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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Sure, and I'd believe that if they never held a job ever (unless they're, ya know, doing something not at all computer-related, like restaurant/bar work). I'd imagine an MBA might be aiming to work in a professional office/healthcare/etc. environment in one field or another, though, if they don't already.
  2. That totally makes sense, but the comment about having no idea how directories work at all is baffling to me. There were times we'd have to navigate to a folder the teacher made his or herself for a specific class on a specific drive to grab source files to work on - surely that's still a thing. Not to mention the File button on the left-hand side of the top navbar is standard on every single piece of software I've ever used, regardless of the type (you'll be opening files in Logic Pro and Adobe InDesign the same way you open files in Excel). Bad organization of files is a whooooole other issue and yeah, that absolutely presents itself in real life and definitely in SL (scoots her shameful SL Objects folder under the bed). But never touching directory systems at all seems a bit...sus. I'd demand my tuition back!
  3. Good coffee on its own sweetened with just a teensy bit of sugar is glorious. Keyword "good," though. I'm still searching for the right brand, but so far, I'm kind of digging Kicking Horse. If I have to subject myself to regular store-bought brands, best believe I'm adding some hazelnut creamer in there.
  4. Now toss on your head in EvoX mode and you're gonna see 🤣 Honestly, I've never been motivated to mess with devkits or custom materials and textures or any of that, which is a bit strange, considering I also wear furry avatars and creature heads and they are super easy to get kits for. I've considered making my own makeup once or twice, but that's simply because I usually want very theatrical makeup and special FX. Fortunately, I've managed to find stores that do that style well enough that I don't have to mess with it. I just prefer to keep all of my styling and fiddling inside the SL client. If I have to go to Photoshop (or in my case, Affinity) for something, I'm going to whine my plaster-textured face off about it. I'll never say no to having more texture options built-in to our HUDs, though!
  5. I dare someone to find me a porcelain doll skin in EvoX that actually looks smooth enough to pass for one! But no, I totally agree. I like using natural age spots and freckles just to cover up that obnoxious skin texture if I simply must use EvoX for some reason, but it really doesn't help all that much. Where possible, I greatly prefer SLUV to give me a smoother base to build on - then I can add any necessary details later.
  6. Very true! But why in the world is that available for EvoX? 😂 Yo I heard you like pores, so I added pores to your pores so you can have pores while you have pores... 👀
  7. You're fine if you want to stay with Catwa. My only real complaint with their older (pre-HDPro) line is the HUD. The pink one? Super tiny and very cluttered. The HDPro HUD is a massive improvement, though, and very easy on the eyes, so if anything, I'd tell you guys to look at the Catwa HDPro line just to be able to use that. As for skins, I demo a ton of them from a large variety of stores (human and fantasy) and honestly, I absolutely loathe EvoX skins with a passion, but that comes down to personal preference. I keep some of my Lel heads in normal Evolution mode to avoid having to use them. Older SLUV skins IMO just look a lot more natural, smooth, and far less oily in the skin tones I use, and you can find a bunch of SLUVs on the marketplace if you're ever looking for something. You do not need the latest and greatest in the skin market unless you really want to emphasize your pores for some reason. 😄
  8. I do nooooot mess with sugar substitutes at all. "No sugar added," "Zero sugar," etc. signals to me that I should just make my own - whatever it is. Don't care if they replace it with "natural sweeteners" or whateva. Nah, I'm good. Already got me learning how to make ice cream due to shenanigans. Yogurt's next on the list if they keep testing me. The more I read labels, the more I just want to go full Stardew Valley and start my own farm. Also, $8.99 for a milkshake is highway robbery! Bet it didn't even taste half as good as mine. I'm in that phase where I'm still experimenting and blending everything I can get my hands on. Yes I did blend bakery-bought cheesecake slices into my shakes and smoothies - AND???? You think I won't try that pumpkin pie in the fridge next? 😂
  9. I'm very confused how someone would go through high school and college/university without ever needing to work with files/folders. Between writing papers, making presentations, creating and working with image files, retouching photos, creating ads/catalogs/book covers/brochures, digging through databases/spreadsheets, editing video files, doing field recording and foley, recording/mixing/mastering audio and music projects, writing and editing resumes and cover letters, navigating through emailed docs and PDFs when classes were missed, prepping files for professional printing, creating an entire professional portfolio, etc., I had my face in folders hunting for files damn near 24/7. Granted, I was a design and media major, but the business majors were always buried in their laptops, as well. Are we just not writing and working with media and docs in school anymore orrrr...? 👀
  10. Yay! Definitely try the library first, and if your local one(s) can't do it, maybe call some local colleges and universities and see if their libraries have the equipment and might be able to help you out.
  11. Totally understandable! If you can't find one to borrow (which I'd try first, if possible, though I know it's a loooong shot - retro gaming communities, libraries, and shops that deal in retro computing might have some leads), there is a subreddit called Data Hoarder that might be worth searching to find a good, reliable USB drive to attempt the file retrieval with (or other suggestions). I don't know if hunting around in genealogy communities/groups/subreddits would turn up any success, but that's another route to try. Actually, speaking of libraries - maybe try there first? I found this on the LA Public Library site, soooo... maybe others have a similar service? https://www.lapl.org/memorylab/floppy
  12. That solution costs under $20 (or $15 or less on Ebay), should she determine the file is indeed salvageable and worth doing so. The current version of her software is the real expense, at about $80-100, which is why I gave her that info first (and @Silent Mistwalker already provided instructions for the rest - Thanks Silent!).
  13. The good news - If I'm looking at the right thing, it still exists. Wiki. Website. The bad news - It's spensive unless you plan on using it for more than just a file conversion. It says 2019 on the homepage, but at the very bottom, there's mention of it being stable up to Windows 11 in the system requirements. This image below might help with identifying the file extension, but just be careful - I see a recommendation on this page (which I won't link to, for safety - it's also labeled Not Secure, but it's a Wiki-like source, so I'll just grab the image for ya) to download an older free-trial from 2005 to convert files to a newer format, but I don't know if I'd mess with that, to be honest. Shady exes are shady. Perhaps you can find a safer workaround if you want to grab and convert your file.
  14. Sometimes. Though with some products (like hair), you can usually tell. Does their 4C look natural (and most importantly, good). Does the hairstyle look accurate. Did they break away from the mainstream styles and make something more unique (flip over Fulani braids - gawd I need these in my SL). Did they label the hairstyle properly (did they call it a Havana Twist when it's a Senegalese Twist). Also, I buy mens natural hair, too, and that's a whole other challenge not too many take on. There's also an SL creator community on YouTube and across other socials, though how large it is, I don't know. Some make "how-to" videos on content creation in SL and similar things. Lots of decorating and shopping videos. I'm not that tuned in on that on the SL side, though. I'm far more familiar with Black Simmers and custom content makers there, because that community is a lot larger and more visible across social media. How do I know - they appear on video. They do livestreams. Some are in the Black Girl Gamers community organization. At the end of the day, it doesn't 100% matter to me as far as SL goes, and I certainly don't worry about any need to verify. As long as someone is presenting whatever they're making respectfully and accurately, with proper research, then I don't care whether they're actually Black or not. I do still like to support Black creators overall when I can, though, because again, they are SO hard to find outside of the life sim circuit. I simply cannot style my avatar in most games the way I want, even with mods (peeve), because Black designers/modders are just so rare in some games and the items just don't exist (and goodness knows I'm not learning 3D for all this, lol). I like to yeet money at them whenever I can here to hopefully encourage them to continue fueling my shopping addiction and lend their talents to other games/modding communities.
  15. You went all gas no brakes on that one. I did NOT expect that sentence to end that way, LOL.
  16. Huge variation. Really depends on the game. Some use radial menus for tool/weapon swaps. Some use inventory systems. Some use full graphical wardrobe systems that are completely separated from your inventory. Some store items alongside skills in hotbars. Some have special separate UI docks for weapon swaps.
  17. Messages like that are geared toward people like me. Ya know...Black. *waves* Does it matter to me if a brand is Black-owned? Often, yes. Does it influence my shopping behavior? Sometimes, yes, highly depending on the product. In the real-world, will I choose a hair product from a Black-owned company over one that isn't? Absolutely. I tend to trust that they'll understand my hair's texture and unique needs and provide safe, known ingredients with a long history of promoting healthy hair growth (which is something we sometimes struggle with - hair breakage as a result of using the wrong shampoo, conditioner, leave-in, relaxer, hair dye, balms, creams, oils, even hats/headwear/hair accessories, etc. is REAL! 😭). Edit: I also forgot makeup. Very important to me that a brand understands my skin, as well. Which reminds me - I STILL need to try Fenty, but I stopped wearing makeup a loooong time ago (because finding a good brand is harder than one would think!). In SL, does it matter? Sometimes. For a house plant, nah. For traditional hairstyles (fros, puffs, Bantu knots, braids, locs, twists, etc.) or style of outfit? Absolutely. Again, also for makeup, as our colors and shades are often quite different to match darker skin tones. Stores that get this right are very few and far between. Sometimes, I just like to support Black creators in SL in general, because being able to do so in other game worlds is such a rarity (except The Sims - we do have a lot of Simmers out there, but other games sadly lack representation - and that's a peeve).
  18. Oh, this is SUCH a good point, too. I always imagine avatars just smell like Drakkar, to be honest. Or Axe. Omg. 😂
  19. I've never done that. I make a huuuge distinction between a crush and just a casual "oh, he's cute," though. Many, many times I've "oh, he's cute"-ed a celeb or someone who turned out to be an absolute jerk during an interview or public appearance or something. Ew. No crush fer u!
  20. No. Avatars have no personality by themselves. Same reason I never crush on celebrities or anybody else based solely on physical appearance. My crush on Pedro Pascal has everything to do with him being a super sweet dork (who also happens to be a very cute and adorable dork). Adorkable, as they say.
  21. I've probably demoed a zillion heads by now and yeah, Freya is tough to match. The issue is (at least for me) so many heads look completely wrong in darker skin tones. Freya and Queen (and Catwa Jade and a few others) actually allow me to shape to a bone structure that works for me. Many, many heads struggle with that. I can also get there with Lel Raven and AK Pride, but that usually results in a younger (mid 20s) look. I typically aim for mid to late 30s for humans. Still slowlyyyy (read: barely, lol) working on my older avatars, but I have a whole different head for that.
  22. Big mood. Nothing in Lel's female line or any other brand gives me a similar look to what I've done with Queen (or Freya, for that matter, which was one of my fav faces to style). I still rock Queen and finding makeup, face tats, hairbases, etc. hasn't ever been a problem, thank goodness. Also, I don't know how it turned out like that, but Catwa Queen and Lelutka Ford give me a VERY similar look, so I just consider those two avatars to be brother and sister. My friend even commented when I first made him - "He is SO you!" Yes...yes he is, lol - he's got my face! If only he had a female neck fit.
  23. Hmmm. Try Lelutka Siwa, Inez, Lake, Zora, and mayyyybbe River and Fleur. Demo those with a lot of different skin demos and play with the shape sliders to see which one gets the closet. It's a long process, I know, but that's pretty much the only way. Edit: If you're open to Akeruka's EvoX line, you can also try Grace, Maria, Vittoria, and Maggie.
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