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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. A couple things. LL is actually late to the game on "proactive moderation." Big companies in the social/gaming spaces (Riot, Ubisoft, Twitter, FB, etc.) have already been playing around with AI content moderation for years. League of Legends had it (no idea if they still do), social platforms, Twitter invested a lot of money into it, etc. AI content moderation sucks and doesn't work as well as you'd think. It's expensive and takes a lot of training (especially on nuance, cultural references, regional slang, sentiment analysis, reclaimed speech, sarcasm/jokes, etc.), otherwise it's pretty much useless. It also needs training in numerous languages, there are a host of privacy and safety/security concerns, it's got biases that may need to be worked out, etc. It still takes a lot of human interaction and management, so it's not entirely hands-off. They'll need the staff for that. It might get to a point where it's much better at these things in the future, but for now, it's not the best at it. LL may not even opt to go that route for all we know.
  2. I'll co-sign on that peeve. Especially in the dance and choreography world. Woooo. Pa-pa-pa-peeeeeeeeeeveeeeee.
  3. Very welcome! I can't recall where I've heard it most - either in the stand-up comedy sphere or music. In trying to figure that out, I just learned it's in a recent-ish (2020) song - Yung Bleu feat. Drake - "You're Mines Still." I missed that entirely as most of the rap and hip hop I listen to comes out of England, Greece, and Egypt. There's a bit of language/slang crossover in grime and UK drill, but I can't for the life of me remember if I've heard "mines." Peeve: My memory really is genuinely terrible. I was also struggling to remember if I've ever heard my sister-in-law use it. She's from Trinidad and Trini has a whoooole different set of vocab, but I don't know if "mines" ever made it over there. She's also been living on the East Coast for a million years, too, so maybe she doesn't.
  4. Lol, no no, you're fine. ❤️ A lot of people tend to think these things are new trends because they seemingly explode out of nowhere (dang TikTok *shakes fist*), but they date back a ways, usually. I'm HORRIBLE with dates and origins (big peeve!), but much of the slang in use today is just recycled terms that have been in use forever in regional languages and dialects and made "cool" by influencers (also a peeve). They're also often used improperly (HUGE PEEVE - do not get me started on that, omg - I could peeve on "bussin" all day). There's an entire Twitter account that makes fun of these language fails that I may or may not get a massive kick out of following. 🤣 Mines seems pretty common overall, though. I can't blame TikTok for that one.
  5. Real people who speak AAE, yes. Somewhat of a regional thing - found more in the South than up here. Not solely limited to AAE, either, but pretty common there. Here's an interesting video on it made by a Harvard Gullah professor in the African Language Program. Peeve: Real people, really? 😞 JK - I'm not really upset. I don't speak it much because so few do around my area. Still, even though I rarely use it myself, "mines" doesn't sound at all unusual to me. Then again, neither does the habitual be.
  6. If you mean Meta Horizon Worlds, I think that still exists. It's listed in the Meta app store with recent reviews.
  7. I wear a lot of slim/petite stuff. Not too many of the stores I shop in cater to the curvier aesthetic. Most of my favorites have been designing for a long time before those bodies hit the market and haven't changed much on that front. There's a ton of fashion variety these days, thankfully. I still need to grab those free heads. Totally forgot to while I was in-world. *facepalm*
  8. Yeah, I just went there before posting. The group gift wall is still up and the stuff is really nice. Worth a grab before it all goes. Scandalize had, last I checked, dozens (felt like hundreds, though, with all that unpacking) of free outfits for their group fee (what is it, 30-35L or something I forget now). Addams has a lot less, so maybe not as worth. Most stores also get lazy and keep their weekend sale stuff up for a few days, so grabbing something from FLF or Happy Weekend is another option. Cheapest option of all - wear a full body alpha layer or toss on a Senra or something. Takes a few seconds to grab the free stuff at AK.
  9. Coco and Cynful have free join groups. What bodies they serve, I do not know. You might be better off joining Blueberry or Addams or Scandalize and raiding their freebies. I forget what they cost to join. 25-30L or something.
  10. I'll see if I can find a free group join. Otherwise, check the Marketplace if you don't mind paying 1L for a dress. Lots of gift clothes on there.
  11. Some store probably has free clothes as a group gift that'd work fine for General regions. I can't think of any off the top of my head that are free to join, though. Scandalize's Frees & News maybe? I don't even remember.
  12. I'll confirm. The majority of my time in SL is spent in stores and checking out sales. I've seen people wearing some wild ish. It's always been adults wearing it. Peeve: Speaking of events, stores, and sales, I'm behind on picking up my free heads. I know if I keep putting it off, I'll miss them entirely. *grumbles*
  13. Agree with you. Also, good luck with the mobile app if things that obvious can hang around in G-rated land this long.
  14. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever bought any hair at Hair Fair. I think I'm too spoiled by weekend and in-store sales. No Match had a cute style at some other event currently on, too. I have a mini backlog of releases I keep meaning to grab from there.
  15. This is very true. As someone who consistently struggles on the female human side to get something to work for my own look, I've found I'm pretty limited in what I can use. I've demo'd just about every female head on the market and only a handful of older ones shape the way I like. The male side requires even more finesse, IMO. I'm still curious to try Genus' male line as I think there are some there that could work for what I typically go for, but for now, I'm very happy with Ford (Alain, Kris, and Quinn are also great, but they aren't exactly "me" the way Ford naturally is). These two AK heads are nice, but I'm not sure I'd get much use out of them. Actually, I may be able to do something with the male head. HMMMM...
  16. Some of y'all are worse than us ladies. I have been draaaaagged through my share of stores... 🤣 My only peeve on the menswear side is sometimes I wish creators tossed in a size for Maitreya, too. Some stores do that, for which I'm eternally grateful! I love a good unisex wardrobe.
  17. I bet most people don't even pay attention to region ratings when shopping. Unless it's a store they go to a lot, and even then. I couldn't tell you which stores are on what land. In fact, one that I could've sworrrrn was on Adult land turned out to be in General. Whoops! As for how the shoppers dress...I'm in no position to criticize. I run around in whole entire ballgowns and evening wear some days. Cat or a parrot on my head, roller skates, food in my antlers, skeleton parts, my AO set to dance mode (not all at once, though now I want to try that...). And I never give a dip about BOM or mesh underwear unless I'm purposefully showing it off (sheer jumpsuits, etc.), so I probably accidentally flashed some otherwise PG frog booty once or twice. Though, that ONE attachment is the only thing that makes me choose to derender someone immediately, so I feel ya on that part.
  18. Oh yeah, I've been guilty of that myself. The fashion critique! Back in high school, I was a HUGE fan of the Dallas Cowboys - only because I liked the team colors. Even went out and bought a jacket. 😆 I actually quit watching sports altogether after OJ interrupted the NBA finals I'd had my heart set on watching, tho (Knicks were playing and that was MY team!). Haven't given a single fudge about any sport since, I was THAT MAD. That teen angst hit different. 🤣 Speaking of fashion, though...I haven't seen much sporty gear in SL. The lack of real life team stuff makes sense for obvious reasons, but not even fake team sports jerseys and things. Seen a few being sold, but not many being worn.
  19. Absolutely not. This (in addition to everything else). I'd also want to know about the motherboard, though I have a feeling Alienware uses at least some proprietary components.
  20. I would personally never buy an Alienware. Or a 4060 for that matter. Or a 500W. Or liquid cooling.
  21. I'm still lolling. Peeve: I've got horrible allergies/sinus issues right now and laughing makes me COUGH. And WHEEZE. *wheezes*
  22. On the simple side - furry mod kits. Those almost never come with demos and are quite frequently one-offs. Random example, my deer kit (this is the only store that sells these exact mods). On the more complex side, I put together a lot of very weird avatars. The chance I'll find a second shop selling flaming candle finger gloves is quite low. Or a headpiece or mask quite like this.
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