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Everything posted by Hathoria

  1. I got new tats just like the ones my......ah, aunt used to wear.
  2. The air in the original image isn't quite as bright. It is from Stealthic though.
  3. This transformation has come with the illusion of making us independent. In those earlier days it was obvious that we were dependent upon nature for our survival, and today many people believe they are now independent, living their own lives not dependent on anything other then themselves, but in reality we are dependent upon grids and networks that are far more fragile than anything we used to rely on. In times past in a worse case situation a person could go into the woods and forage enough food to survive but today most of us live in areas where this is impossible even if we knew how which we no longer do. If the whole system collapsed the vast majority of people would just starve because there would be no way to get food to them
  4. The natural world is a manifestation of the divine, yet many humans want to deny the divine, they want to believe that we are alone. Since the natural world reminds us of the presence of the divine, mankind has sought to transform nature into something that points to man rather then the divine. So we live in cities of concrete, steel and glass, and eat foods that are so highly processed that they have almost no hint of the organisms from which they originally came.
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