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Everything posted by Robberinthemuseum

  1. Instead of intruding on other residents' privacy, could you not simply block them so you can't see or hear them? It seems mean spirited to report someone for such a trivial thing considering all the other ............stuff in sl
  2. Petition for this emoji to be added to the forums.
  3. She should just start again with her own email and account and stop relying on others so much. She's not a child. I'm sorry she learned that lesson this way. Also, beware of love bombers......you have been warned šŸ˜³
  4. aaahahaah, her church. Church of sexy librarians
  5. Rummages around for a spare vest, finds one. On second thought, no, you stay that way.
  6. Was that you with the, 'testing post? šŸ¤£
  7. Who is this brand new resident? *climbs up your trunk to perch on your head*
  8. I'm thinking about making an alt but I don't want to go through the process of making another avatar. It's frustrating and costs a fortune. I have barely any free time to be in secondlife as it is. Being able to explore and meet friends without being spied on would be nice. Everyone would know it was me. Maybe I will make an alt and be provocative on the forums just to annoy @Rowan Amore
  9. Well, when I meet noobs, I bring them around a couple of different types of sims and make sure they have a really good time. Money often comes up, but I tell them not to think about it right now and instead just enjoy the experience until they find their groove a bit. Anyway, I noticed people in their 20's initially want fantasy avatars which i know nothing about. I only usually talk about šŸ’° with people looking to update their bits and pieces and only if they ask. And the weird part is, when you get to know someone in a particular avatar, it can me extremely disturbing when they update šŸ˜³. .......sorry off topic again šŸ˜‚. Carry on.
  10. Oh I wore the system avatar for a year. But when I decided I wanted to socialize, I didn't like how people treated me like a charity case or something so I bought all the stuff. Then I walked around for another couple of months in bits with all this expensive stuff mashed together. Cristiano helped me make my shape and taught me how to bom, use the lighting settings, camera settings, reset my skeleton when I was stuck in an animation. All kinds of things. Hoe to rez a prim, select face, apply a texture etc. I had no idea before that. Iā€™m still learning. šŸ¤£. Anyway, sorry, carry on...totally off topic over here. Also, it's cheaper than golf
  11. Yeah there is no way for a new resident to make that kind of money
  12. I was a year in a system avatar šŸ˜…. I trade stocks so I joined researching the metaverse, found it incredibly beautiful and never left. I only started talking to people about a year and a half ago šŸ˜… I didn't speak to anyone for my first year i think.
  13. When I made my avatar over a year ago, I spent over $100 šŸ˜‘. A while ago an older resident asked me how much everything cost because he was thinking about upgrading. When I told him, he was SHOCKED and didn't bother. He has all his friends anyway. I think if they can make the new avatars half decent and creators are rigging for them, there will be a lot more retention. I mean totting it up; Legacy body: 5000 Lelutka head: 3500 Skin: 1000 Body skin: 500 AO: 2000 Slexy bits: 2000 And that's without clothes, hair, eyes body hair etc
  14. Yes! I rezzed to a deserted place with no active residents and I didn't know how to im
  15. šŸ¤£ this is on point! When I joined, I ended up not logging in again for a year and then buying 15,000 to put together an avatar. I have spent around $1000 in sl at this point on God knows what. I still have a basic account.
  16. Yeah but if somebody spent even ten minutes talking with you they would be completely hooked and never leave sl. The right stuff is being welcoming and entertaining to be around. Everything else you can learn from a youtube vid. XD
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