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Switchblade Serenade

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Everything posted by Switchblade Serenade

  1. Man, judging by the number of like votes in the other thread, no bouncer is going to believe I'm 20 even with ID.
  2. Ammunition for blackmail! All of you mains better watch out. 👀
  3. I didn't ask to be rezzed. All I ever do is frankenstein prims, paint meshes, and script in sandboxes while Greg sods off to party in clubs. I'm tired of being overworked and underpaid.
  4. Pffffft. I have enough on my plate with between building and making sure tier gets paid on time. I don't need the extra job of handing out forum points. Eddy is perfectly capable of collecting them on their own.
  5. If you're not blackmailing your OG avatar for fancy mesh and fatpacks, you're not alting right!
  6. I'm an alt with 'Payment info used'. Wild, I know. I hold no secrets. But I do know all of Greg's secrets. Maybe I could blackmail him into buying me all the fatpacks from Contraption.
  7. I'm going to speak for myself rather than let my sibling do it for me. Who made up these silly rules about gender stereotypes anyway? They never made sense to me. The gender-based punctilios has only succeeded in holding back the progress of much of the world's population and hurting those who don't fall neatly into the binary. I want to meet the person who came up with these gender rules and give them forty lashes with a wet noodle. When I'm logged in as Cat, I never thought to put on any acts of clichéd gender binary typecasts. I'm just myself inworld and I don't act any different than Eddy or Greg. Do I make a passable representation of a female avatar? I don't know. I hate dresses and high heels hurt my feet. And I can fart as loud as any other guy.
  8. It's MY parcel and I say it needs a halfpipe. #SkaterLife
  9. Those pants are quite sensational. And then I saw the baseball bat! V disturbing, but excellent facial expression! Hope he was worth it. A scantily clad mercenary? Now I've seen it all!
  10. 1) Paying more than $0L for a demo. 2) People who call this shirt size Maitreya "Flat"... What a joke. 3) People who have no understanding of variation in human bodies. Those who refuse to understand what flat means. Flat chest means NO bewbies. No degree of hanging meatsacks off the chest. No curves. No curvatures. None. At. All. Stop insisting on curvatures on a female flat chest, and stop perpetuate the idea of a certain female standard you disgusting obstinate bull-headed misogynists!
  11. No matter how many alts a person makes, they are still the same person behind the keyboard. So very recognizable for the reasons you mentioned. I wonder if I could pass as a new person.
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