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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. This is basically my point. It's about how much time someone has to spend on the forums.
  2. I don't mean me. I mean other people cross posting.. If I had the time to crosspost, I would be looking at the threads to begin with.
  3. Do you have the time to check multiple threads? i don't.
  4. I personally like cross posting, because I only have a limited amount of time to devote to the forums. I'm less likely to miss something if it's posted in multiple areas. How does everyone else feel?
  5. Now you have Cinny and I both wondering. What was the painting that made you want to have her model for you?
  6. This is all I have to say for tonight:"kzuxhsdsuhaasw7vgc/1xbaxmenuk". So there. /me shuts down his computer for the day.
  7. I would just post it here, but it would be removed due to inappropriate content...nudity and sexuality. Have you looked? I'm not just posting for people who follow me, but for anyone to see. And I've been wondering about something. I follow people, but I get no notification at all if they post something. I truly don't care if you don't like cross posting. I DO, because i don't live on the forums, and I only follow a few threads. Mainly this one. So I'll miss things if they aren't posted in more than one thread. If you don't like my posts, use the ignore button. It would save us both some aggravation.
  8. Cat, of course. I forgot to post this pic. Or did I already? No I didn't. I just worked it up as the second one as I was posting this.
  9. Cat and I discussing Christmas gifts. No "assuming" TMI involved...Just another 5 men.... This is clear. Don't make assumptions on what isn't.
  10. Thanks!!! It's so true though. It's not about competition, but about different interpretations. It's not a rush. It just sounds like great fun to do!!! I'll be talking to her anyways, so you can arrange it all through her if it's easier for you.
  11. It really wouldn't be a competition though if it happens. Thank God. Because Scylla would run rings around me if it was!!! /me scrambles to get the newest version of Black Dragon.
  12. What would make it interesting, is that you and I approach photography from different perspectives. Yours tend to be darker, with political statements, and depictions of the human condition. Mine are purely meant to be fun, and have visual appeal. How would our final images of Cinny be similar? How would they be different?
  13. I guess I should be flattered that every sentence I write is examined with a microscope. Geez....
  14. I would love to be there too, so I could take some shots as well, and compare our interpretations.
  15. I don't care if you post either, so we're even.
  16. We only took a couple of pics. We didn't have enough to post more. No TMI.
  17. We weren't planning a photoshoot. We just took a couple of pics while we were together. Not much we could post.
  18. Thanks!!! It was a great show!!! I give credit to Cinny for being my inspiration to take the shots!!! And I think Cinny's outfit captured the essence of "Janet".
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