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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Peeve: Firestorm only takes 8 bit images, and results in banding. I'm not sure if any other viewers can take 16 bit, or higher ones.
  2. I went to check the Walsh County sim from your link. The rock pile was interesting, but what really caught my eye was the row of tilted vehicles stuck in the ground that were visible in the distance.
  3. Hell, I'm basically an atheist, and grew up in a basically atheistic family. But we love Christmas!!! To us, it is, and always has been a time to celebrate the joy of family and friends!!!
  4. And..for those who wanted a subscription, but may have missed an issue, here are all 5 SCANDALOUS 1st issues under one SINGLE cover!!!
  5. With credit to "Monty Python", for the inspiration.
  6. With credit to "Monty Python", for the inspiration.
  7. Cat and I discussing some very serious RL stuff.
  8. Nice pic, but it's your signature at the bottom that i never noticed before that got to me. Yeah, everyone will hurt us. And we DO have to find the ones worth suffering for. They will suffer for us too.
  9. Just ignore people like that. No one listens to them anyways.
  10. AI is scouring Youtube all the time. I made an anniversary video for Caitlin, and it was blocked for copyright infringement outside of Canada. The only similarity is with the falling leaves to my falling rose petals. The movie is a children's movie. My video is not. I disputed it, and the company dropped the copyright claim. But I shouldn't have had to do that. I posted both mine, and the trailer to my alleged copyright infringement. So yes, it's a worry what AI can come up with.
  11. Thanks!!! But AI made her face. I can't take credit. LOL, six fingers would make it faster. I wish I could type with more than two!!!
  12. Gasp, AI is almost as bad as when stockings were replaced by pantyhose!!!
  13. I DO understand what you are talking about, and I have many concerns as well. AI is here though, and it won't go away. Only by experimenting with it , and seeing it's shortcomings, can we actually understand the risks better. I can see a huge risk to the entire entertainment industry. One single person could create an entire movie without the need for any actors or anyone else involved. Not even a script writer. It's not quite there yet, but it will be. Same with music. No band needed. No musical skills necessary. Same again with art. The list is endless. Just by writing this, my concerns grow deeper. The scariest thought of all, is that humanity will become dependant on AI. I can actually see this happening.
  14. I trained a model of my Sandor AV, and this is what AI came up with. I'm finding it to be like commissioning artwork. I give the idea, and someone else interprets it in their own vision. It's great for getting ideas, but it's not a photo filter. I uploaded 38 images of my AV to Gencraft, rotated around my (SL) Z axis to train the model. Interestingly enough, AI added a beard. Which my AV originally had, but I removed, because Caitlin preferred my AV clean shaven. AI was thinking similarly to me.
  15. My poor keyboard will have to go in the dishwasher again...
  16. Our readers DESERVE to know. And our cameras ARE ready!!!
  17. Yes, the National Blab HAS been busy bringing YOU the most up to date information on the latest scandal!!!
  18. Stay tuned scandal fan!!! The next scorching issue is hot on the presses and coming soon!!!
  19. Stay tuned scandal fans. There WILL be more. Same scandal time, same scandal place...
  20. I'm not the most private person in the world, but even I would would be upset at deep personal conversations being publicly shared. Some things really ARE meant to be only between the people involved.
  21. Cinny, we'll have to make a run for it, before the paparazzi catches up!!!
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