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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. This actually reminds me of Cinny,. Great pic!!!
  2. I really don't know anything about this. if my friend would think it's fun, then I will. It really IS just for a laugh.
  3. And now THIS popped up: https://gyazo.com/3d41fbb0b9c9e00cc6f0a6df1bc2140f
  4. Very true. I didn't consider that end.
  5. Where did I threaten anyone? I got hurt by playing a woman and not being honest about being a man in RL.. It's advice, not a threat. i want to try voice morphing for fun with someone close, who has heard my RL voice many times.. So it's not about deception on my end.
  6. Don't go down that road. It's YOU who will end up hurt by doing that.
  7. OK, this IS really weird. it took me to a totally different page than yesterday: https://gyazo.com/73fc6c567290697b469143920251b2dd
  8. LOL, I am NOT going to sound like a 9 year old girl!! I AM a member of the BDSM community. Send me the links in PM. That way no chance of breaking any rules.
  9. I will in a couple of mins. I REALLY should have gotten a USB headset!!!
  10. I really don't have much to lose with my Celia account. But identity theft DOES worry me, and what someone could DO with that account that's illegal.
  11. Why does it ask us for our account names and passwords though?
  12. I wanted to preview voice morphing for fun. The page Firestorm sends me to asks for my account name and password. Is that some sort of Phishing attempt, or is it legit? And does it actually work?
  13. LOL, It really couldn't have been all THAT serious if it was sudden. I must have spent two RL months planning my wedding with Caitlin. I made sure to create and send out invitations well ahead of time!!!
  14. There is literally NOTHING we can do about about the changes. Our PC's don't run DOS anymore either (I kind of miss DOS. We had to actually think to use it). I DO agree with you though. Not everyone can afford a hardware upgrade. I would hate to lose the people close to me because they couldn't run a viewer. And sorry, but don't use age as an excuse. I'm not exactly 30 anymore either. You are young enough to BE in SL to post this. So put the effort in to get things working. I have. So can you!!!
  15. I think the best approach is to avoid BD altogether. But of course i don't have the wisdom to do that....So thanks!!!
  16. And you better be good to her for it!!!!
  17. Everyone who I've asked says there IS a way to backup settings in BD. The only issue is, no one knows how!!! So, i personally think there really ISN'T a way. That's a horrible FS bug to find. I haven't run into that on my new Tower, or my Laptop.. Celia is NOT amused when her BFF's have issues like that!!!
  18. Thanks!!! Celia wouldn't be caught dead in a dark alley or anywhere NEAR a Walmart!!! AND...It's the SECOND time now she lost ALL the customizations she made to the BD UI!!! Hours of customizations gone in the bat of an eyelash!!! BD just suddenly reverted back to baseline. Celia is NOT amused!!!
  19. I PM'd scylla about Black Dragon, and got a bit Bitchy about a couple of things about it. SOOOO...I just HAD to use it to take this pic!!!
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