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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. That is one of the things that does bother me a bit, tbh. And whether it will be any use against the new mutant strains.
  2. A white horse walks into a bar and the barman says, "I've got a whiskey named after you!" The horse says, "What, 'Dave'? 🐴
  3. I agree! As long as you don't eat a whole wheel of brie in one go, or that processed stuff that comes in plastic wraps, it's a lot healthier than other choices (like crisps).
  4. Nooo...I've just been going to more boring clubs lately
  5. I don't know! I've never thought about it...I was once told I sound like a monkey when I laugh 🙊 My parents made me do speech and drama classes as a child, only because when I was younger, I used to mutter (from shyness) and people couldn't hear me...but I think some of you are being hard on yourselves, there is no 'perfect' voice! I read somewhere that the most requested accents for voiceovers in Britain are from Birmingham and Glasgow...and they are very strong accents to people from outside the UK....
  6. Superpower - teleportation. So I could travel around the world for free, and despite Covid...and then if I get into trouble or bored, just go PFFFFF and be back home I might also teleport into a bank vault with a carrier bag 😈 Music - I can't imagine never hearing Felt or the Cocteau Twins ever again. So I'm going to cheat and say both, because they did record a single together, lol. They're the only two groups who have ever made me feel like I'm in a trance. TV show - Scooby Doo! Would love to hang around haunted castles with Shaggy and Scooby
  7. Thanks! Must have been cool seeing a horse trotting around the stadium The Wolfpack is a great name too! Glad I picked this team I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into though...Karly says it lasts for hours and Lindal said her favourite part is the adverts! This is the rubbish we have, lol. There's also a UK mascot called Cyril The Swan who has been arrested for fighting and bad behaviour!
  8. I found a picture of the Chiefs mascot! It looks like an SL club 10 years ago, lol ❤️
  9. How does Bob Marley like his doughnuts? Wi' jam in
  10. Oh, cool, you have a genuine reason for watching and supporting Hmm...tempted to switch teams now
  11. Your logo is much better. The Chiefs logo looks like a KFC imitator That sounds but sadly it will be gone midnight so won't be able to sleep if I eat then. I might have a Budweiser...
  12. Yes, it's a bit odd it's on Sunday, when everyone has to work the next day. When people's teams win, do they phone in ill the next morning?
  13. I have no clue what that means but I might steal it to sound like I know what I'm talking about 🤩
  14. @LittleMe Jewell I would want a space suit I'm starting to think this was a terrible idea, lol.
  15. I agree...American football does look very similar to rugby, but with crash helmets. The most nuts game I've seen is hurling, it's very popular in Ireland...literally hitting each other with sticks And they don't wear helmets either... I think its The Weeknd but I saw one site saying Daft Punk will be on? I don't know, I only had the idea to watch it earlier today, lol.
  16. Oh, is that rugby? I didn't even know it was on. I should watch that as I am half-Irish and support Ireland. But I can't even watch normal football, lol, I just zone out
  17. Please invite me to your first gig
  18. @Scylla RhiadraWhat's your band called?
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