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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. Tari, i was just asking a question. You defined my point more clearly. Thank you!!! used the wrong wording.
  2. I meant narcissism in the sense of enjoying our own beauty. Nothing beyond that.
  3. Bagnu


    I will definitely check them out!!! Thank you!!!
  4. What are your interests??? Maybe i can help. Or we could all help.
  5. I find some of the things that are negative in RL, are very positive in SL. And actually help us in RL. Narcissism for example. Here it helps us to improve our RL aesthetic skills. Being promiscuous and kinky here helps us understand out RL sexuality better. In RL it can be very dangerous. The list can go on. Please everyone add more!!!
  6. I really have no problems with Elitism, as long as everyone can become a part of the Elite if they work hard enough. And never look down on anyone, and remember where they started from!!!
  7. Really, you have to go to places where others have similar interests. You can make friends there, and you could be yourself. You can't make friends with people who have different interests than you. Think of what you would enjoy doing, and take it from there.
  8. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!!!
  9. We can all be busy for sure, but my IM's never feel disconnected, and we are honest with each other if we can't chat or meet up. The only times I'm truly busy is when I'm working on my appearance, or something related to it, or when I'm with a client. Other times, I try and get my friends to meet each other, and that usually does happen. When I'm working on my appearance, I usually invite the friend who IM's me for their opinion.
  10. I really was just kidding lol!!! I may be a total narcissist, but I'm not selfish!!!
  11. Lmao, this thread was supposed to be all about ME!!! I Do like the freckles too, and that was part of the inspiration for my skin.
  12. I'm slowly immersing myself in photography here. It will take me a long time before I'm truly proficient at it though. I have RL photog experience, but it's very different in SL. I personally love fashion shots as an expression of what the image is trying to portray,...because I love fashion...and photography!!! It doesn't matter to me whether it's to sell clothes or not.
  13. Bagnu


    I'm trying to get a more detailed look, and I've spent many hours on MP for things. I've been experimenting with a different head (LeLutka Erin) and skins, and I'm attaching my results so far. Still demo skin though. Could anyone help me find better hair that is similar to my pic???
  14. LOL, I took it just for fun!!! It was accurate for me though. I guess because I'm so forward that it really couldn't be wrong!!!
  15. You already made one friend, and you are making more by being here!!!
  16. This time I'm posting and testing a new look. It's far from perfect, and I know my body and head skins don't match I'm curious what everyone thinks so far. It's still a demo skin. Opinions???
  17. Try thinking about what you were doing in SL, and how it could continue when you start drifting to sleep. Just nothing erotic, because that will bring you back to RL!!!
  18. That's the way our minds work. I can't force it either.
  19. IM's are important for sure, and that shows real friendship, But, not hanging out with a friend could mean you eventually lose them. Like RL when someone moves away, and there's only the phone. I feel friends need to share experiences together, otherwise we could end up with nothing in common anymore.
  20. That's exactly it!!! Go places you like, and join in on the conversation if it appeals to you. Friendship happens naturally, just like RL!!!
  21. Really, I would be getting this purely for myself. And I will if I get the session skin!!! P.S.: great blog!!!
  22. I really like the Session skin on my head, so I'm likely going to buy it, and the body skin to match. Unless someone can suggest a slightly courser one. I love texture!!!
  23. I agree my eyes have too much reflection. I didn't have much time to experiment, because I spent a lot of time searching MP. I still have lots of tweaking to do.I'm curios if everyone thinks that it would it would be a good look for me to transition into.
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