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Everything posted by Gatogateau

  1. hmmmm. I may just have to take that personally considering the number of posts I have in this thread...
  2. I'm really peeved about not getting even more memos. Venting here won't change things? * Next you're going to be telling me that life isn't fair! *Actually venting here has changed a few things. One was the creating of a new thread for raw screenshots. Born right here after we were griping.
  3. Uh, what? Your name? Where? WTF are you on about? ETA: Oh ffs. I see it now. Your badge member status is set to Ms Information. I had no idea, why would I? Have I had ongoing issues with you? (No.) Do I memorize everyone's CHANGING status info? (Hell no.) Plus, my post said MIS not MS. So, not you. Good grief. ETA: I changed the original to Miss, to further differentiate. This is a phrase I've been using for a while, along with Knight Errant. It's also a really common play on words. Sorry you took it as a slam at you.
  4. Teh grammars don't quite work out on that, "That I am really nice butt..." But I'm guessing you meant that as "That I have a really nice butt..." so /me purrs, walks up on my toes, leans into your lower leg, rubs (lower leg, lower)... Thank You! It's adorable, of course.
  5. I posted this in the RAWr thread, but in case anyone was wondering, here are the freebies from Petite Morte we've spoken about here. (Free group gift, available to non-group members.)
  6. Human peeve: Being told that I'm really nice but... (how come there's always a "but"????) (mew) I sometimes tend to get a little bit wound up. NO WAY! THAT IS TOTALLY UNTRUE! WHEN HAVE I EVER GOTTEN WOUND UP IN SL OR ITS FORUM! LIES! LIES! DAMNED LIES! :::me starts purring:::
  7. ♥ You do know that I know what bollocks means, right? So much BBC and Channel 4 and PBS, so little time. Kitties are little trolls sometimes.♥ (That statement is gonna come back and bite me in a screenshot sometime. Oh well, eff em if they can't take a joke, eh?)
  8. Yup. I had to drop a SL (more than a) friend because of just incredible 4chan type rants he believed. sigh It was hard. But I just... couldn't. Up until you said "she" I thought I knew who it was from the old forum (not that it matters). 2016 ushered in a new wave of unbelievable rifts in our worlds, 2020 is like a tsunami of it.
  9. So if Cheeto is anti-antifa, does that make him pro-fa? The answer is yes, of course... taking pages out of playbooks from the likes of Hungary’s Orban to India’s Modi to Brazil’s Bolsonaro and Turkish President Erdogan, in moves like shooting rubber bullets, using flash-bang and chemical irritants against an "inconveniently" placed group of a peaceful protest in order to make a photo op of him awkwardly holding "a" (not his) Bible. And thank all the gods for the Bishop who publicly tore him a new one, several times, for doing that in association with one of her churchs.
  10. In case anyone wants more info, this looked like a good start: https://www.purewow.com/books/books-about-white-privilege
  11. While waiting for a region restart, I put the free tapestry up on my houseboat along with the free crop tee. Moira let us know on another thread that Petite Morte has these as free group gifts at the store BUT you don't need to be a group member to get these.
  12. So you are kept awake at night by day dreaming about testicles? Interesting...
  13. @Sukubia Scarmon god, that sounds hard. I don't know where you are, but when I had to go to the hospital recently, I was impressed with how they were handling the covid thing. It truly made me feel safer than I had been freaking out about before I went. I hope they take good care of you and you get what you need done. Past bad luck doesn't predict future events, and I know that's hard to remember, but it is true. I understand (as much as I can) your fear and worry, because it is understandable. But fear isn't truth, ya know?
  14. /me kinda guffawed in RL because I missed that one, about the Queen BullyBee. :::eye roll::: I kinda thought I was the oppressed there for a while in this thread, so that must have been confusing for the K.E. So many choices. No need to apologize, but thanks for teh "good kitty." Kinda makes me sorry I scratched up the hem of your drapes. I know, you can't leave me anywhere, and lookit the mess I've made (in the thread). But seriously, I've been thinking about and worrying about you and your city. I mean, sure, I'm concerned for the country and the various cities, but I know you. I also know your city, and have been there many times. We had things, on a much smaller scale, years ago in Cincinnati, and it was scary for everyone. Not the protests (which we had too) but the looming threat of more violence. So I'm holding you close in my thoughts.
  15. Human peeve: How come I never get the memos? Like, a few weeks ago I didn't know when engaging a Knight Errant, that that was her MO. Could have saved all of us a lot of eye rolling and typing had I known DO NOT GO THERE. Miss Information I learned about several months ago, but again, AFTER the fact. So tonight, toward the end of the "hot" topic (end so far tonight that is) I read "You know,. I've seen your drama-stirring many times over the years, am not interested in seeing it again now..." and it is all like Oh FFS. I have to reinvent the wheel each time??? It can't just be "pssst. nudge. wink wink"? I need a good skritching.
  16. Your point? But just lookit that face!!!! Honestly, Orwar, I don't know where to begin listing your fallacies in this completely off the wall rant of yours. Cats are adorable. That's just a fact. Anthropomorphic cats, are even more adorable. More fact. You are entitled to your own opinion but you can't have your own facts, and the facts are clearly on my side. Plus, ask Scylla. She knows. I give good toe kisses. *Some* people have discerning taste. (And don't make that into a joke about how cats taste! That would just be gouche.) :::turns around three times for no good reason:::
  17. It's not just the quotes. I don't know about any of you but this software really blows. I'll refresh a page or move to the next page and BAM! there are all the people I've blocked and their posts right there! It is next to impossible not to read something, and from that crew it is nearly always eye-rolling fodder at the very least. I've read the threads/comments where people have discussed the whys and wherefores of how making a forum 100% blocked is difficult if not impossible, but for crying out loud, at least it should block the actual posts 100% of the time, not 60%!
  18. I don't need your advice, tyvm. Also, "this" is not back on topic. Have you not read the OP either? The OP is about whether you are showing support for BLM in SL.
  19. I honestly do not know how this was a drastic ending of the convo with Han. But I will not press it further. And there are IMs.
  20. And you continue to be wrong. But thanks for all the cut and paste. The PC groupthink had zero to do with what you are accusing me of. It had to do with people in this thread allowing only one, narrow, Liberal White Guilt PC way of talking about something in a liberal context. I have explained this umpteen times before and since. And as far as bullying, *I* was feeling bullied and attacked because people were purposefully taking things out of the context I was trying very hard to make. Again, I refer to the post in which I discussed the noisy channel model of communication. THAT bullying (of me) is what I was referring to as PC groupthink, NOT that people are upset about the atrocities going on. I think you have to be really trying to get offended to still see it the way you are presenting it. The people who were peeved at me (people I like and who generally agree with me most of the time and were so not happy with me in this thread) were upset that DESPITE what else I was saying that I was using the trigger words of all lives matter, albeit supposedly making it clear that I was NOT using them in the ALM, racist, subversive manner. I understand (and again, have stated umpteen times) that those are trigger words. I have also stated (umpteen times) that I made an error in judgement in that first post about what Paul said regarding all lives matter. I meant what I said, and if anyone bothers to read it without trying to trigger themselves, my stance should be clear and it is nothing but supportive of bringing racism out into the light at this point in time where we have such an appalling example of it on video for the world to see. (Not to mention the videos of the protests, etc.) You didn't call me out for bullying. You told me I have nothing to say and to go eff myself. Back atcha.
  21. Did someone say something again? :::knocks on monitor Is this thing on??? Ohhhh... right. Blocked::: ETA: You know I'm kidding, right? Lately (and we are talking months) things are ify in the humor category, even among friends.
  22. @kiramanell you responded with (ETA what the stupid software messed up... you responded with a confused emoji) to my post to Han telling her to GFY. ^^^ This is why. On page 9 she told me point blank "that you have nothing to say." I have nothing to say. She's standing by that 100% She then said, in so many words to GFY. Also, standing by that 100%. All despite it being abundantly clear that she was taking my words and intent so far out of context that she could not have possibly have read what I wrote, that she stands behind it still, is more proof. So yeah... Lloyd's song is accurate and gosh, I stand behind that too. This response by Han has to be one of the nastiest I've received in the Forum for a while, and that is saying something. ETA 2: Not to mention she totally said that I was not allowing people to process the atrocitities, which was so totally out of left-field.
  23. Given that you've been told by several people in several ways that you misinterpreted and were wrong in the "why" and so your "what" was unbelievably out of line, that you stand by it 100% is rather ... telling. You blew off my question that you actually quote me for what you accused me of doing... also telling. NGL GFY, and the first part of Dennis Lloyd's video of the same title that I can't post here because it is NSFW... the lyrics nail it.
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