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Everything posted by Hathoria

  1. My SL looks rather big and lonely today.
  2. It has a tendency to cause my computer to crash, or rather the viewer to crash not the whole computer, I don't care though I want that picture and so I just take pictures with it till the whole thing shuts down. My alt on the other hand typically doesn't because he usually is having some conversation with someone and doesn't want that to get interrupted by the viewer shutting down,
  3. I seem to have inherited some if anyone needs one.
  4. I am to busy right now working on my tan to come help, but if you can lure him down to the beach I can take him out for you.
  5. So all of you, or at the very least your alts, need to get over to see Scylla's art show.
  6. SLT is Pacific time in the US, So just figure out what time it is where you are when it is a particular SL time in San Fransisco. For me its 3 hours off.
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