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Everything posted by Midnoot

  1. Don't zoom your cam under my waist band where I have an item stealthily named " pencil" or something in order to "conceal" ( for those hud inspectors) carry as we speak v:
  2. They already do this in half the Sims I go to. Somehow having fake gun in a fake world ( even a useless , un-scripted one , purely for aesthetic purposes ) is somehow a crime. Somehow unwelcoming in their own words . My avatar , my rules ! Dx
  3. Reminds me of no.match hair store . If you search THE EXACT NAME of the hair you're looking for , it still shows the entire catalog .. or maybe It shows zero results . I can't remember . But either way , what the heck?
  4. Little did you know, the half of the men are just as interested in the shopping as the woman they're with because they're looking for items for their own female avatar too >:D!
  5. I deleted 10,000 demos recently. Now I delete them as soon as I'm done trying them instead of letting them build up. .... I try a lot of demos . °`° Or I should say 10,000 items worth of demos . You know sometimes they have like 20 copies for multiple bodies .
  6. This topic is funny if you came from "real" games before coming to SL. You know, places where competitive gameplay exists, people will do anything get an advantage over you & if they lose, insult your momma in 3 languages. The only competition I see in SL is for attention. Believe me, I know the social 'game' can get heated, but I usually just end up blocking people who cause me distress. .. But then there's the possibility that they stick around your favorite hangout spots and slander you until you become an outcast in your own sims if you're not capable of exposing their malicious intentions.. HMMMM, actually, this is getting kinda dark. Maybe the social game is toxic af. HMMMmmm, I've also had people attempt to befriend my own friends in attempts to pit them against me... HMMMM, it's all coming back.. Maybe SL IS more toxic than other games... Especially when the people doing these things are intelligent enough to fly under the radar of oblivious sim owners and moderators while they wreak havok. You'd be surprised how many times it happens.
  7. I've never experienced ALT-obsession more in my LIFE than when I came to Second Life. I guarantee you that anyone who has been around a while and made friends, has been befriended multiple times by the same person, multiple times.... Lol. It's like a second nature to people of Second Life. I've gone down rabbit holes of people who've been here for over 15 years and have been making an alt a week for 15 years, re-dressing those alts as like a hobby. Usually with free stuff. Some people even buy the same body, same heads over and over and over. It's insane how much money some people will spend on their alts, just creating the same avatar pretty much, but with a new name and new clothes. These people have integrated into social groups, help groups, and some surprisingly high profile groups in SL. They're like Voldemort, spreading his horcruxes throughout Second Life to ensure he never dies. You can't get rid of them because they ARE second life. I make it a hobby of mine to try to connect the dots to who's who. I myself have a few alts which I use to check sim traffic without teleporting out of the sim i'm currently in on my main. Never tried to deceive anyone though.
  8. I like when my friends do this too. In fact, I get sad when I don't have login messages. Lol.
  9. I don't want you to know when I'm afk, so you can't find a reason to eject me. AFK indicators are a bullseye for aggressive micro managing sim moderators who need every reason they can get to eject someone. I've had moderators even message me like " Are you there? " and I reply, cause I AM at the pc, but I wasn't looking at SL and heard the IM. I've been ejected and when I ask why, they say " I thought you were AFK. ".... Why do you think everyone turns off the AFK indicator? Such a criminal offense to not dedicate every waking moment of my time in SL to chat participation.
  10. Or a Table in the sky, full of bots simulating The Last Supper. Don't ask me why it's that specific. I'm scared.
  11. Someone ( in world) who will spam the c key with me . Someone who let's me stand on their head . Someone who I come back from being afk to find standing on my head . Someone to SLiff SLuff SLaff with :B .
  12. I've had it happen to me 2 times so far . It's always a shape for me. I have to delete that shape from my outfit and use a new one to fix it . Then the avatar loads . This is also why I back my favorite shapes up by saving a copy in box. °`°
  13. I've been to many Sims that automatically eject someone If their script use is too high . Not sure if it could be done with complexity, but it should. Any time I see an avatar. .. with over 200,000 complexity, it's a flexi prim hair wearing , floppy flaxi dress using , system avatar from 2003 with 200 resizer scripts. Ain't nobody gonna miss those. Force them to be script and complexity conscious . 😛
  14. Honestly , I think it's just a pet peeve of some people who get frustrated with their own boredom and attempt to entertain themselves with the people around them , as if these human beings are their toys. :3
  15. Truths. I guess this was more of a 'wish' for a better sim/region/ search than what we currently have, more than a request for the literal raw resources like Gridsurvey. I'm glad Arduenn Schwartzman shared it.
  16. So I tried http://www.gridsurvey.com/ and it responds extremely slow, doesn't have any way to sort the results other than by Active Only and IP address. It also doesn't really say much about the sim you're joining. Sure would be nice to have that description provided by the owner like we do in the key word searches :C! Been manually searching the regions in SL on the world map and there's 0 people in them as well :c.
  17. I am passively in second life half of the time. It's something that comforts me , being around fellow humans. I've already had people get angry with me for not responding to them quick enough and tell me how I'm the scum of second life for not immediately entertaining their boredom. It's nice to not be pressured into participating at all times. I'll quit real quick if im expected to be on call for some stranger's immediate gratification . S T R E S S.
  18. Interesting. Interesting. Thank you. I will check this when I get home >:3. About the key words being my interests - i've exhausted the sim options that did show up for my interests . It would be nice to have exposure to new things without being limited to what I currently know . For example, I've been introduced to tons of things on second life that I didn't know I was interested in until I came here .
  19. Listen, I've run bone dry on key words to type into the search, the " What's hot now" list never changes, and events are too transient and I always miss them. Is there a way to just see ALL of the sims that exist, without having to type a key word, then search them by traffic like we do with a normal key word search? If not, there really needs to be. I'm truly tired of current list of Blues clubs from 2003, Troll-Island-10, Fire-Storm-No-Non-Noobs-Allowed-Not-Actually-Social, Lelutka, London-Get-Ejected-For-Being-Human, that is the What's Hot Now list on the destinations guide. I would keep finding new places with key words, but I've tried all my key words :c..... Please let me just see all of the sims.. lol...
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