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Everything posted by SorachaNicEoghain

  1. This is insanely weird.....one of the reasons I love this forum haha. And I decree the peeve for the day to be....1L for a demo....wtf.
  2. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I love this!!!! How did you find the same hairstyle?
  3. By yourself with nobody bothering you. Sounds like my kind of party ๐Ÿฅณ
  4. Tara!!! I'm going to look for this when I'm online next.
  5. That looks like the mesh shop. Maybe this one? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TMS-Flying-Shadow/7849478 I'm saving for Bandit IF because there's a little motor on it.
  6. Yeah I'm only going to buy Scarlet Creative if this is the case. I spend waaaay too much linden on stuff I only wear once anyway
  7. Yeah maybe somebody planted a load of Fundati trees or started farming or something
  8. Looking fabulous in my buttplug stole and Dernier
  9. It looks fab! Yourself and Cat need to see my new landscaping project! Very proud of myself ๐Ÿ˜„
  10. Omg just saw this!!!! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Beach-Sky-House/16044358 I can definitely build you a lagoon if you live on the ground contact me in world ^^
  11. Any luck? I won't be online until next week, but I built one myself on a 1008sqm plot. Floated it in the sky. You won't have a sea view, but you can totally create the illusion you are near the sea on the beach. Let me see your plot! Landscaping is my thing
  12. My only advice is to make an alt and don't tell anyone. Don't try to befriend your sl friends with the alt. Start fresh ๐Ÿ˜”. Keep in contact with your friends through discord or another app. I'm so sorry this is happening to you.
  13. But also yes if you intend to do the slexy. No anonymous holiday romances in sl, you hear! *wags finger
  14. I still feel in the context of secondlife (the entire premise of the platform is that you can be anything and that it's not real life) why so many people are using it as a dating platform with the hope of forming a long distance relationship. I feel a bit uncomfortable using a word like catfishing in secondlife. I mean, if you're looking for reality, the odds are massively stacked against you. I haven't been around long enough to be tired of this topic ๐Ÿฟ
  15. This! If someone is spamming local chat with gestures everyone will move to ims and new people will feel unwelcome. Spamming with gestures is only acceptable if there is an argument happening in local chat. If there's no local chat, I won't spend much time in a club or recommend it to friends unless the dj is really good.
  16. This is so true. When guys come on to me, even though it's written in my profile TWICE that I donโ€™t slex or romance, I automatically switch to voice so that they can hear me giggle snorting every time they demand kissies or ask to be my slave or whatever else ๐Ÿ˜„. I suddenly become a human to them and we can usually have a good time hanging out. I don't like to block people. I think most people are good, they just get a bit turned around in sl I think.
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