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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I was actually thinking of trying to mix Maitreya a and Gianni today I've seen that happen by accident with my collar, and it gives interesting results. I managed to get some sandals that come with feet, and a fairly thick ankle strap from Shelly Laufer. I don't need too many outfits, because Caitlin already let me change back to normal. It's just for occasional fun. But I want my AV to look as good as possible no matter what I'm wearing!!!
  2. I had to use Lelutka Skyler, and Signature Gianni, because Caitlin wanted to see my regular AV crossdressed. So I had to find clothing for my Gianni body. Otherwise, I would have just used a female AV in my account.
  3. Peeve: Limited clothing choices available for crossdressing. And no men's footmorphs to allow wearing heels for Maitreya or other popular bodies!!!
  4. I had to make a request to join the group on Flickr, so now it's up to them. Thanks for reminding me of Flickr. I have some pics on there of Caitlin trying on wedding dresses. It seems the last time I uploaded anything was April 23, 2023, so it wasn't as long ago as I thought.
  5. You literally made me blush, and that's NOT easy. Thank you!!! I DO have flickr, but I haven't done anything with it in years. I just used it as an image repository. I'll take a look and see if I can upload something to them. I hope they like them too.
  6. Here are a few shots of The Rocky Horror SL production I took Cinny to. It was just awesome to see!!! Thanks @BJoyful for telling me about it!!!
  7. Pillow cases are washable, and disposable...but good pillows aren't as easily replaceable...
  8. I had to go to the discussion group at Xaara dressed like this. Caitlin gave me the Ok to turn back to normal after this. She WAS worried about me going like this, but I felt I should.
  9. Chatting with Cat on our floating island above our main island. I have to go to the discussion group tonight dressed like this.
  10. You can dance with your pillow. I'll take Cinny instead.
  11. Lol, it's not like you have to twist my arm to get me to hang out with you. Really though, you were the one who found the light emitters. All I did was help you with where the light settings are in the edit panel. I was searching for the objects too, but you found them first.
  12. A nice evening of dancing with @Cinnamon Mistwood.
  13. LOL!! You should have done a search, and sent me an IM!!! I really have no idea how long I have to stay like this.
  14. LOL, Cat's not the only woman who thinks I look hot like this!!! I feel like a dressup doll though...But hey, I'll do whatever turns them on!!!
  15. Her AV reminded me of Cat. It really isn't her though.
  16. Skin shopping with my ex, Mysteria. We're still good friends.
  17. Thanks!!! He starts off in flat bunny slippers....Uggghhh...I wouldn't be caught DEAD in flats!!! What WAS he thinking? Some men....Hmmmpphhh!!!
  18. Cinny...What??? Yes I'll take you dancing, but this dress is not what Caitlin had in mind!!! And what was in that glass of water you gave me?
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