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Everything posted by CaitlinParker

  1. ... and one more from the Friday the 13th franchise.
  2. I did update that part, finally. Thanks for that reminder.
  3. ... also listening to this beauty from Queensryche.
  4. Just a little update, I did start a blog (sort of). I know I'm just starting and it's not all that, but I am trying. I do feel like I've got more of a dull feeling from everything that's happened... including what I last wrote on Wednesday, so perhaps healing will probably take longer than usual.
  5. A little something that I didn't want to mention at first was that it was almost a year ago that my SL relationship ended. I was with someone in SL longer than most would imagine a normal SL relationship would be. Maybe that was also adding to what I'm going through and perhaps I'm just starting to either heal... or feel dull from it.
  6. Usually, it's just subtle differences to the face that can make it work.
  7. I think this sums up my day today... ... it's more like a dull feeling today than it was the last couple of days.
  8. Mine comes from a brow deformer and the worried look on the Catwa HUD.
  9. It's purple 😝 I figured out how to follow people's blogs, I hope? Ummm... Blogger Network?
  10. I roughly have anywhere from 23 to 28 attachments on out of 38. Would I like to have more? Yes. Just make 50 points of attachment the baseline for all avis.
  11. Well, I started a blog... sort of? I only have the one post on there so far. Caitlin's World
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