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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Personally, I'm waiting for Firestorm to implement PBR.
  2. Gasp!!! You're exposing me!!! I feel so naked!!! /me crawls into his dungeon to worship Satan, and rejuvenate himself.....
  3. Lol, playing Barbie Dressup is DEFINITELY an important part of SL in my opinion.
  4. I just looked up Roblox. Sorry, that is NOT my SL in any way shape or form. I want NOTHING to do with anything even vaguely like that.
  5. LOL, yes. Two days of me wracking my brain over one simple caption, until it was FINALLY OK with you!!! But I think it really did work out better than what I had originally thought of.
  6. You have a right to expect more from people you are close to, than from random strangers.
  7. Yep, and I don't mind it one bit. I think it worked out better than my original idea.
  8. And NOW, our newest issue...It only took a few hours from start to finish with the concept and pics... but TWO entire days to agree on the captions lol!!!
  9. I wouldn't take anything tech related from Zalificent seriously. She has shown in the discussion I had with her regarding bit depth and banding, that she values her opinion more than fact. I totally agree with you about change and growth. Stagnation is simply not an option.
  10. I really never had to do much with the Skyler head. I'm really happy with it. I know Cat did some tweaking with hers. I can't remember if I picked her head shape, or she did. I know it took almost a year for her to be happy with her look. She's not techy, so I had to be there to help her with a lot of it. That's a part of the reason I also use Lelutka female heads. I can switch to female, and help her with the setups while we both have our HUD's open..
  11. Our looks are basically set. But it's nice to upgrade a bit, if it looks like an improved version, and not a whole different AV. Cat WAS about 3 feet shorter with the Noel shape, and I ended up taller with the Kris. Either way, it's not what either of us want to look like. We are using the default head shapes with our regular bodies, with some tweaks, but they looked good from the start. I think Cat is using the Lelutka Avalon head, and I'm using the Lelutka Skyler head.
  12. Cat and I trying on the free Lelutka Kris and Noel heads. She hadn't changed her shape yet, but when she did , she looked like a twelve year old. I didn't even want to take a pic of that. I don't think we'll be wearing these.
  13. Thank you so much!!! /me blushes... Yes, they ARE a lot of work, but I love working on pics!!! I really didn't take the first pic though. She did, and sent me the full resolution image so I could work on it. The second pic is fully mine.
  14. Texturing in SL is actually harder than if you had a .dae file to open in a 3D modelling program. Well, depending... but yes, you DO deserve some credit lol!!!
  15. Looks nice!!! Did you create the scarf yourself?
  16. I made this gradient in photoshop. It's a 48 bit PNG image. 16 bits/channel. 2550x3300. The first one looks nice and smooth. The second one is an extreme zoom of the same image, and shows the actual banding that occurs. Whether we can perceive it or not, the banding IS there. I increased contrast on the third image, to make it more visible.
  17. Look up banding, please. I posted an article on it. There is no way of NOT getting any banding with digital photography. It might not be visible unless at %100 zoom, but it IS always there with gradients, unless dithered. The larger the image, the less visible it will be. The only way of eliminating it is by having infinite bit depth. Which takes us back to analog photography.
  18. Yes, the images ARE 24 bit. That means 8 bits/channel. 8 Bits per channel means 8R 8G 8B (8x3) = 24 bits. Sorry, I should have clarified that I meant per channel, and not the bit depth of the image itself as such. 8 bit would only give 256 colours total to an image. 48 bit images are 16 bits/channel. I have never used anything OTHER than PNG to save my images (usually at 2048x1127). The compression with PNG is lossless, so yes, it IS the bits/channel that is causing the banding.
  19. I can't take credit for this one. She took the pic. I just filtered it a bit.
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