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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. Thanks Bree!!! I definitely want to say away from PG!!! I do prefer A though.
  2. Got some Demos!!!
  3. I forgot to set notify me of replies lol!!!
  4. Thanks!!! I would have to figure out security settings. I guess leaving it closed most of the time.
  5. I rented a nice skybox, and I had issues with it, so the owner returned my $L. I need to get a decent one to take my clients to. I'm an Escort, so I don't earn enormous amounts, and have to split the income between maintaining myself and a rental. It has to be in an "A" region obviously. Preferably properly furnished. Any suggestions anyone???
  6. Cassie's looks very photorealistic, and this is what I'm trying to achieve. Now you guys gave me a starting point. Thanks!!!
  7. I also couldn't login. That was scary, because it made me worry about my account being hacked. Seems OK now though!!!
  8. My biggest question is how everyone controls the background lighting, and achieves such realistic textures. I have Maitreya with the Bento Rebel head, and it looks OK, but I want better. And maybe I need a new skin. I attached a quick shot that use for my outfit folder so everyone has an idea.
  9. It would be impossible for my clients dictate all of my looks. They like different things, and they fall into groups of what they like to see me in. That would be very poor marketing on my part to stay totally with one outfit look. I maintain my basic appearance, because i want to be recognized quickly and consistently. Of course when I'm paid, I'll look like anything they want, but I've never been asked to change (other than getting naked). I'm a fashionista, so I like to show off my outfits, and I've been randomly paid by guys just for asking their opinions on my different clothes with no sex involved. I never ask for money for a fashion show, because they're helping me. No one would get very far with telling me to permanently stay with a look. They would be immediately blocked!!!
  10. I totally understand this. I have a Demoness appearance that I only have 1 outfit for. I won't change it because I wan't it to be consistent. A very good furry friend always wears the same thing, and I suspect it's for the same reason. I'll ask her when I'm inworld later on today, but still, that would only be one person's opinion. I DO change outfits a lot, but that's because I have to appeal to all kinds of tastes. I won't change my face or body though. Any hairstyle also has to work within the limits of my long blonds hair. My point is that we all seem to choose a particular "look," and work within that, whether human or not. Alts are a way around that for some. As for prudishness, it makes me sick to my stomach!!!
  11. Please everyone, don't dislike us because we are human. We all need to judge of course, but we should judge a person by their personalities. I came to SL roughly four months ago, and had no idea that prejudices exist on both sides. I'm actually shocked!!! I've experienced a bit of that because I'm an Escort, but that's my fantasy. Aren't we all here to be what we won't or can't be in RL???
  12. Sorry!!! You are totally correct on that!!! I guess I'was too eager to help.
  13. Thanks so much!!!
  14. Thanks!!! I haven't tried a BOM garter belt yet. I have Maitreya. Any suggestions??? Obviously PM or IM me so we don't violate the TOS.
  15. Honestly, your best bet is to put it out free at first as a promotion. You have some very serious competition. Once we have an established wardrobe, we won't switch, because it's time consuming, and a learning curve. I think with some addons yours could become popular.
  16. Thanks to all of those who provide free clothes. When I first came on, I got cheated with empty boxes, and couldn't afford to put any more RL $ into SL. Free clothes got me going as a sub first, and had more clothes paid for. Now I Escort, and can afford to get high quality clothes. Free or low price doesn't always mean bad quality. What it does do, is get the SL economy working!!!
  17. When i first came on SL, I bought a pair of gold peeptoe pumps.They were for slink feet. Since I've gotten Maitreya, I prefer to stay with the standard. Those shoes looked "gold", but I've bought more shoes since, with colour huds, but yellow doesn't do it. Anyone know of anywhere to get a simple pair of gold peeptoes on MP??? PM me, or IM me inworld so we don't violate the TOS!!!
  18. I wear mesh, but I can certainly see the advantages of an applier.Especially for a garter belt, as there would be no pokethrough with a skirt or dress. Mesh does limit our outfits that way.
  19. This could be the reason I don't become involved in any relationship in SL other than friendships. The exception, of course, is sex. Escorts don't get involved with their clients. That would be unprofessional.
  20. I always ask about random friend requests, and those kind of sex requests usually turn out badly. They are mostly idiots, and want it for free lol!!!
  21. I haven't had issues, but then again my Demonic form is ultra sexy, and I've had clients want that!!! The realistic feathered wings, horns, and glowing eyes make it clear that part of me isn't human though lol!!! I came into SL with no preconceived notions or prejudices, and I don't chat about booze or drugs, and my friends don't either (I have 177). We don't chat about sex (clients excepted). We discuss Escorting in IM, but only to help each other, not for fun. As far as I'm concerned we're in SL to have fun, and whatever form anyone takes is fine with me!!!
  22. I couldn't agree more, and know that from personal experience.The multiple languages have to learned from birth though for that to be fully true. Being in Canada, I was taught French as a third, and our final year of highschool french was novel study, and we had to write the exam fully in french. It never influenced my way of thinking, but of course environmental (i.e cultural) exposure is also a factor.
  23. I have a demonic AV, but only use it appropriate places. I don't understand why people here aren't into the fantasy AV's though. One of my best friends in SL is a fox!/human mix!! I am relatively new in SL,, so if you or anyone else has some insight, please let me know!!!
  24. I see both Drakonadrgora and Lindal's points. I hated school. but did very well. I did and do love learning though. I didn't like the dogma and regimentation. Introductory courses are necessary to give students an idea if they like and are good at a subject or not. And for them to see if they might want to pursue something as a career. I think the argument is about practical vs theoretical teaching and knowledge. I DO think though that not enough practical was and likely is, being taught!!! For me, both are important, but not everyone is the same. We all have to follow what and who we are. We are all limited by our genetics and our environments. I'm fortunate enough to have two first languages, and language influences our way of thinking. I read a bit on this a few years ago. An Italian/English speaking woman was at a therapist who could also speak both. They spoke English for their sessions, but he suggested they switch to Italian. She replied: "But I can't be depressed in Italian!" I totally understand that!!!
  25. I agree. We just had to play the game. My teachers knew full well though that I wasn't willing to accept dogma. I'm surprised i wasn't expelled!!! Maybe because my marks were so high.
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