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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I tried.inworld. No response. But he may not have logged in to see it.
  2. I will have to agree %100. There IS the occasional person who only enjoys the visuals, but they won't get many partners that way IMO. It's how we make someone feel that matters the most. The visuals are just an accompaniment.
  3. I won't be defending that notion. There is much more in SL than just sex. We can only stay turned on for so long. I know I do more than just that, and so does everyone I know in the adult community. I'm sure some people DO use SL as pure porn, but they aren't on my friends list. But again, SL IS individual.. People have a right to do what they want (as long as it's legal, and doesn't hurt anyone).
  4. A mentor isn't a bad idea though. It's not easy setting up genitals, or knowing that such things as INM exist. Collars require knowledge of RLV setups (if they are used to their full potential). There are a myriad of things to know, that can take hours, or even weeks to figure out when someone is new. I was one of them.
  5. It's spring loaded. That makes it more difficult to be accurate than if it was a piston type. 200 yards is hard enough in a RL situation with a .308 Browning and a scope. No way would an air rifle be accurate with BB's at 200 yards. But I'll bet you'll take down a lot of zombies though!!!
  6. 200 yards? Good luck with that with an air rifle.
  7. Could I add something related to a commentary line in the New Year's edition of the Blob? You have PM's blocked, so I couldn't ask you personally.
  8. LOL, bedding in period? Love the pun!!! Seriously though, I think it's up to those of us who are involved in adult activities to help newbies with that. LL simply cannot, and should not, be directly involved.. I've helped many a newbie. Most have gone their own ways. Which is fine. But one of them was, and IS my SL wife, Caitlin.
  9. LOL, I've helped a lot of newbies learn the adult side. I didn't even have to dress like Ginger OR Mary Ann!!! But that does sound like fun though!!!
  10. SL IS a wonderful dating site. Especially If it's not INTENTIONALLY used as that. I know a few couples who are together in RL because they met in SL. Really, there's no way of knowing who's behind the keyboard with ANY online dating. SL provides the opportunity to "live" with someone, No RL dating app does that. But you're right on not derailing the thread. As Stan Lee said, "nuff said" .
  11. What's wrong with SL being a dating site? It's the perfect place for that. A way to get to know each other through fantasies. It's easy to say that we like Westerns or sci-fi movies in RL, but it's a bit more difficult to ask a potential date if they like BDSM. Here we CAN know who likes what, and move on from there. AND we have anononimity. Until we choose otherwise, no one actually knows who we are.
  12. Oh, don't worry, My "Eroticizer Ray" will have all the storm troopers in pink lace panties and heels in no time!!!
  13. Scary part is, I wasn't little anymore when I wanted that!!!
  14. It's not the size that counts, but what you do with it!!!
  15. What's wrong with turning into a realistic looking furry or non human? This IS SL!!! Chewbacca is a furry.
  16. Lol, it would be a bit difficult to survive without skin. Both RL AND SL.
  17. One thing I am very happy about, is that there is very little negativity here. The truly negative people haven't stayed here for very long. Oh sure we get into squabbles, but that's just a normal part of life. We deal with it, and move on. The most important thing is for everyone who posts here to have fun and enjoy it!!!
  18. LMAO!!! They better be really GOOD genitals!!!! I wonder how LL approached developing this. Did they sit around a say: "Hey, this is a turnon, do you want to try it"? Do they have a dedicated "sex" team?
  19. LL acknowledging sexual activity by creating something "A" rated doesn't mean it will suddenly be allowed everywhere. The area would still have to have an "A" rating. People will still have to choose if they want to go there.
  20. I don't usually disagree with you, but in this case I have to. I created this thread to have a bit of everything SL related, Istelathis is showing pics of SL, and discussing them. It's in the spirit of what I created this thread for.
  21. I agree with you. I don't "own" this thread though, I created it. But It IS meant to be open ended. I created this because the vanity threads are limited to pics only of our AVs. I wanted something where we could post pics of ANYTHING, even nose hairs.. I think it's great that a bit of everything comes up here!!! I see absolutely nothing wrong with posting pics of PBR experiments, and discussing them. I support Isthlathis' posts. I love seeing them!!! Also, since not everyone looks at every thread, this is a good starting point for some tech discussions. If it gets TOO heavy, then we go to threads on that, or create some. This thread really IS exactly what I intended it to be for everyone.
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