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Quistess Alpha

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Everything posted by Quistess Alpha

  1. If you don't mind all public-domain recordings I might be your gal. (inworld-message sent.)
  2. It seems rather mean and short-sighted of the original builder to not have provided a way to change the teams. . . I presume there's no way to get in contact with them?
  3. Yeah, with the event-based nature of LSL it's almost impossible to do most things without global variables.
  4. you might also need/want to use either a timer or llGetTime() to manage the ammount of time between clicks. for example (not tested in-world, might have bugs.) : integer gTouchNumber; default { touch_start(integer i) { ++gTouchNumber; float time = llGetAndResetTime(); if(time>10.0) gTouchNumber=1; if(gTouchNumber>3) gTouchNumber = 3; // can change this depending on desired behavior. if(gTouchNumber==1) { llSay(0,"Don't touch me."); }else if(gTouchNumber==2) { llSay(0,"Knock it off!"); }else if(gTouchNumber==3) { llShout(0,"KNOCK IT OFF!!!"); }else { // programming error. llOwnerSay("Programing error, unexpected touch number: "+gTouchNumber); } } }
  5. I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but maybe have a look at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRemoteLoadScriptPin or http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlResetOtherScript depending on what you're trying to do.
  6. You can also go to their web profile and press 'add friend' which will also send them a message asking for confirmation. for example https://my.secondlife.com/Quistessa or https://my.secondlife.com/jasy80
  7. And why should someone design and make things for you instead of making them and selling them for themself? What are you bringing to the table exactly? You want someone to Design, Mesh and Rig, all at the same time?
  8. maybe there's good info in there, but it's not professional and she's literally receiving help from her livestream while she's explaining. the problem isn't that the info doesn't exist, it's that a lot of people can't parse this sort of thing. people learn in different ways, and what might work fine for you might not work well for someone else. FWIW if I wanted to get a person to mesh quickly I'd hand them my Ruth2 RC#3 set to bom, and get them to right click - replace current outfit.
  9. Offtopic, but I don't understand why some people still insist on notecard communication when this is possible.
  10. maybe you have the patience and time to sift through a 2 hour video in a loose conversational style, but I certainly don't. a 10-20 minute video (or series of videos) that's well scripted and concise would add a lot of value IMO. I'm not really the intended audience though (technical enough to be able to read the poorly written manuals and or just try everything until I understand what it does) . . .
  11. Nescolet Beat me to the punch. it always helps to read the manual ❤️ Edit: didn't read the date of the original post somehow Lol. good job fetching the correct answer to a 3-month old problem for future reference.
  12. Might do a bit better posting in inworld-employment.
  13. you need one 'permanent' object anywhere on the grid owned by the money holder in order for a money transfer script to work. you can talk to that object using llEmail() though, so if you have land you can just set it once and forget it.
  14. the orange box box thing is /so/ stupid. there are at least three or four different ways creators have implemented boxes, some of which you rez others that you wear, some which automatically give you the stuff others which you need to touch to get the stuff. there's no standardization.
  15. This and the 'in-world employment' forum are so similar and people often post in both. I'm not the most versed in the latest and greatest fascion, but if you want to pay me to sit and explain how things work and how to put on XYZ or to interview people who are wearing things you think look attractive I'd be happy to.
  16. You might want to familiarize yourself with the difference between mesh bodies/heads and shapes, then figure out or get someone to explain to you what BOM is. 10k per hour seems like a lot; don't let anyone rip you off at that price point.
  17. Another (potential) problem; getting the PRIM_POSITION and PRIM_ROTATION will fetch you the absolute position and rotation of the object, but for all child prims, whose position and rotation are defined relative to the root, I believe you want to fetch PRIM_POS_LOCAL and PRIM_ROT_LOCAL. Additionally when you fetch a rotation directly from an in-world object, you don't need to use euler2Rot etc. type functions. you can (should) just use something like: llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(x,[PRIM_ROT_LOCAL,llList2Rot(Rot,x)]); also note the word fast in the above. personally I would use the fast version for setting all of your parameters, then have a single sleep after all of them. if(x!=1) //check that we're setting parameters for a child prim { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(x,[PRIM_ROT_LOCAL,llList2Rot(Rot,x), PRIM_SIZE,llList2Vector(size,x),PRIM_POS_LOCAL,llList2Vector(pos,x)]); llSleep(Delay); }
  18. You /can/ try mixing regular physics manipulations with vehicle physics things, but the documentation advises against it. If I were to have a play at it though, I would try llRotLookAt()
  19. @Chantilly Levee or her husband Dodge would know.
  20. Unfortunately I just remembered : http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Operators I think this means it's reasonable practice to use nested if statements for &&. || is a bit more tricky, but you could probably do something similar to 'most other languages' if you really needed to with some clever jumps.
  21. maybe I'm just tired, but shouldn't it only matter if 0 is a divisor? (x/10) will always produce a valid result whereas (10/x) could throw out math errors.
  22. No, in world (better) or if you really want to try websearch. . . https://search.secondlife.com/
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