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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Doesn't this sound like (cough) our RL society?
  2. I don't know any woman , or man for that matter, who would like to be slapped on the ass the way you describe (unless it's in RP). And this clearly was NOT about RP!!! Good move on your part for blocking him.
  3. Playing around with one of my female AV's.
  4. Thanks!!! I didn't do the decorating though. I just picked the building. And @Josephine Carissawas the one who suggested it.
  5. My original concept was an "Art Deco 1940's Film Noir" type of place. Cinny was going with that concept when she was decorating.This is as close as we could come. There doesn't seem to much for that on MP. I could create it myself, but I would probably die of old age before it was finished!!!
  6. A secret glimpse into Nation Blab HQ. It's far from finished though. @Cinnamon Mistwooddoes the interior decorating. She's way better at that than I am.
  7. They better be running!!! We have all the arms and dynamite we need. Plus, Cinny's stilettos are deadly weapons all by themselves!!!
  8. This IS in the actual National Blab HQ. Yes, there IS one. @Cinnamon Mistwoodhas done a fantastic job decorating it!!! And arming it!!!
  9. So...is this some nefarious plot? Another tabloid to compete with the National Blab? We ARE ready!!!!
  10. I went to see Christina's dance studio earlier today. She was teaching me how to use it. It's interesting. The sound comes from our browsers, and not SL itself. She changed outfits when we started dancing.
  11. Spending some time with Cat this morning.
  12. I never used the word "Babe". I didn't have to. This pic is from the original batch I made a while ago. It's not a new one.
  13. I use a paid subscription site. Photoshop can't do it.
  14. Here's a really old one of Caitlin. I just ran across it by accident. I wouldn't be able to remember what the original was that I used. It's the same as the one I posted previously. I made the ones of Caitlin and @Cinnamon Mistwoodat the same time.
  15. I better make sure my Mama Allpa is using the pill when I'm in a female AV around this thing!!!
  16. A confused Cat: "Why did she want to put that on you?"
  17. Try the Firestorm PBR Beta, if your computer can support it. You have to join the preview group to get the link. We aren't allowed to share it. They still haven't solved the alpha issue with MACs as far as I know, so you would have to turn off shadows if you are on one.
  18. How small are you thinking with the texture? I can see a material working well with the band , and possibly the diamond itself.
  19. OK, thinking for a second about the ring, and the diamond. Why would a ring need to load more than one texture for all of it (diamond included)? I would simply bake a single texture tile for the whole ring, like I did with this tube, and apply that to the ring. It needs proper UV mapping first of course.. Same thing as the templates provided for our bodies. The only thing is, WE are the ones who have to model the ring in this scenario. ;
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