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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Photoshop has good motion blur filters, and Adobe AfterEffects has really good motion blur capabilities.
  2. LOL, I prefer knee length or longer skirts. Classy 1950's/early 60's outfits on a woman. So you're definitely wrong on this one. Scylla could literally wear to RL work anything I picked for her. She would probably complain about the non stretch nylons and heels though.
  3. I won't give you a shoulder massage, because I just KNOW that it would be misconstrued by some, but I WILL tell you things will be OK. They really will... Yes , the 20's were very stylish. The creator likely stopped focussing on them, because it wasn't selling as well as some of the newer, sexier styles. Sex sells, style not as much. Unfortunately, because style IS sexy, in my opinion. But sales figures dictate where a creator's focus goes.
  4. You very well know I'll listen to you, but I still want to express my opinions.
  5. No, I clearly don't. I never will. This is the most restrictive society I have ever seen.
  6. I've never been in any other forum, so I have no reference.
  7. I didn't realize that, and I won't do that again without mentioning that it is linked to adult content. My image was only on one thread, and it was a part of my SL life. Or maybe I shouldn't post at all. The rules here are beginning to sicken me.
  8. I stand by my statement. Use the ignore button. Why are you still reading my posts? You really should have put me on your ignore list a long time ago. I am not here to please or appease the forum population.
  9. I completely miss your points all the time. Thankfully.
  10. Photo style is like a fingerprint. It's POSSIBLE to mimic it, but Cinny has been in SL for 13 years 6 months; 4960 days . I've only been here for 3 years 8 months; 1364 days. l would have to be HER alt to make that possible. Seriously, no reasonable person would think that I'm her alt.
  11. The only other person I regularly post pics wth is my SL wife Caitlin, and Cinnamon is friends with her too inworld. But Cat doesn't post on the forums. If Love thinks I am an alt of either one of them, he is very sadly mistaken.
  12. Are you suggesting that @Cinnamon Mistwood and I are the same person? She's the only one I've ever taken pics with (she took her own shots) that are posted here. If that's what you're thinking, you really have NO idea how much that makes me laugh!!!
  13. I'm not arguing the point. I sincerely DID NOT KNOW!!! I will make it clear if I am linking to the adult section in the future. I linked to a pic which was a part of how my SL life looked at the time. I truly had no desire to break any rules, or to make anyone uncomfortable.
  14. Which is exactly why I don't post in the vanity threads anymore. It's the people I'm close to that make my SL important. I prefer to showcase THEM, not myself. It's rare that would post a pic only of myself.
  15. My behaviour is always questionable, but it wasn't intentional.
  16. If you would have said it was because of adult material, that would have been different. But you didn't. I would have asked others about it for sure in PM or IM, but I would have publicly stated you're right. I won't argue a case where I know I'm wrong.
  17. This what Scylla and I are planning to do taking pics of Cinny. And what Cinny and I have done with our pics. It really IS fun to compare the different approaches, and results!!!
  18. No. Your comment was about cross posting. That's what prompted me to create this thread. You didn't say it was because I linked to an adult thread. You should have. Really, you should have sent me PM and told me it's not appropriate, and we could have all avoided this drama.
  19. I was actually trying to follow the rules of not posting adult content in a "G" rated section. I didn't know that posting a link would be considered the same. I've done it before, and no one said anything. The rules here are apparently far more constrictive than I would ever have figured.
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