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Everything posted by HelenaNavy92

  1. I use Lelutka head, I have 2 - Erin and Lilly. I have the Catwa Queen head, not bad but it's just not me. I tried it, the animations were awful, why they are all turned on, it's stresfull. I really like my Lilly head, so I vote for Lelutka. Very nice and intuitive hud.
  2. This is very interesting question. When I started, it was 2008 I think, I read somewhere that there is a place called Neverland on sl and is a copy of the real ranch. And as a MJ fan, I was curious about it. But since then, I think no.
  3. I had a conversation with some guy that sent me a conversation with my then partner (one week partnership). It was so stupid, they were offending each other till this guy said something about me. I asked him why he is sending me this and he said to told my guy that he has his ip. Then my partner just disappeared. He came back after a month claiming he doesn't remember it. It was a big wow for me. I usually don't pay attention to such things, it's childish and don't know if it's something out of context. But also I don't like it that someone just sent me such crap. Anyways, one stupid conversation that ended bad for both of us.
  4. I must say that almost everyone that IM me are very polite. I have this on my e-mail, the guy was very nice.
  5. I'm using my cat's photo for my rl section. But, I work in a club and using discord and there is my rl photo as my profile pic. So the stuff knows how do I look. But I don't want to use my rl pic on my sl profile, I would show it to someone I trust.
  6. I demoed the body on my alt. It's not bad but it's not my type. I noticed that if the hands goes up, the arms are looking unnaturally. The same was with the other 2 bodies. My english is not that good so I guess I have to make a photo. But I'm glad that Ebody finally made it. It's an easy to use body, with not large numbers of complexity. My alt will be happy to have it
  7. I have Ebody classic, I remember that the hands are looking awful - big and not looking good at all. It was my first mesh body. Finding clothes for it was exhausting. I will wait until I see it gets enough support from creators. It looks nice, but.. May be I'll buy it for my alt. Thinking about buying clothes, skins and everything else - it gives me headache.
  8. I don't know why but I don't usually read profiles. Some are very boring, some are full of hate, some are just a lie. I put 2 quotes on mine just to have something there. Also the things I enjoy at the moment. I'm surprised my friends are checking regularly my profile. I tried actually to read, and after talking to some people and finding they are totally opposite of the things they wrote it's disappointing. If someone talks to me I let things happen and then if I'm interested I check out their profile.
  9. No matter how hard it is, I can't stop loving him.
  10. Are you using the Evo X version? Check out what kind of blush you use. If you use the EvoX version (it's on the hud 2 version) then the blush has to be for EvoX. If not, then you should use the classic version of the head. Check out here https://cazimisl.com/2021/03/23/evo-x-treamly-confusing/
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