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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. The feed has been wonky for years. There's a jira for it and it doesn't seem to be completely resolved. I have friends whose pictures were complete gone from their feeds and never restored. When I try to post a snapshot to the feed as recent as a week ago, sometimes it takes, sometimes it doesn't.
  2. Welcome to SL and the forums. I think you look perfectly fine. You pull off the bald look pretty well. I wish I could do that. You could add on some facial hair if you wish. Not wearing big name brands does not equal ugly. You do not need fancy brands to enjoy SL. If anybody gives you grief, you tell them to go pound sand.
  3. I think I may have that floating pose. Some dances will never go out of style regardless of technical advances. Someone gave me a 'ballet fail' which I used for Strawberry's dance challenge. It never gets old. And Frank's? Pfft, that place is for squares. 😜
  4. Absolutely. I was flipping back and forth between these guys:
  5. @Pussycat Catnap @Alyona Su I do miss them seeing them around. Wherever they are, I hope they're doing well.
  6. I've never found the perfect prepackaged AO for myself in all my rezzed days. I find that putting together your own AO is the best AO for oneself. I amassed a collection of animations from various places and choose the favorite ones to put into an empty AO, such as Zhao or NiranV Dean's, and edit the notecard. Boom, done. Works well for someone who doesn't use Firestorm.
  7. I've learned never buy no-copy stuff again after a couple poofed into thin air. The only exception I'd allow is when the price is super cheap, like under $15L. Even redelivery wouldn't help as they are shown as "Can't redeliver - No Copy"
  8. Is this a gallery somewhere inworld? I used to have a sizeable collection until my mother threw them away.
  9. True, it won't fix bugs and poor decisions but it does fix the "SL ate it from my inventory" problem.
  10. Animations; all kinds of poses, AOs, and dances, even the janky ones from Freebie Dungeon hell.
  11. They're weird. And not in an endearing kind of eccentric way.
  12. Looks to be McDonalds lawsuit temperature.
  13. Cat picked up a new karaoke machine at the FLF Birthday event.
  14. I've inadvertently introduced myself to RL people as Greg instead of my RL name. 🤦‍♂️
  15. Thanks for the reminder! I picked up a pile of books, they call Berlin Book Table, and it's awesome. $75L and 1 LI.
  16. Thank you. Greg's SL dad seldom logs inworld nowadays, so it was nice catching up with a father and son getaway.
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