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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Leu is their newest release (I'm in their Discord and saw it announced). It's Evo X and should use their newest HUD tech. It's in their hybrid line - their previous hybrid was an Owl. The other heads in the booth were older heads voted on by the community to be included and given some steep discounts. As for seeing this one before, you might be thinking of their older head, Mica, which is a custom/SLUV combo and uses their old HUD style (double-check that - some of the oldest may not have a HUD now that I think about it). You could also be thinking of Usagi Haruka, which is more of a rabbit (with the newest bunny now being the Hare Avery), but several used that one for all sorts of things.
  2. Still tons of makeup. There are skins, but same ole same ole. There's a shopping guide on the Juniper Events site.
  3. Yes. It's so rare for me to spend more than 1500L for a head these days (I don't think I've ever bought a female Lel head now that I think about it, and my last actual Lel purchase was a discounted Ford in pre-Quinn days), so unless the price is that or below, I'm good. 😄 Because I buy and wear so many heads, I have to set a hard limit somewhere, and that's usually the price. Unisex and morphing features help convince me to grab my wallet, too, since I can do more with those. I have a few heads on my "to buy eventually" list that can morph between "oh, how cool/cute/pretty" and "ok, that's horrifying."
  4. "What are you excited for?" Nothing. I just peeked through the shopping guide and I'm not seeing anything interesting. One skin looked unique enough to make me curious (the weathered metal) and might be worth a demo. Another looked pretty in an intriguing way, but it only comes in light Velour skin tones, so nah. Not enough non-human/fantasy heads or skins (except BeSpoke, and I've already got the sphynx and steampunk rat) for my taste and I'm so over the scars and bruises trend. Ugh.
  5. I dunno about that. Have you seen fashion models lately? Speaking of which, in the spirit of Fashion Week - Massive peeve incoming. Lemme prep for this one... Alexander McQueen. More specifically, Sarah Burton taking over the line as Creative Director. Not to hate on her or anything as she had impossible shoes to fill but...yeah. Not a fan of her style at all. Never have been. I have no opinions (yet...but best believe I WILL soon) on the new Creative Director who stepped in to replace her (and I'm slacking on that because I've just been so disappointed in the line for years now). But man...I miss Alexander so much. It just hasn't been the same all this time. 😩 Peeeeeveeewaaaahhhhh.
  6. Oh man, yes to all of that. African accents are very nice. Somewhat formal in a way, too. West Indian is far more casual and very fun! They get carried away in Trinidad, though, LOL. Getting the message across very quickly is the goal, so lots of words and letters get dropped, plus slang added in. And they talk SO fast. Yup, the mean girl stuff is too real. The worst part is people assume of course I speak like that just based on appearance alone, so the pressure is always on. The instant I accidentally let a "g" slip in there (which takes all of 5 words because I'm awful at code switching), it's all over. I've had people (girls, mostly) get so hostile about it - actually demanding to know why I speak the way I do and grilling me about it. Omg. Ugh. That was a major peeve growing up. I've never been able to consciously change the way I speak, but I did pick up a bit of British slang after a year and a half spent in the UK, so that probably made it even worse, honestly LOL. Throwing random foreign curses around mixed with my good old fashioned colorful NY hostilities. I've had a few people mention my "accent" before I naturally lost it again.
  7. You know what's funny - I always get caught out due to something similar to this. I never grew up speaking AAVE. We didn't have a good mix of different people in my childhood neighborhood and I was a bit of an English nerd anyway and read a TON of books growing up. Loved my writing classes as well, and poured hours into writing as a hobby. Not to mention, my brother would hole up in his room binging Shakespeare and Samuel Beckett and teaching himself Greek or whatever, so... you can say I just didn't have the exposure, lol. I did learn AAVE gradually over time, though (who even knows how - through music, probably), but if I'm ever in a position where I need to use it, I get teased relentlessly! The overly "formal" English I speak natively seeps through time and time again and RATS me out, no matter how hard I try to bury it. It's a classic "How do you do, fellow kids?" situation, lmao. The absolute worst. Peeve! It's interesting, because there are accents that are definitely challenging, but I can understand them just fine. I've had roomies from Dubai and Bahrain and chatting with them was a breeze, and their accents were thiiiiiick. For some weird reason, Scottish is the only one I've heard (so far) that makes me stop and concentrate. Well, a good Trini accent can be a bit tough, too, now that I think about it. It's my absolute favorite thing about visiting the city. Out here in the burbs, there's very little language variety, though I do suspect we've got some Italian, Greek, and Chinese speakers, but they speak English out and about and likely just speak their native languages at home. Spanish is the other huge one in my area. If I want to hear other languages, a quick trip to the city and it's like being in a whole new part of the world. I love it.
  8. The speak English argument has always been a weird one for me, but I live near a city where I can't even tell what's being spoken half the time. As a native New Yorker, I enjoy the challenge. Come at me with your fancy Eastern European languages, COME AT MEEEE (and I shall struggle and you shall struggle and we shall have a good time giggling about it). That reminds me of my trip to Scotland actually. Both the cashier and I were speaking English, but with her accent and regional slang, I had absolutely no idea what was being said. 😂 The entire conversation became nothing but us giggling past a certain point. No but really, half the music I listen to isn't even in English, so I guess I'm just used to being completely lost at any given time. At least in person, there's body language and props to help communication along. I haven't ever run into a situation where it stopped me from getting something done. For years, I went to a hair salon where no one spoke fluent English and omg my hair looked fabulous and I always got exactly what I wanted. Now there's a peeve - I haven't been to a stylist in absolute ages. AGES. And it shows. 😩
  9. Check the materials tabs on both HUDs to make sure you don't have a shine/gloss or wet effect on there. Some throw that on by default, weirdly.
  10. Oh, I was in no way comparing Minecraft to SL. I've "played" both for many years (as well as the older pre-Minecraft game Notch developed ages ago - Wurm Online/Unlimited, and a whole host of other building games) and I know Minecraft is vastly different. My point was if someone already is interested in 3D development and has actual 3D skills as a result of general interest, career, college, or building their own mods or indie games for other games for funsies, they might be interested in SL's content creation side.
  11. AAAAAAH!!! You know, I'm a total dope sometimes. I completely forgot that the Anatomy body has a male and female neck as well as a fit/muscle option (as opposed to the soft version you'd use to make slim/slender male and female shapes with). I could probably do something fun with that, and goodness knows it's got a lot of unisex clothing. Off to play with the demo again! I don't need addons, luckily, but if it turns out I can get this working, I might have to bug Adrien to make a small/petite chest mod. 🤣 Edit: Nevermind! A chest mod for that already exists, thanks to the creator community. Off to Demo ALL THE THINGS. 🏃‍♀️💨
  12. This is very true. Minecraft is similar. The youngins have been making and entertaining themselves with this kind of stuff for a very long time, which is why I'm not sure how they'd take to something like SL (maybe they'd like the content creation side if they have 3D skills). Even older teens/20s/30s+ - remember when Squid Game was big? Yeah, that craze took over Roblox and so many were playing some version of it in there. If you're in the mood, you should also take a look around Fortnite Creative (not the Battle Royale mode). It's also quite similar, and every map is a self-contained experience designed by players. The last Fortnite stream I peeked into, the streamer found a little top-down RPG experience someone had created which pretty much looked just like a Nintendo Switch type of game. Trevor Noah also produced a comedy club in there (called JokeNite), as well, with performances by real comedians. If you hunt around on the web, you should be able to find some cool Creator Codes to visit some game maps, or I believe you can just browse the popular ones at the Welcome Hub.
  13. Lol, I'll never understand how people tolerate something like Terraria on a phone or Valheim on an Xbox, but here we are. Even SL on a phone sounds like a nightmare to me, but what do I know. I ditched consoles after PS2 and refuse to play games on tiny screens.
  14. Gen Alpha (and Z and others, for that matter) are very much on mobile and consoles. Cross-platform is huge and very necessary these days. Though more specifically, mobile gamers are lured by slightly different mechanics than the console/PC crowd. If you want to get mobile users to yeet cash around, turning SL into an anime RPG with gacha mechanics is the way to go. 🤣 Console and PC gamers typically find that sort of thing to be ultra-predatory and go in the other direction - wanting earnable (via gameplay) in-game currencies and cosmetics. Battle-passes are tolerated (somewhat). F2P + cash shop is treated with skepticism, but some are accepting and definitely spend quite a bit, so SL might appeal to them. B2P (with or without purchasable DLC) is the most comfortable option. At any rate, all gens are currently messing around with games that have embraced some pretty fancy tech regardless, so that's likely what's needed to catch their attention. Escape rooms is actually a neat idea. There are a ton of escape room games being released these days. Spot the difference/anomaly games are coming in hot as well, but that might be a bit harder to pull off in SL.
  15. Those are the older Zoomers. 🤣 Gen Alpha's a bit too young to be whipping out the "bet" "king" "AF."
  16. Unfortunately for me, all of the bodies available don't really shape to my liking and always remain too thin in one area or another and without any definition at all (usually arms, chest, calves, wrists, ankles, shoulders don't widen and bulk enough, waists are too narrow, etc.), and using the sliders to thicken it all just doesn't work out well. Also, because I'm picky and want dem ripples, using skins or BOM tattoos for muscle layers isn't at all what I'm looking for, so I've avoided it completely. Reborn (or Maitreya or Legacy, etc.) is way, way too soft and still too narrow for the shape I envision no matter what I do. I'd also like a very small if not straight up flat bust, which is more typical of the powerlifting frame I'm hoping we get one of these days. Less boom boom cleavage, more "tear you in half." Also with the Reborn, the arms are still much too slim (same issue with all the bodies, really - muscular thick wide arms with sculpted shoulders and defined upper back are my jam and I can't get em anywhere!). In an ideal Second Life (hell, in an ideal First Life, too, LOL): In orc form, since that's what I'm wanting it for (mostly): Anyhoo, enough of my whining! As for the OP's original question, I don't think you're going to have to worry about body longevity with either Legacy or Reborn. I would just think about maternity clothes and which one has the most options (at better prices). You won't find any shortage of clothing once you're done wearing your mods, though, as both are supported just about everywhere.
  17. They're like 12. SL will be even more ancient by the time they'd hear of it. Unless SL gets a bunch of shiny new tech, releases on PS5 or Xbox (or whatever's out in the next 5+ years), and gains a massive influx of users in their age range to play with, I can't see them getting interested in it in the future. These kids are way ahead of the game already (some are even content creators and doing the competitive tournament grind themselves) and they're used to playing very modern, fast-paced games across several genres. I see these kids online every day. They're a witty and smart bunch and know their way around tech, but Second Life just isn't their speed. Doubt there's much LL could do short of topping Fortnite Creative Mode or somethin'.
  18. That's the Minecraft, Roblox, Valorant, and Fortnite gaming and social media content binging generation. They're pretty big on TikTok, Twitch, and YouTube - the type to be following all the big names like Dream, Tommy, Tubbo, Mr. Beast, NickEh30, xQc, Kai Cenat, etc. (and probably just a smidge too young to be watching guys like Asmongold, but right behind his older teen+ demographic, so there's probably a bit of overflow there). Likely binging e-sports, too, and following a bunch of competitive gamers/streamers who do tournaments and championships. Multi-platform gaming is their jam (split mostly between mobile/tablet and console, with fewer on PC) and they're very high-tech. The older ones are very tuned in to current/world events, socially conscious and vocal about it all, and terminally online. Long story short - They probably wouldn't be coming here. Edit: Not unless SL moves to console and/or one of their favorite streamers happens to pick it up.
  19. That's an interesting idea for a mod, but the problem with that is I'd also need leg, chest, torso, etc. muscle mods in addition to balance it all out. That would make fitting clothing a nightmare and honestly, there's nothing in this world that would get me to wear Reborn. I've demoed it numerous times and I'm just not a fan of the body whatsoever. If I moved to any body currently out right now, it would be Legacy - especially since I've already got the inventory for it. For now, though, I'm sticking with Maitreya until something athletic comes out. I need like a female Kario Fit, or something.
  20. Altamura is a great tip! But yeah, unfortunately, the lack of clothing would absolutely kill things for me. I'm too much of a fashionista. 😩 While I do have a ton of Slink shoes just from normal shopping for Maitreya, I have nothing in my inventory that'll work with that body. Full perms may not work out either, considering the styles I typically wear. I feel like I've tried sooooo many bodies over the last few years (probably because I have!) and they all seem to have the same issues when you attempt to build a larger frame - calves too small, ankles and wrists too narrow, forearms don't match the size of the upper arms/biceps, shoulders and upper back with no definition, waist too pinched, etc. Perhaps I'm being too picky and looking for something that can't exist at all with our current base skeleton (not really sure on that). My poor orc's got noodle arms, though, and it kills me inside, lol. I'd give anything to make her ripped.
  21. Or 2500L. When I bought Legacy Male (pre-Jake's ongoing discount), it was the cheapest male body available. The 50% off sales also put Legacy's female bodies in a good spot, price-wise. The HUD's a moot point now with the newest updates - I only ever use it for alphas and that requires no media. No body that I've seen on the market does athletic+ well. I've searched high and low for that, and the lack of actual sculpted muscles (not interested in using skins/BOM layers for that) ruins everything I've tried. Khara, Analexa back when that was a thing, Sig Alice - close in spots, but nope. For those looking purely for "hits the gym on occasion" fit, you could pull it off with one of the main bodies, but I want a larger frame and sculpted arm, torso, and leg muscles (several of my fantasy characters would look so much better with that). The Dev Nana is closest to what I have in mind, but I couldn't get exactly the right look on the sliders and the body has its flaws. Also, it has very few clothes (especially in fantasy), so there's that. I'd be all over an up-to-date fixed up version of it, though (but larger and wider - I have orcs to dress!).
  22. Just peeked at Manly. Didn't check the others yet. Not gonna lie - I'd rock some of that stuff! 😄 A lot of this comes down to preferred fashion style, though, which is why I asked for a photo of what you were looking for. Some stores I shop in very rarely participate in sales and I've seen some nice stuff with realistic wrinkles here and there. Meanwhile, some other places that have nice options definitely do run lots of sales (I really like some of the stuff at Butterscotch, for example, and they frequently do weekend sales). For me, I mostly shop futuristic/techwear (think Rick Owens and Gareth Pugh) and athleisure, so any places I name are going to run you in that direction, but I've definitely seen lots of well-made regular, classic stuff in my travels. I'll join your peeve for womens fashion, though. That's been out of pocket for a minute and I have a much harder time finding styles I like within that realm (shoutout to the few creators who are still slaying it, though). Never thought I'd see the day where shopping for menswear is easier for me, but here we are! Peeeeeeve!
  23. Post a photo of what style you're looking for. Maybe we can help (not to negate your peeve or anything ❤️ Goodness knows I have plenty of my own when it comes to clothing!).
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