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Everything posted by Hathoria

  1. Yes the Universe can be quite pushy, trying to get us to do things before we think we are ready. It knows if we wait to be ready it wont ever happen.
  2. But that is the thing, true we are never separated from the natural world because we live in it every day but so many people do not realize this. That language of separation and return, while it may not be technically accurate is in fact very useful for describing one of the major problems with modern life.
  3. It's Independence Day, be independent.
  4. I fell out of the place I was exploring and landed on Mars.
  5. All this talk about weeds reminds me of something I saw once years ago. At the time i worked for a landscape company and the crew who were all from Guatemala were pulling weeds. I noticed they each had two piles of weeds that they had pulled out so I asked them why. They explained to me that one pile they would throw away, but the other pile was going home with them because plants could be used as seasonings when cooking.
  6. Its a police station across from the place with babies in glass balls, http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/INSILICO SOUTH/27/91/3602
  7. I think if you are in tune with such things you will get this from anything, I will admit that I am not as in tune as I should be. But the reason I know this and want to fix it is that I have met someone here who is much more in tune with such things.
  8. But there is always a reason it is growing there, and we just need to understand the reasons, instead of trying to impose our own flawed understanding on the world. I recently visited my Mother, her yard is full of clover, lots of people would look down on that and try to kill the clover so there was only grass growing, but that clover was being visited by bees. I actually got stung on the foot when I made the mistake of walking around barefoot. Those bees make honey, and they are good for the environment. Mankind needs bees, mankind does not need perfectly manicured lawns.
  9. True but it wasn't always, the computer was recently reset which should have restored the drivers but it didn't fix it
  10. So I am having this issue with SL, whenever I go anyplace with particles my computer will freak out. It doesn't happen immediately but withing a few minutes, it happens on either the Linden viewer or Firestorm although the screen looks different on each. I turn maximum particle count down to zero and everything works fine. I am curious if anyone knows what might cause this and how to fix it.
  11. So, I knew, would have been more appropriate than we knew
  12. "We"? Is that an assumption that others know what you know, or have you gotten together with others to discuss it? Anyway Happy Canada day to our friends way up north.
  13. So I know you know this already, but just so you don't get your panties all in a bunch thinking I am trying to hide something, I am an alt.
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