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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Going DOWN any holes wouldn't be the issue. It going UP them that might be....
  2. I'll toss in my two cents worth. I doubt LL will cater to niches, whether they be sexual or asexual, and IMHO, they shouldn't. I see it simply as a confirmation that the adult side exists, and showing potential customers that they CAN find adult content here, IF they CHOOSE to. That opens up the market to a wider customer base. Making SL a publicly advertised sex based platform would NOT be good IMO. Exploring , taking pics, creating, socializing, etc, are vital elements. I know they are for me, just as much as sex is. Having sex in SL IS actually socializing though. We are interacting and getting to know others. There IS actual conversation involved, and when the orgasms are over, yes, people really DO talk about things like how they had to take their dog to the Vet. To me, personally, this announcement doesn't affect my life in SL at all. I highly doubt I would find anything in an LL sanctioned adult location that would appeal to my sexual side. But the continued existence of SL DOES affect me.
  3. Thanks. I didn't know this. Excluding sex is totally illogical for a platform that builds on the concept of a "second life". SL offers CHOICE. Since Sansar didn't, IMHO it was a failed proposition from the start.
  4. Personally, I feel this is basically a way to acknowledge that the user generated content DOES exist. And to show that people can find any sexual fantasy they want in SL.
  5. A music/dance/sex club can be for every orientation. SL furniture isn't really all THAT exclusive. We just have to avoid animations that don't work with the scenario, and the woman may have to occasionally use a strapon. I've had bisexual threesomes in public a number of times in multiple places. It's never been an issue for anyone. LL doesn't have to choose an orientation to cater to.
  6. Hell, a corporate executive woman in a suit turns me on like crazy!!! So does a corporate secretary!!!
  7. Thanks Scyll, Thanks Jenn. Thanks Bjoyful, Thanks Sid!!! They are up in the gallery!!! My cards will be coming late. RL has dictated that. I have been feeling a little, cough, restricted, so my sense of touch isn't quite, cough, cough, what it used to be, so I needed a bit of help from Scylla, to open the second pic inside her main one. I couldn't make Jenn's card lager, but I wouldn't have been able to post it here if I did!!!
  8. Yes. Height maps will alter a terrain physical. Normal maps will only alter perceptually, without changing an object's shape.
  9. I've never found raising children to be a chore. But the rest? Yeah, those can stay in the deepest bowels of hell where they belong!!!
  10. That's one adult activity that I really have no interest in!!! Seems the government has me collared, and no way of turning THEIR RLV off!!! I did try using a "Safeword", but they didn't respect it!!!
  11. I see what you're saying. But there are already dedicated dating services in SL. I stand by my statement that a club that offers music, dancing, and the possibility of sex would be the most logical and realistic. If it's PURELY a dating service, only those wanting to actually DATE would go there.
  12. In our Gallery now, in the portion devoted to other Artists.Yes, give us peace.
  13. I am thinking more of a "gateway", where people would be able to meet and mingle, in a somewhat adult setting. The Satyr club does just that. Dancing, music, and MAYBE sex, while making it comfortable for everyone. I know people who enjoy that club simply for the music and dancing, without the sex. People can meet and mingle, and do a bit of everything there, and then go into more extreme things somewhere ELSE. IF they want to. Something like that would acknowledge the adult side of SL, without exposing itself to anything more, since the resident's take over past that point. LL really wouldn't be offering anything, just acknowledging and permitting. If the sex were only allowed in private rooms they provide, that's no different than people going to a RL club, and saying "Hey, let's go somewhere more private, but wait... we can do that here in one of the hotel rooms, and we don't have to drive, so we can have a couple of drinks."
  14. The biggest issue with that would be cost. A lovense toy costs roughly $200 USD, give or take. I couldn't even imagine what a suit like that would cost.
  15. I think it's just wiser for you to trust me on this one LOL. And wiser for me as well.
  16. When I look at the image and the teaser caption, I don't get that "feel" though. And why bother coming into SL to use a dating App? There are lots of RL ones around. The ability to control someone's RL toy already exists with Lovense. Only a cheap SL HUD is required to make an expensive RL Lovense toy controllable by a partner in SL. It's actually not as much fun as it sounds though. It's too easy to put the HUD setting too high for the other person's comfort, or forgot that's still on, when it shouldn't be. So, I doubt LL would implement this.
  17. I don't see it being Linden homes from the image. Or from the teaser caption. It has a bit of a "tabloid" feel to it, and DOES imply a club. An adult home by itself doesn't imply anything exciting. An average RL home with a loving couple with children, by definition HAS to have had adult activities involved. I don't think people would come to SL to look for that in (most) cases.
  18. That's what I'm seeing. I know a club that does a great job of having adult activities allowed, without forcing it on anyone. If someone wants to go and just dance, then they can. Listen to music? Sure! Have sex? That's allowed too, but not in center stage focus. Nothing sleazy, but a bit of fun for everyone. I can't know, but I'm thinking this might be a perfect way for LL to venture into acknowledging adult activities.
  19. Tiling isn't necessary for larger objects. The house Caitlin and I have is made up of multiple segments, with each having individual 1024x1024 seamless textures. Tiling IS preferable though, when it's possible, to save on texture memory. I posted this a while a go, of a flat mesh object I made, and it is made up of 4 individual 1024x1024 textures. on 4 parts.
  20. One would tend to think there could be better ways of expressing disdain than someone simply calling it "the Blob". That is blatantly insulting. It IS a POSITIVE cooperative effort between everyone involved. INCLUDING anyone featured. Maybe express WHY you feel there is something wrong with it? Maybe not simply deprecating something that you have no understanding of? I'm sure you're capable of expression in a more positive way.
  21. Thank you. The "Blab" IS, and always will BE something to reinforce community. It is a collaborative effort that INCLUDES the person being featured. No one will EVER appear on the cover (or in a caption) unless they agree to it. That person will ALWAYS have full veto power over any image used of them, or any caption relating to them. And have creative input. The National Blab is NOT Virtual Secrets.
  22. And what is this that our virgin ears have heard? COULD it be TRUE? Posted with the full permission of Scylla Rhiadra.
  23. I'm all for this!!! That doesn't detract from what SL is, it just improves it.
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