thoughts you may have. Brooke Reports still cannot be sorted and some critical reports cannot be downloaded as CSV files. Sorting a report by item or Customer inside the Merchant management windows really is critical when troubleshooting failed deliveries. My Featured listing reports have many blank pages, some pages have 2 listings, some 5, some have none.. and again no sorting by expiration date, etc etc.. How about a Release note on this subject?
  15. most main categories have huge chunks and common sub categories missing.. its like sorting.. they never finished the reports section so why would they finish the product categories.
  16. http://www.gridsurvey.com/index.php The numbers of abandoned land is not reflective of what is actually happening. Abandoned land used to be purple and stayed purple on the map until it was sold at auction. Now they are hiding the amount of land that is unowned and only the actual parcels in the auction cue are purple. If they let the abandoned land show on the map it would be frightening... I see an incredible amount of land abandoned everywhere I look and I look a lot. I think Roads and other things like rivers etc only account for about 10-15% of all land owned.. but I doubt that we will ever find out exact numbers..
  17. the truth is that Items can sell better without feature ads. I typically only advertise because I am sick and tired of the same person desperately spamming all his stuff all over the Top of certain categories in every conceivable manner.
  18. Pussycat Catnap wrote: I'd wager that the amount of abandoned land is probably over 5% but under 20% of mainland. It can look like more - but it also tends to concentrate around places that suffered 'griefer wars' between neighbors or places with notably ugly builds or have breedable pets move in. While I'm beginning to see that new breedables do not destroy whole sims with the wag of a malicious paw... etc etc... You would lose your shirt in that bet because about a month ago it was nearly half of all Mainland that was Linden Owned, meaning.. abandoned.
  19. There better be a clear new Category for these or people will get confused even more than they already are.
  20. I vote you become the official Building inspector of all that is virtual. Nice list of observations
  21. use the UUID's instead of the placing the Textures inside the prim. Most decent texture changers will let you use the UUIDs instead of the inventory name. Its actually cleaner to do this.
  22. Simply Drag a texture from Inventory onto the surface. You can also drag from the list within the texture picker. This is usually the fastest. Oh and .. you cannot use more than one texture on a sculpt.
  23. they seem to like the low priced items because many categories are still filled with 0-9L top sellers towards the top of the search results
  24. I found a discrepancy between the SLM transactions and the LL transaction history. A customer complained that she never received a part of an order and on SLM all transactions on this order showed as failed and UNPAID... but,, the customer did receive about half of the items of the failed deliveries (UNPAID) .. so I checked my SL history and found that indeed I was paid for some of the items delivered but they did not register in the SLM sales history.. and.. they were not the same ones that she said she received.. talk about dudududududududu...
  25. SORTING IS NEEDED IN THE TRANSACTION REPORTS and INVENTORY LISTS.. I KEEP SAYING.. OVER AND OVER Now I am waiting for some "know it all" to put her misguided 2 cents in how everything is just fine and how if we realized email is our friend all our problems would be solved.
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