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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Lmao, peeve: @Scylla Rhiadra - Wear anything, just be G-rated, girl! Me: Always am, I got this! Dips into a store real quick just out of curiosity to check the sales: Finds the most anti-G-rated outfit and it's utterly BRILLIANT. Can't wear it, of course, lol. You'd love this thing, though, Scyl. It's clever but oh so very not PG LOL. It's a nude bodysuit (other colors available but this one's the best) with a large gloved hand that grips around the hips below the very pinched waist and turns into a long train behind you. That'd be fine, but the bodysuit itself has embroidered nips. Kinda makes the whole thing look like a ... doll being held. It's HILARIOUS though omg. I freakin' love this store. *demos it for funsies anyway and hopes Scylla throws an adult party someday*
  2. I'm SO on it. And don't worry, I'm G-rated like 99.99999999999999% of the time. Ok, like 96.5%. Whatever. I shall keep the hoo hoo and the hoo haas covered, ma'am! It'll be great to finally meet you, too! Yaaaaaay let's get all fantasy'd out!!!!!!! And lmao you sound like me. Even when I'm going somewhere in RL, I have to plan my outfit DAYS in advance. It's just LIKE that sometimes!
  3. Unpeeve: I got one! Thank youuu! I don't normally go to social things, but perhaps I should start. And I likes art n stuffs. The time works for me, too. Not like I had anything else to do on a Saturday. 👀 I need a life. PEEEEEVE. Unpeeve: I also fixed my PC (YAAAAAY - it really was a bad PSU), so I won't be lagging like a mutha. Peeve: Though of course, this means I'm going to need to find something to wear. And an avatar to wear it. So I should probably get on that now. Are there rules? Do I have to be human or can I come as anything G rated? Cuz...human's a struggle. Is it fancy? Should I put a chandelier on mah head?!?! Or is it casual, making a kitty or birdie on my head a better choice?!
  4. Nope. Not a good match (too much clashing and overlapping), and wardrobe issues would be massive as most of the better clothing stores that support masc/unisex clothing have moved on to Lara X Flat. For a teen boy specifically, Tweenster will work fine with a female head. CZ Slim + male head is another option if you're okay with having no alpha HUD. I've only tinkered lightly with the free Genus gift, but I had some decent luck making it male with 7 Deadly Skins' Judas skin. The SLUV limitation may make it a bit harder to shop these days, but I also second Gloom and if Alaskametro still has SLUV skins in-store, theirs can be rather unisex as well. You can experiment a bit with other male skin stores, too - Stray Dog still sells SLUV and I believe Vendetta may also. Stray Dog's Flickr is here. Vendetta's here. Lastly, if you've got a female Lelutka or Akeruka Evo X head by any chance (or are willing to get one), Ives Beauty has some very cute male skins you can try on it. See those here. Try every interesting-looking demo you can get your hands on. Results will vary greatly!
  5. I just want to say thank you for the years of amazing creations you've made. Your store totally rocks. ❤️ Peeve: I really need to grab more from there. I'm on a bit of a shopping break, so I'm slacking at the moment and not buying a lot of props/decor. I shall fix this soon!
  6. Nah, that wouldn't work. I say this as someone who desperately wants a Medusa head (with animated snakes!). You need something less...uhhh...you need something way creepier. Or go the other direction into adorable animal cuteness. Lemme just put it this way - standards can get reaaaaaal low, nomsayin'? Get that skull face on or ditch the female body entirely. 😂
  7. You should put together an emergency outfit/avatar. If someone is indeed camming in, he'll change his tune real quick if you suddenly rock a monster or meerkat or Aesthetic-wearing beach bum. Here, get something like this. It's too cute, lol: Peeve: I have so many looks I could hide in, it'd take me way too long to scroll through Outfits and actually make the swap. Though, I just keep my parcel privacy on anyway. Yep, exactly. Reminds me of the kind of weird stuff you'd see back in the days of POF and OKCupid online dating. Ugh. Just why? We're still doing this when "Hey, cool avatar/profile/outfit/kitten sitting on your head!" gets a guy sooooo much further? Rly?
  8. You're way better than I am. I don't report anything. Feels like a waste of time when some of the most horrific (and likely illegal in some places, yes) content in profiles and groups just sits there for ages. I don't really expect a whole lot of action on that, but that's just me. Seeing that usually just prompts a "welp, that's enough SL for one month" from me and off I go to another platform where I'm not subjected to such things. I actually stopped reading unfamiliar profiles and group descriptions a few years ago as a result of some of the garbage in there.
  9. I definitely agree with you that some do identify with their avies and it's entirely valid to feel icked out when someone behaves in this way. I just personally don't relate to it given how many "characters" (probably a better term for me than "avatars") I have, both here and across the entire gaming spectrum. I don't have that kind of energy. 😄 I'm not really questioning a victim's reaction to that situation, though, as everyone's got the right to determine for themselves how offended (squicked out, bothered, annoyed, etc.) to feel about such things. For me, I always just wonder about why on Earth a guy thinks that's still some kind of clever gotcha in this here 2024, year of our Pedro Pascal. Perhaps I've just been desensitized to such shenanigans. I've played multiplayer games for decades and met every type of troll and gross creeper under the sun. They aren't ever original. They aren't clever. Goodness knows they aren't funny. It's all just rather boring and predictable. Yeah, I've met that type before in SL, too. The kind who comb through groups and send cryptic IMs to random women (and I've had one or two IMs come through while standing alone in my home on my private parcel on an empty private region). You look good blah blah blah. Just to give you a sense that they're somewhere nearby watching, as if we don't know how to use our radar to see that they indeed aren't, or to find out exactly where they parked themselves. Pfft. Back when I cared a lot more than I do now and had way more free time, I'd mess with them. Go full Annie Wilkes on em n stuffs. Peeve: Gotta be careful with that, though. That works until it doesn't, and there's always someone who will get real into it (or catch on and start messing right back), thus prompting me to dig very far into the inner reaches of my memories of my favorite horror books for more disturbing ideas, LOL. There was one guy many years ago I just could not shake, no matter how much I tried to scare him. I eventually gave up on doing that and started just closing the IM window instead of dealing with it. 🤣
  10. This entire situation is so weird to me. Not your side of things, of course, but this peeping perv's actions are just strange. No Sir Creep, you haven't seen *me* naked. You've seen Maitreya (Legacy, Reborn, etc.) naked. You can even grab a demo for yourself and see it naked all day long. The heck is the big deal? I'm not one to associate that closely with my avatars and I guess the fact that the only one I wear that looks even remotely anything at all like real life me is walking dead probably has a lot to do with that. I don't make a whole lot of effort to shield my Maitreya's bits and bobs from prying eyes (no undies unless something's visible with normal wear and I might head to a G-area, like those skirts with those super high slits). Clothes derendered? Takes my clothes ages to rez? Don't care. Things look the same as anyone else, I'm sure. Theirs may even look better given all the third-party addons people wear. My bits are boring (not a peeve). I think I've seen far too many "naked bank alts" standing around mailboxes and auction houses in their underwear in various games to even give a second thought to half-nekkie third-party bodies in SL. Knock yaself out, buddy! Peeve: So few men perv my weirdo avatars that I cannot laugh at them for doing so!
  11. It's a case of the information being kind of all over the place and not very detailed, at that. From the Knowledge Base: And the Wiki: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Adult_Content_FAQ We can't really answer that. The Lab would have to elaborate.
  12. They do. Picks used to be used as a way to advertise a sim/store/build/place you really liked, and I still see a lot of creators and merchants using them to advertise their own places. Then it became a good place to throw funny quotes and poetry and song lyrics and ramblings. Saw a bunch used them to broadcast their personal likes/dislikes/wants. Some vent about exes. Some dedicate Picks to friends. Or if you're like my friends and I, your buddy Photoshops your avatar into a shot with David Hasselhoff with hearts all over and a big ole "I LUV DAVE" banner and you toss that in Picks to show everyone how much your friends hate you. 😂 Man, I miss those days when we had way too much free time. Picks generally should be G-rated, too, though. Probably because of the web profile thing.
  13. SL should have a lot of things, but that's a whole other topic. While I generally agree with you, I don't think SL was designed with all of that in mind. Not like a survival MMO or something where players are actively keeping track of their FPS and the game works hard to reduce visual clutter and loading times to keep things running smoothly on a wide variety of systems. It's just built different. I don't personally see SL adopting those standards anytime soon. The reluctance to break old content prevents that. Definitely need to turn to more modern platforms if that kind of thing gets on your nerves. To be honest, I can't stand mainland and never go there unless a store I like happens to be parked on it. The random clutter is just too much sometimes.
  14. This is the only Aya-approved use of AI. Nope, no proactive moderation and scrubbing of Second Life IMs. Just ridiculous song covers. 🤣
  15. This just made me laugh so hard I gigglesnorted. This is what I imagine he sounds like singing it to himself. 😂
  16. Oh god, thanks for reminding me of that one. NOT. 😂 "Mother" takes on a whole different feel and gives me Hitchcock vibes, but again, that ain't mah business and I'm DEFINITELY not giving that one a second thought. 🤣 People can call each other whatever they want. I reallllly don't think the Lindens are interested in hitting that level of TMI. I sure wouldn't be.
  17. Nope. It's just a cute pet name as far as I'm concerned. If anything, hearing other people use those terms on each other might make me think of a sugar daddy situation, especially if he looks older, but that isn't my business and I'd barely give it a second thought.
  18. If I'm left to my own devices and go unchecked, I will bust out a "pookie waffle stud muppet" so damn fast... 🤣 A guy might jump at "Daddy" as an upgrade.
  19. I'd disagree with this given the example of a very famous movie where Marilyn Monroe spends the ENTIRE TIME annoyingly calling her boyfriend "Daddy" throughout the entire thing, and to be honest, he looks younger in the film than she does! Lil babyfaced Tommy Noonan... It's common enough for it not to be a problem among adults. Like Ceka mentioned pages and pages back, lots of married couples use those terms. I wouldn't even punch a guy in the nose for calling me babygirl - it's cute AF sometimes, though I'm partial to food nicknames, like sugar waffle. Don't judge me. 😂 I can't imagine there are Lindens just waiting to pounce on IMs with all that going on, otherwise they'd get absolutely nothing done.
  20. It's a shame this all can't be done with BOM layers, though I understand they don't want users to be able to opt-out of wearing them entirely. It's just really, really difficult to create a single standard underwear set on your skin that will work under all types of clothing. Just not feasible. The only current solution would be multiple skins together in a pack with different types of bras/underwear. With the back, without, high cut, low cut, high rise, low rise, etc. Unless they can just do a single sharper angle high rise and call it a day. Random example - both are dance leotards, but the second would require very different underwear in SL:
  21. It's great that you've got some photos of modesty layers to show now. I don't know if there's a way to submit questions (with photos) ahead of the next governance meeting, but perhaps it might be okay to tag Tommy or Keira to ask them to take a look at your posts and offer feedback later at the meeting. I only suggest that because Keira specifically mentioned brainstorming the removal of the back portion with the team. Now we've got an example of why that'd be necessary and how it'd look. As far as the bottom layer goes, maybe different hip heights would work with that? A high-cut underwear layer that still offers full coverage would be needed for things like swimsuits and dance/gymnastics leotards. Needs a bit of a sharper angle to clear most designs for kids. Your swimsuit looks perfect and age-appropriate, though. It's only the undies that need a bit of tweaking.
  22. Hmm, lemme see...I'm probably missing some because I've joined/left a ton of groups in the process of collecting these, buuuut: Scandalize for clothing - 10L to join, massive outlet of group gifts Sintiklia for LOTS of hair/makeup - free to join Andore for mesh ears and earrings - 75L to join, not a huge wall, but some really nice stuff Swallow for jewelry/accessories - 90L to join Tarte for home/garden/decor - 20L to join What Next for lots of decor/food - 150L to join Pure Poison for nails, shoes, lingerie - 1L to join KC Couture for shoes - free to join Top1Salon for makeup - free to join, 39L free store credit each week, plus a small group gift wall Nuve for skins, makeup, eyebrows - 350L to join, but there may be discounts on the fee from time to time and you can usually get in for free during Lel's Christmas event Akeruka for the 1L head giveaways - 150L to join Vision for clothing - 18L to join, some group gifts, you want this one for the frequent free store credit during events Tachinni for clothing - 15L to join, same as Vision - a couple of gifts but free store credit given frequently Ives Beauty for skins/makeup - 10L to join Dust Bunny for FOOOOOD and decor - free to join Hive for decor - free to join Zibska for hats/headwear and makeup - 200L to join Apple Fall for home/decor - no group to join - just slap the Free Gifts button at the Quick Links board at reception Cubic Cherry for random, quirky accessories - 66L to join The Annex for a few nice clothing gifts - free to join Glitzz for lingerie - 300L to join, not sure about regular group gifts, but they have an amazing advent event during December with a full month of daily gifts 13Act for clothing and accessories - free to join, only a few gifts, but a free 25L weekly store credit Lastly, if you're into photography - Synnergy for backdrops - 150L to join, free monthly backdrop, and a great advent event all December with backdrops/poses. They're actually currently running a "15 days of Pride" advent calendar as well. Free poses/backdrops each day through June 15th (missed days are available to grab until the event ends).
  23. What's interesting is this move by IKEA seems to be less about attracting new customers and more about attracting new hires. All virtual workers have to be 18+, submit an updated CV and optional video, and live in the UK or Ireland. From their most recent press release: “We’re excited to launch paid work on Roblox to showcase how we do careers differently, bringing our unique careers philosophy to life. At IKEA, there is no set route to career progression. Our co-workers are able to change roles, switch departments, and grow in any direction they choose, both in the game or in the real world. There are many ways to learn and grow at IKEA, and that's what IKEA on Roblox is all about.” ... IKEA has launched the first phase of its drive to attract a new generation of co-workers. Entitled ‘Careers Done Different’. The virtual store opens on 24th June and is designed to introduce users to the breadth of roles and career progression routes available at IKEA through a series of games inspired by real-life jobs at the Swedish retailer. It sounds like they're targeting the young adult/college student/recent grad demographic looking for their first careers. Interesting, and looking at it that way, it makes sense why they'd target Roblox for that. We've got that demographic here in Second Life as well, but I think the general perception is our platform skews quite a bit older.
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