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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. LOL, I'm not missing out, but I STILL don't know what the post was that started this. it seems to have been removed. I don't see any reactions to any post in his profile from Cinny or Rowan.
  2. Does anyone know what this AR mess was all about? Cinny can't remember. It obviously couldn't have been all that serious if she's forgotten. I'm just curious now.
  3. I was shocked for a second when you told me. Then I started to laugh!!! The thought of YOU harassing anyone is so ridiculous that it goes off the scale of ridiculousness!!! Katherine is one of the sweetest people on the forums. Rowan may argue her point fervently, but she does NOT harass!!! This is pure trolling.
  4. When I started this thread, I DID say we could takes pics of anything in SL, so I just did!!! It's not as exciting as a rock or our noses though. Let's not even START with the excitement nose hairs could provoke!!!
  5. Let me clarify a bit further on this one. I suspect he was a stalker alt.
  6. This wasn't the doorsetp. It was in the middle of my living room!!! He stood there for a good solid minute without saying a word. Just stood there. He didn't type anything until after I had ejected him, and I asked who he was. He simply said his name, and said he came to greet me. That gave me the creeps. I would react the same way if I were in my male AV, and an unknown woman just happened to pop in.
  7. Sandor and Celia? Of course we are each other's alts!!!
  8. Because Celia's penthouse is a private space. By invitation only. Same as Cat and Sandor's bedroom. I do NOT like strangers suddenly showing up next to me when I am working on outfits or inventory. Celia was NOT amused.
  9. I had someone unknown TP in while I was working on inventory. They didn't stay long...I really DO get bitchy when someone does that!!!! Especially when i know it was NO accident!!!
  10. My BFF was so great yesterday!! She was helping me with my shopping addiction. It WAS becoming a problem. She sent me some links to her favorite stores!!! Now I won't have to go through withdrawal!!! Well, Celia won't LOL.
  11. My settings save just fine. If I change it to a saved setting, it goes back to what was saved.
  12. I'm running a Ryzen 9 7950X3D with a 3070, and I keep having graphics settings changed too. Shadows stay on, but the quality slider goes down one notch. It's random though. I can login ten times with no change and on the 11th, it's bumped down slightly (not specifically 10 and 11). Everything runs fine with everything maxed out, so it makes no sense to me. Usually at around 60fps.
  13. You seriously should have left it. I would have if I made a mistype like that!!!
  14. LOL, I think you mean beard, but it was more fun spelled that way, since your caption showed up in my notification before your pic!!! I was curious what the pic would be!!!
  15. Does it have a chat window like FS? Where friends are listed, and show who's online?
  16. Thanks!!! I'll let her know. I wish she would just login to the forums, and at least read what people are saying. I end up being the middleman, and I don't even have a MAC!!! I sent her a link to this thread.
  17. I just got an offline IM from Caitlin. She installed the new FS PBR viewer, and after 22 minutes, things still hadn't fully loaded. She was an orange cloud for 18 minutes.
  18. Oh shut up Nal, You're making me laugh too!!! Having a "Cinnyproof" keyboard, DOES come in handy LOL!!!
  19. I am definitely NO fan of Elon. I consider his Mars One project to be one of the vilest things a person could ever conceive. He HAS developed the Starlink system, and Space X though. I am stuck having to use Starlink, as I have no other option (unless i want to switch back to DSL). Sometimes good can come out of evil. He can't survive financially without support though. So it's up to US to force his hand toward the positive!!! WE show HIM what WE want!!! He will have no choice but to follow. And Twitter? I was on it for less than a week...A few years ago...No thanks.
  20. LOL, Most people who say they are leaving tend to come back!!!
  21. MMMmmmm...new jewelry IS always SO nice (except when having to take inventory pics, so Celia's inventory is nicely organized with folder previews).
  22. Bad Scylla...Bad!!! It took me 5 minutes in RL to stop laughing!!!
  23. No. it's how her SL looks with you there with her!!! that's a better scenario!!!
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