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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Major peeve: LM's don't have an image feature like Folders do now!!! Even more serious peeve: Folder images haven't been around very long!!! Triple peeve: Not every creator has included a texture (oops, I'm one of them)!!!
  2. The pic on the wall is the actual version that went up. I am SO gorgeous!!! Adore me!!!
  3. Do I look like the kind of girl that uses a hole in the floor? Hmmmpphh...I am disgusted... That's for MEN...My BFF's and I ONLY use the finest lavatory facilities!!!
  4. I know Caitlin hasn't experienced anything like this on her Mac. She's running the last official release of FS. I convinced her a while ago to try the PBR beta, but all her textures turned alpha blend. I didn't know at the time to tell her to turn shadows off. She said it took her a week even after switching back to have things render right. I have no idea why. She HAS experienced many strange SL issues. One time all her LEL head customizations were suddenly gone. And what fixed it was detaching her INM, and getting a fresh copy. That makes no sense to me at all. another time she was suddenly wearing a "Real Restraints"collar that was in her inventory. I was the owner, but I didn't add any restrictions before she logged off. Another time she couldn't accept TP's because a setting was suddenly changed in FS (I have since told her to backup her settings) . These are just three of many she's run into. I was onced tempted to buy a MAC. Now I'm happy i didn't.
  5. I heard in the Firestorm PBR Preview Group there's that there isn't as much effort put into coding for MACs, because the userbase is much smaller. I hope it's not given up on. Caitlin's on a MAC, and I doubt she will go out and buy a PC just for SL. I wish she were on a PC. It makes it hard for me to help her with computer issues outside of FS, since I'm on a Windows PC.
  6. LOL, you know exactly what's there!!! Our Alts picked it together!!! We have to compare our bathroom furniture, and work with whichever looks better. Other than the Penthouse, we still have the National Blab buildings to finish, and the hairdresser shop, so you have tons of empty rooms!!!
  7. Mmmmmmm....Shoes and Clothes!!! @Cinnamon Mistwoodset this closet up while I was at RL work today. It's just perfect!!! Thanks Cinny!!!
  8. You are very welcome!!! You said you liked the 1940's style, so I gave it a sepia tone to give it a retro feel!!!
  9. "I am so vain and conceited, I need mirrors EVERYWHERE!!!" LOL, @Cinnamon Mistwoodand I are having so much fun creating this character with one of my old unused alts!!! She actually has her own Penthouse apartment now. She's a mix of Patsy Stone and Zsa Zsa Gabor.
  10. I disagree that a private sex club would be in violation of the spirit of the ratings system. M is meant to be a "go between" G and A. as far as I can see. Either way, I don't want to go to a forum get together for anything sexual. I don't think anyone does. The cabaret thing is cute though, and some jazz would make it more fun!!! Whether it's G M or A I will bring my camera!!! And what, it COULD always be a CFNM event!!! /me runs for cover before Scylla beats him with her purse...
  11. Please...the horror...the pain...I'll do anything...just PLEASE get rid of these horrific poseballs!!! Did I say i dislike them? if i didn't, I AM now!!! I tremendously dislike poseballs!!!
  12. Orgies ARE permitted in M regions as long as people outside the parcel cannot see in I.E behind closed doors, and not publicly advertised as such. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Adult_Content_FAQ#:~:text=Adult activities cannot be advertised,the parcel has hidden avatars. Either way, I know I wouldn't have dressed any differently yesterday even if it were in an "A" region, and I'm sure Caitlin wouldn't have either. I'm %200 sure Cinny wouldn't show up half naked. But maybe some people would.
  13. It's a get together. What difference would it make if it were in an "M" region? It's a forum get together, not an orgy. My two cents worth anyways.
  14. That's why i come to you to have my hair done!! You also got me the swimsuit, and I look "ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS" in it!!! I AM just like "Patsy Stone" you know...I should have had some "Stolly" in my hand!!!
  15. Thanks for inviting me!!! It was fun!!! I got to meet some people from here that I hadn't met before. I just wish I would have kept tabs on who is who, so I could list their names. I could only remember the people's names that I talked to (that I don't know inworld), and I didn't think it would be fair to post their names, and leave other people's names out. People's forum profile pics don't always match their inworld look. I DO wish I could have gotten a pic of everyone though.
  16. @Cinnamon Mistwoodand I having some fun with our alts after @Scylla Rhiadra's exhibition. i DID have to look up the word "cavil"!!!
  17. Here's the pic of Love. I think he looks great!!! I don't know who the other person is. I know i took a pic of you. i took pics of my friends first.
  18. Faece me!!! Yes I DID. I had so many pics to go through i missed him and you. I have to find them again!!!
  19. And one last one. Just because I couldn't fit them in the pervious posts doesn't mean they are any less important. They are in random order past Cinny's pic. I had to put @Scylla Rhiadra's pic first, because she was the one putting on the exhibition. Sorry Scyll, Cat and Cinny DO come first...
  20. I went to scylla's exhibit today. I got stuck with a random collar issue at first, and I had to relog a few times to fix it.
  21. It's an expression. there is nothing anyone can do until LL fixes it. That was my point.
  22. What you did inworld has nothing to do with what's happened. LL has to fix that. Playing around inworld can't affect your RL browser and ability to login to MP. So seriously, relax, and wait until LL fixes it.
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