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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I have never seen this argument either. I didn't say anything, because I haven't been in SL as long as many here have been. I personally don't think what engine SL uses will make any difference to how a person perceives SL I know it won't for me.
  2. I can guarantee you, my SL has NOT been a game. But there really is no choice with the technology. I couldn't care less what LL uses to make it work. They can use all the game engines they want. That won't affect my SL at all. SL is just the phone, not the conversation.
  3. Love is right. When you need to see things clearly, just leave your settings on Midday.
  4. I agree. It's not really possible argue about that, because SL is an individual experience. I don't care how my RL phone is created. I care about the conversations I have on it.
  5. I'm not disagreeing with you. Options are always good. I personally prefer though, that if I go somewhere, I see the environment as the creator intended. If I want to change that for some reason, I can. I only use FS as well.
  6. I haven't been reading what you've been writing. I was simply reacting to your "it's not a game" comment.
  7. We can still change the EEP to whatever we want though. We aren't forced to used shared settings. I totally agree with you that things are loading more slowly. I have no idea if it's the rendering system or not. I would have thought that rendering is directly related to our personal hardware, and somehow more data is being transmitted, or the servers are slower. No clue on this one.
  8. Why would the "it's not a game" mentality affect the technology behind it? The medium is NOT the message (sorry Marshall Mcluhan).
  9. Hopefully Firestorm will make it a feature that can be turned off for those that find it's too much for their graphics hardware to handle. Personally, I want PBR .
  10. You're welcome in our home no matter what colour your skin is, or what AV you're wearing.
  11. But what if wouldn't want you in my house because you're a fungus?
  12. Each one of has our own personal vision of what we want our AV's to look like. I love the look of that skin on you, but it's YOU that that chooses. Not me, or anyone else for that matter. Which one is it? Does it come in different skin tones?
  13. I disagree with you on this. Let's take the example of the "Star Trek" series. Or any fantasy or Sci-Fi movie or series. They are fully live action. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't lose any sense of fantasy or imagination watching them. For me the realism heightens it. I agree with you that some things only work in an intended setting though. Cartoons don't always translate well into realism. I can't imagine the "Road Runner" working at all in a fully realistic setting. Personally I want my SL to look and feel as if I was actually "beamed" back to the Enterprise during an ion storm, Spock had a beard, and used an "agonizer". I want my SL to be my "Mirror Universe". But at the same time, I agree that it wouldn't be fair to you, or to any of us if we logged in expecting one thing, and got another. Once full realism is achieved, I suspect we would have choices. Some regions may be fully cartoon, while others are fully realistic. I can imagine going with you to "meet the Flintstones", and then popping into "Underworld" for a bite (bad pun, I know). I'm hoping SL will be around long enough for us to have these choices.
  14. But firestorm hasn't released a PBR version yet.
  15. The small black demon COULD look realistic too, similar to "Gremlins". This is all pure conjecture though. None of us know how we would actually react emotionally to being in a fantasy world that appears as if it were RL.
  16. We DO aim to please....SO...page 2. Phew...Cinny was OK with the captions....
  17. Yes, but what if it all LOOKED real. Even the fantasy parts.
  18. I don't mean mirroring our RL selves. I mean having our AV's look real, and our surroundings.
  19. Would we become even more addicted to SL than we already are?
  20. As it stands, we have a cartoony look in SL. Would we ACTUALLY be comfortable if our SL were fully RL realistic, as if we were watching a movie? I don't know if I would be. Or would we like it more? Any comments on this?
  21. Another interesting question. How far into to realism do we TRULY want to go. Do we want to maintain a cartoony look, or do we want to see our AV's as fully implemented RL avatars?
  22. I really don't think they'll rush. Well, maybe not TOO much. It's exciting though. Basically a way of raytracing.
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