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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. A moodier pic of Cinny and me dancing, taken at the same time and same "Bat Channel" as the previous ones...
  2. Dancing with @Cinnamon Mistwoodat Fogbound Blues a bit earlier today. She said couple of guys were trying to pick her up while we were dancing. Yep, that's a sure way to impress a Lady... Didn't do much to impress ME either...
  3. Thanks!!! AI seems to have a problem with hands. I didn't fix any of the pics, so the AI errors can be seen. Caitlin liked the pics too.
  4. Honestly, do people who do that have nothing else to do? Are they so bored that they have to rely on targeting people to get their thrills? Just ignore them. If they get no feedback, they'll stop.
  5. There appears to be a form of blood and deliberately inflicted harm because of the candy canes piercing through her skin. Possibly pain as well. It's open to interpretation of course as to whether the harm is self inflicted, or caused by another. Then of course, the candy canes have ends that are inside her.
  6. I was staring at a couple of boxes of chocolate cream filled panettone a few seconds ago. Now THOSE are to die for!!!
  7. LMAO, quickly glancing at the first sentence of your post, I mostly saw the word "Cinnamon", and my initial thought was that you were referring to @Cinnamon Mistwood. Then it was like, "what?", and I started killing myself laughing when it suddenly hit me that you you were talking about your dog!!!.
  8. Me and Cat. We just weren't "ourselves" this morning ...LOL....
  9. Cat and I discussing Statues to buy. She DID end up buying one...
  10. I've already been past the 18th hole and back. And I never said EVERYONE, lol. And yes, yes...I know you were looking at my ball for an hour.... Cinny, your going to get us into a sandtrap....The steering wheel is spinning...We'll never be able to get out!!! Cinny, do you think I should get another hairdo? Geez, you're so pale...you look like a vampire!!!
  11. Here are a few where I didn't use a pic of you as a reference, and the same prompts. There isn't too much difference. Maybe more similarity to your AV's face with the reference pic ones.
  12. I totally agree with both of you. There is simply no way of making Cinny look "better" than her look in the original. I was just curious what AI would come up with.
  13. I used an AI generator where we don't NEED a reference image. There are some that are meant only to enhance though. I haven't tried any of those yet. My pics were just a quick experiment. I should try the same prompt without a reference image of you.
  14. The first pic is the original But I better get back to my household chores, before Cinny and Cat get back from work and see that I haven't done all the housework they expected me to do!!!
  15. This is a part of my prompt. The AI actually modified it from my original "vintage secretary": A (((1950's office setting))) where a vibrant, modern redhead in iconic red lipstick and an evil smirk poses confidently at a (((typewriter))
  16. Now here's @Cinnamon Mistwoodenhanced by AI. The first pic is the reference image, which is a crop of a pic I posted earlier when she was together with me and Caitlin. I used the same "prompts" as for Caitlin, except I typed in " red hair".
  17. Now here's @Cinnamon Mistwood. I used the same "prompts' as for Caitlin, except I typed "Red Hair" instead. Tell me about it!!! I deliberately didn't fix anything, so the errors of AI can be seen
  18. I did a bit of fiddling . Here's how AI interpreted Caitlin:. The original is first. I didn't make any alterations to the AI generated images. The original was the reference image. I was able to crop the original a bit in the Gencraft online AI I used, so it would pick up her features better, but I can't download that from the website.
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