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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Yeeees, the espresso machine is great! I think most of No. 59s drinks are scripted in some fun way or another. My Bordeaux set also empties the glass as you drink and has the cheers/toasting anim. A bunch of sets have that, I believe.
  2. You're welcome, and I understand now. Hopefully we can get some answers and clarification soon. That might help a bit.
  3. If you ever want some help finding a look or building an avatar you can feel comfortable in, you could start a thread over in Your Avatar and we can help you out over there. If you're willing to consider a fantasy or non-human avatar, that might be a little easier to transition to. For me, my frog is an absolute blast to shop for and run around in and no other avatar I own makes me laugh quite as much as that one does (she's entirely ridiculous, which is absolutely my thing). I mean, what other avatar can I buy a group of quacking duck companions for and have my own little squad?!
  4. I've somehow managed to keep up with the entire thing. I don't think we've had any creators of child avatar products post in here (yet). There was mention of one who wanted to update, but found it difficult to do so without modesty layer guidance (which will be coming soon). No answers directly from Lindens yet. One FAQ update, but the next one will be coming in a few days (mentioned in Tommy's most recent post from this morning, listed over on the right under Popular Posts).
  5. I love that. I don't know if you're still looking for costumes/outfits like this, but if you are, try irrISIStible, Cureless, and Moon Amore. For some amazing headpieces, Zibska. irrISIStible has no demos, but I took a chance on her fountain costume a long time ago and...well...it has flowing water (!!!). What is there to even say? #worthit I have a few of her costumes/outfits now and don't regret buying a single one.
  6. Page 165. Edit: Or just click Tommy's post over on the right-hand side under Popular Posts.
  7. Just to bring this forward a bit (I actually found it - page 165). Screenshot to avoid quoting unnecessarily.
  8. Tommy Linden posted earlier this morning that they'd be updating the FAQ in a few days and will provide more guidance as to the modesty layers. Where that post is...I dunno. A million pages back by now.
  9. I...actually don't know about that one. Nor do I want to go find out. 😆 Funny enough, my furry avatars are the least of my worries. They have the most PG skins out of everything else anyway.
  10. I use the full range - full feminine to full masculine and everything in-between. Maitreya to Legacy Male. Then toss it in a blender, shake it up, and remix my look a bunch of different ways. I make androgynous looks with either body (with or without addons). That's mainly why I'm paying attention to this discussion, even as a fully adult avatar. Whether or not the rumors of flat-chest wearers catching hands is true, I'm keeping an eye/ear out just in case as I often find myself on adult land without even trying (via shopping) and some of my avatars might be difficult to judge. I'm tall as heck, but height isn't really a factor, so...
  11. You'll be happy to know that my frog has no nips. 😂 I was happy to find that out, even. Speaking of which, perhaps a Ken/Barbie approach would've been better. Blank slate/PG skins for non-adults. I have some of those for adult bodies, so they already exist (unlike waiting to see what we get that will pass the new TOS). Then again, perhaps LL has their reasons for doing it this way. I dunno.
  12. Slight change on that. The thing is, if you're browsing from Seraphim, you'll have to be very careful clicking on the links there to make sure that cute ad for that cheesecake isn't taking you to a store located on an Adult parcel. Maybe even a Moderate parcel. Who knows now. Just check your links before going, is all, or maybe create a dedicated shopping avatar.
  13. Yeah. For anyone who roleplays a child, start checking your links very carefully before TPing to stores. Plenty of times I find myself on Adult land when TPing around during the weekend and weekday sales. I barely ever notice it, so I can't offer a list of shops to watch out for in particular, but it does happen from time to time.
  14. Very true! I didn't even think about that. This may turn out to be a disaster, especially if you take into account that some older kids may be using regular adult bodies (Maitreya, Jake, maybe CZ Slim, etc.), too, and may need new skins for those.
  15. Childrens swimwear and similar. Even a regular normal full-coverage one-piece swimsuit or gymnastics or ballet/dance leotard or something would be ruined if they had permashorts on.
  16. Thank you. This is exactly how I'm feeling as well. I've been asking myself if it's even worth it anymore when I can go just about anywhere else and not ever have to even think about issues such as this. I just want nothing to do with any of it. I've already pulled back quite a lot of my spending months ago (not due to this) - wouldn't take much more to bow out for good if things become more complicated.
  17. Yaaaaaaaas, the Dust Bunny sales are fantastic. Also forgot to mention their group gifts.
  18. Just to chime in on this (I just caught up...whew...), I see Coffee already explained why looks like this and others are now going to be under new scrutiny, so I'll contribute my own thoughts to the A land ban... Every single one of my avatars are adults, most landing in the 30+ age demographic, but they're also extremely non-standard and much of the time, not even human, so if some random person tries to guess their age, it may be difficult. I don't hang out in adult-rated sims much at all, but I do shop a LOT. A lot a lot. You know how I do. And I never pay much attention to the land rating the store is in. Do I have to worry about teleporting into a store on Adult-rated land as a non-binary android or doll/marionette now or nah? These things look completely fine and mature to ME, but if some are struggling with adult vs. teen human/anime in this very thread, good luck judging some of the ball-jointed, plastic, wires coming out my head, LED power suit wearing flat gender non-conforming nonsense I make and roll around in. How old is Cthulhu in a dress? What about a horror head full of razor teeth but a rather young 20-something face slapped on a V-Tech-wearing body? Asking for a me. (More seriously, I'm 100% aware I have very, very little to worry about and I've got plenty of avatars to shop in, but I see some of the age guessing and it's got me like ... brah...braaaah.) 😂 Though, perhaps when you consider non-binary and/or fantasy avatars, there's definitely room for ambiguity there. We're not direct targets of this action in any way, but now I'm going to have to be very mindful about which avatars to take shopping, which is definitely a change (especially for those quick runs to the store to grab something I realized I need during a photo shoot). A very slight inconvenience to be sure, but ehhhh, just more to think about that makes me less excited to log in (I come here to turn off my brain and chillax, dontchaknow).
  19. Heilung is definitely one of those bands you'd love to see live, you know? Their music is an entire experience! Professional gamer...as in streamer? None of the gaming streamers I follow even mentioned the game yet, so I'm assuming your friend might be more "in" than they are. That's pretty awesome! Oh, lemme throw a video out there to stay on topic. Watching Jarl do his thing.
  20. Omg. I remember that. If it's what I'm thinking of, I think I got a belt full of spray paint and stuff there for my rat avatar (my answer to the neko infestation 😂). Wait, yes I did! The vandal belt. Still got it, LOL. Spray paint, a carton of eggs, toilet paper, and cigs.
  21. Damn. And I thought tripping over my own feet in heels in the grass at work and going flying onto the hood of my car like a bug while my co-worker stood behind me watching it all go down was bad. Yearrrrs ago and I'm never going to forget that. Between that and the other girl who used to regularly fall down and bust her butt all over the office, I thought my job was going to request us goofballs to start wearing flats. 😂 I like my electronics dumb, but I've got a Roku that's still a pain in the butt. The whole "go log into your account on the website and enter this code showing on the screen" thing is freakin' ANNOYYYYYYYYYYYING.
  22. I had no idea Hellblade II was coming out this month. Funny enough, I was JUST talking with a friend about Heilung (and other bands) a few hours ago, too.
  23. Was it you who said something about a barbecue? What Next has an awesome one that changes texture when the food is thoroughly cooked. And Evhah has one with PG (or adult, if that's your thing) solo and couple cooking animations and utensils. The food looks SO GOOODDDDDDD too. Ignore the cheap price, though. This is from Flickr 2022. I think it's closer to 450L or something, but don't quote me.
  24. Very much agree with you on this. I'm imagining it looking like a basic cami/undies set or briefs or a full-coverage bikini or something (something more clothing-like and not the censored bar treatment), but that really needs to be clarified soon so creators can get to work.
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