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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. Remember to forget the space in Sextoy lol!!!
  2. Then call me Sextoy lol!!! That was my original name. An old Master thought I should change it to Pearl Sextoy. I have no contact with him anymore. I kept both because I like Pearl!!! I was his slave's pet for a bit for training, and she has nothing to do with him anymore. She's one of my best friends now!!! I'm just as insane as you are lmao!!!
  3. I tend to have the suspicion though that they wouldn't remove my community. A lot to lose that way. Maybe just "pretend" to if necessary.
  4. is it fair to keep posting new pics??? I don't want to be known as being TOO narcissistic lol!!
  5. I have this kind of spam from an old Mistress who I am still good friends with. I don't actually get any $L, so neither one of understands. She definitely has no intention of. being abusive.
  6. Please...Call me Pearl...Or Sextoy...I have this feeling you and I will get along lol!!!
  7. I do believe us to be tribal in RL, and that can transcend race, sexual orientation, or religious belief. It can be as simple as those of us who simply like each other for no explainable reason. Or just the same taste in music. Then we are both judged by others outside of our tribe, and judge as well. I have, or had friends in many different communities. I even have a gf in RL who is quite puritanical, but we agree to disagree!!! But now I'm off topic lol!!!
  8. It's here in the forums that everyone sees me as Bagnu. Inworld everyone call me Pearl, or ST !!! Oddly enough, if I manage my $L in marketplace., it says "welcome Pearl Sextoy". I like Pearl Enchantment, but it's true, I don't find it really distinct or memorable. Maybe I'll wait for my 500 posts and put Pearl Sextoy under my Forum name lol!!!
  9. LOL, I'm still vacillating though. $50 US can buy a lot of clothes and toys in SL.!!! Also a bit worried about the new acquisition!!!
  10. So sorry, I found the instruction page. I knew nothing about the process before!!! All I knew was that it was now possible.
  11. Jumpman said they got rid of last names. Are they still available through paid???
  12. I've already earned it!!! How do you think I got the money to pay for a name change lol??? I removed my credit card, so I have to earn my $L inworld!!! Covid made me have to be a bit more frugal in RL!!!! I feel bad for RL Escorts now. Their business is basically dead from what I have heard.
  13. Before I do anything I'll make an alt. It'll let me see what choices are available.
  14. I guess I'm going to have cash in some if my lindens lol!! And lmao, my gains aren't ill gotten...I'm an honest sex worker!!!
  15. I am definitely glamour!!! High class expensive.
  16. I really like Pearl Enchantment. I wouldn't change my inworld name though, because I'm an Escort, and I DO enjoy being a Sextoy!!! I agree that LL likely wouldn't accept that last name. SO, It will have to be Pearl or Pearl Enchantment, unless someone can think of something better!!!
  17. Did anyone else notice how much Chic's pic looks like the Gabor sisters??? It would be hard to achieve that look as well as she got it by accident!!!
  18. It's frustrating though. I can make some very realistic pics with other programs, but not here. I will definitely watch that. Thank you!!!
  19. Forgot to set my notify lol!!!
  20. I have been vacillating over changing my name. I don't like it that it shows up as Bagnu here in the forums. It's a random thing I picked, and never realized that it would be used for anything other than a login. I'm Pearl Sextoy. I keep asking myself if the cost of the name change is worth it. I have the $ to do it. Opinions anyone???
  21. Somehow I must be missing something. No matter what I try I can't get my shots to look as real as with a dedicated 3D modelling program, as some have. Better, yes though, so thank you everyone!!!
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