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Everything posted by CaerolleClaudel

  1. I guess while his hands are busy she could just whip that thing off. Which leads to whipping a thing out lol Getting *really* OT here, I do not want to get the thread shutdown...
  2. Personally I am more straight-forward, I guess. I would just smile and go up to them (whatever gender), hug them, kiss them, smile some more, and playfully tug at their towel, while softly flirting and encouraging them to redirect from whatever they meant to do next. I mean, you can just meet them in the bedroom when they come out of the bath. We all approach things differently, though, and I can see the fun in what the rest of you are talking about!
  3. I would think iPads with the M chips should handle it fine? The current iPad Mini does not have one, though, and the next gen is at least a year away. Personally, I would guess the biggest shortfall will be LL-related.
  4. Back in the day I used Lumiya a lot. However, I was not expecting much of a visual experience, I was just using text. I hosted a couple clubs and did some other activities where I had to send out group messages, and Lumiya enabled me to do that at work during the day. I also could IM with people, and I liked that too. I am no longer in SL, but I feel any kind of mobile app at all would be of some benefit. Just IMO.
  5. Sorry, I tend to go straight to meanings and miss things a lot. I sincerely was just trying to understand, though, not challenging you!
  6. What we call 'the talking phase' lol. Sure, there are the players and the people who just want a quick sexual experience or want physical and emotionally intimacy without forming a romantic relationship (as you mentioned earlier), but those of us who *do* want a long-term deeper relationship tend to take things more slowly, at least emotionally, I feel (as you also mentioned earlier lol; mostly all I have to do in a thread in which you are participating is to like your posts, because you say everything I feel far better than I ever could). I pass through every once in a while, most just to read your posts lol. I hope that is not creepy, it is just that I always learn from your posts, and you write so well!! I am going to send you a DM with a question about Shakespeare, hope that is ok. I have just struggled for decades with how to read his work and not get immediately derailed by the implicit and explicit misogyny. This is not the place for that though, I would guess lol. I have struggled with that issue a lot lately, though, as I have started reading Shakespeare again, and seeing that you had a show in SL about Women of Shakespeare made me realize you would be a perfect person to ask!!
  7. I still don't get it unless she is naked. And most women that I know tend to put on a robe or something. Even if they were in a towel it would cover everything but their arms and legs. Which, I mean, those are nice too! Love your name btw! As in, I love the name itself, and I like that character. Since I read a certain book, I always picture it as being queer, though, lol. Then again, I do that with most things; I recently read Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, and in my head canon it ended very differently lol (really, just ended in the direction it had been going up until the very end lol). I love your posts, too, very well-thought-out and balanced, IMO. πŸ€—
  8. Sorry to still be clueless (I am a citizen of the State of Confusion since birth), but is that so the towel will fall off, or just to see all his muscles flexing without clothes in the way? No that it is any of my business ofc, but I could think of some nice role plays, and I have zero interest in how men look lol.
  9. Sorry, that went right over my head. I personally ask dudes at work to lift stuff for me because, well, they are a lot stronger (at least the ones I ask are), I do not have a problem with doing so. My bigger issue is that I often ask them to help me lift it and they muscle the whole thing themselves. I mean, I can think of some reasons but they just make no sense to me. What I really do not understand is the shower part, sorry.
  10. That whole list from the first page or two seemed pure incel to me.
  11. When I was in SL, the very first word in my profile was 'Lesbian' followed by (IIRC) 'not interesting in men,' and yet I would have men propositioning me. I would ask them if they read my profile but of course not. And of course they almost always got really angry at me, as is no one using a female avatar in SL should be allowed to refuse a man.
  12. I guess we can have unrealistic expectations too, but once again I am so glad I am a lesbian.
  13. As in another area, in this case men can certainly be replaced with a machine: https://www.amazon.com/KUHN-RIKON-Strain-Free-Gripper-Bottles/dp/B000CO256G?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  14. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Well, if that works for you, great!! I sometimes liked just using an alt and not having to make conversation or to not have to futilely wait forever for someone to ask me to dance, but in general it felt very lonely and just reinforced that I did not have a special someone to go dancing with. So, I guess I was projecting, sorry! Way OT, but I would have enjoyed partner dancing far more if SL had not been so laggy or whatever and let the two people dancing constantly get out of sync. Having spent 13 years in SL before I finally age up on it, I really doubt it though.
  15. #1 is just sad. I used to be in that situation a lot, though, as I had no one to slow dance with most of the time. In that situation though, I just used an alt.
  16. Just now discovered this thread, so love it!! Really my vibe in so many ways! Thanks for the photos! ❀️
  17. Yours is far better, but reminds me of one I did a long time ago: I called it Hell. Not as a literal place, but as my mental and emotional state. Though I guess I should not explain anything beyond the title? πŸ€”
  18. Turns out all you can see is her hair and one arm (everything of me though). Not as bad as I thought. Still wrong though.
  19. Not that I ever have tried to lay claim to being a decent human being (in fact, I always tell people I have a heart as black as tar and warn them off), but I am guilty of something like that. I cannot remember the details, perhaps it was before I gave in and spent the money to set up a mesh alt, but when I was doing SL photography I had fairly no success in finding models to pair with me on a series I was doing that required two naked people (I also could never find modeling work, either, but that is a different story I suppose). I went to an AFK site and found someone I liked, and used her to model with me. I did not show her face, but I did still use her and defs ATA. I did pay her, of course, and tipped her well, but she did not give permission. I think I did IM her, but never heard from her. However, I for sure did not use that pic for commercial purposes, and probably only 3 people ever even saw it. Morally was still wrong just the same.
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