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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. It was simply something random that I saw. It was never meant to be my name. I don't think of it as a name. I was born in Canada actually.
  2. I never knew that our login name would be used as anything more than just for a login!!! I had a couple of different display names for a very short while, and then I was just "Sextoy". Simply because I found it very kinky to introduce myself by saying: "Hi!!! I'm Sextoy!!!". Then I got involved with a Master, and he thought I should have two names. He called me Pearl, because he thought I was just beginning to come out of my shell. He "suggested" that I keep Sextoy as a last name to express what I am. I kept it because I liked it, and I've never met anyone called that in RL or SL. It's an interesting juxtaposition that pearls are associated with innocence and modesty. I wasn't "working" back in those early days though.
  3. OMG that made me laugh!!! Talitha is so much sexier though!!!
  4. It's a beach I saw online, and forgot where I got it from. I hate it actually. I'm Pearl!!! I wanted to change my name, but Pearl was already taken and the last names that were offered were too much of a change.
  5. I;m happy with my Lelutka, but would till like to try Genus sometime. It would have to a be a test alt for me though. I'm not taking risks with my head!!!
  6. I didn't understand how serious it could be here in SL. I knew the answer in RL though. I know the answer now.
  7. And yes, it would be an awful and unethical thing to do!!!. I wouldn't like it if someone did it to me, so I won't do it to anyone else!!! I simply will never be involved in a any sort of blackmail!!! That isn't RP!!! Just like creating jealousy isn't!!!
  8. Lol, That would would get me nowhere very quickly!!! Who would ever want me then??? Word does spread!!!
  9. I messed up really badly on that one. Not something I will ever do again. Ever.
  10. I fully bow my head on the absolute dissapointment I feel in myself for ever having started that thread.I fully apologize to everyone.
  11. I simply didn't know that the forums were different in that way from inworld. I've learned that now. It's not the negative comments which helped me understand, but the positive ones. Scylla especially for pointing things out to me. I can't say I won't start controversial threads by accident, but I will do less RP and be myself.
  12. I'm confused. I know I sent you one message here in the forums. I don't remember ever having sent you an IM inworld. If you can find it please send it to me so I can confirm if it was me or not. I won't lie. I'm worried a bit about some sort of hack.
  13. The one thing in SL I have never experienced in SL is being sexual with a close friend. I've wondered what that would would feel like. Now I have gone adult, but no choice. I would start a thread on that but I would just end up getting attacked again.
  14. I'm not denying I was clueless at all. I still don't fully understand.
  15. Again I've learned more. It's interesting though how when I chat with you I'm myself. We are our deepest fantasies in SL. So it's even more real than RL in some ways.
  16. But yet we still can't separate our inworld identities from the forums..
  17. Inworld is different because there is always a degree of RP involved. Here there isn't. And that's what's taken me a bit of time to understand.
  18. I'm not disagreeing. I will not simply bow though. And this is the kind of reply that helps me understand what the forums are about. Thank you.
  19. I'm not automatically accepting and OK with things. I need reasons.
  20. I'm still learning. And that has actually been what I've been trying to do.
  21. I don't think I'll ever be a good fit exactly though. I don't wan't to offend people in either case.
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